[Days of Demise: Part 1 of 4!!]


(A scene opens with the camera on "Pete's Autorepair Shop" the camera goes into the shop and sees very expensive cars, such as Bentleys, Porsche, and Masta Red's red Lincoln Navigator. The camera goes over to a man who is bending over showing the crack of his ass right into the camera. There is some chuckling in the background but the man seems to ignore it. The camera zooms in on the man's crack and then zooms out and back in. The man stands up and turns around. He has grease, grit and oil all over his hands. He looks over and whips the oil all of his shirt. He looks over at the camera to reveal and very large gap in his mouth.)

Repairman: What's up folks? What going on with all these fancy electric devices.

Cameraman: Masta Red is suppose to be coming by to get his car, I hope that it is ready.

Repairman: It is ready. It has been ready for about 2 weeks, it didn't cause to much damage that couldn't be replaced.

Cameraman: Yeah I hope so.

Repairman: What is up with your attitude little man? (Picks up a very large wrench.) I don't take nicely to stupid, unkind people.

Cameraman: (Backing up.) Okay, keep your cool here, I was just looking out for Masta Red here. I am sorry don't hurt me please!

(The repairman puts the wrench up in the air and is about to slam it over the back of the cameraman's head as a bells is heard and Masta Red walks through the front door. Looking at the repairman rather mad.)

Masta Red Hey you told me my car would be ready in about a week and a half. It was been almost three and a half weeks what was the hold up?

Repairman: (Puts down the wrench.) Umm.. you had a muffler problem that we fixed also, to increase the performance in your car.

Masta Red Yeah sure. Does she still run right?

Repairman: Even better.

Masta Red Good, what was up with you two?

Repairman: He was bothering me, so I was about to shut him up for good.

Masta Red Chill out with all that violence. We don't need too many dead cameraman around here in aWa.

Repairman: Don't ya'll have a Pay Per View coming up very soon, called Days of Dimensions?

Masta Red Demise, that is what it is called.

Repairman: Yeah, you get to face Mark Smith again don't you. I think he is really mad at you. You have practically beat him up everytime he looked at your the wrong way.

Masta Red Yeah, I get to claim my first title of the night when I beat him stupid for the aWa Iron Man Title. That is what I came here for, the gold and the reckonation. I have gotten one of those things and I am waiting on the other one to come, come April 30th. Mark Smith will never be taken to heart anymore. I mean he was considered to be almost a legend in the sport in the month that he was in 420 and now he is just a little person in a REAL man's world here in aWa. I don't need to waste my time of this guy. So when am I going to get my 'Gator back?

Repairman: Right now, your bill is $3,250.

Masta Red Okay.

(Masta Red reaches into his pocket and pulls out his check book and writes a check for $3,250. He tears it out of the check book and hands it to the man.)

Repairman: Thanks.

Masta Red Yeah, where are my keys?

(Suddenly you hear some rustling behind Masta Red and you see a kid running off with the Masta Red's red keys. Masta Red gives chase. The kid climbs over a fence and Masta Red jumps leaps over the fence hot on the kid's trail. Masta Red gets closer and closer finally he grabs the kid and kags him down to the ground. He grabs his keys from the kid and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Did you actually think I would let you get away with that?

Kid: No, man I am sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I just needed some quick cash.

Masta Red (Sighs.) What were you going to do? Sell my keys, you dumb little kid, go run home to ya momma.

Kid: I ain't got one.

Masta Red Then ya daddy.

Kid: I ain't got one of those either.

Masta Red Then take you little dingy ass somewhere.

(Masta Red begins to walk off back to the repair shop. He opens the door and the bell chimes. He waves the keys in the air and climbs into the car. He starts up the engine and smoke begins to flow out of the hood. Masta Red gets out rather heated.)

Masta Red What is wrong with it now?!?

Repairman: Man, this might take another couple of days. I think you blew your engine.

Masta Red CRAP! I need to call a cab. Where is the phone?

(The repairman points over to the far wall and Masta Red dials 555-CABS and tells a cab to get over here quickly. He hangs up the phone and looks over to the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Well we have the PPV in about, (looks at Rolex watch.) 19 days, that is plenty of time for me to stir up some conflict rather quickly here huh. Well since I have all the time in the world, we will start with none other than the man that had the NERVE to put his mouth on me $inster Kane. Someone must have been eating his beenie weenies before he did his first interview with the aWa cause he thinks that he is some kinda superstart here already or something, well let me fill you in on something here, $inster, you ain't too much to shake a stick at to tell ya the truth. I mean what makes you think that you can come out here, blab your lips, flaunt the little talent that you do have and think ACTUALLY THINK, that you are going to come here in the aWa and beat me and 9 other competitors for the World Title at Days of Demises? Son, you are pretty damn stupid if you even imagine that, I mean just the thought of you winning something with that much prestige on it almost make me want to bend over and puke on your $5 dollar Wal-Mart Spalding sneakers. $inster, the time will come when you will have to face me in the ring and that time is at Days of Demise, you will look at me and all I will see in your eyes is FEAR, there is no chance of your even coming close to beating me or anyone else in the ring, do one thing for me, take some time off, go look for the Bum Hip With, hell go look of the Bare Wench Witch, but before you step throughs those ropes of the aWa, may sure you have some skills to make me actually look at you as a factor, ya heard!

(A green cab pulls up to the front of the shop and stops and starts to beep the horn.)

Masta Red Later man, call me when my car is fixed, I mean the day when you fix it.

(Masta Red climbs in the cab and the cab begins to speed off down the streets.)

Cab driver: HEYA! Where woulda you lika to goa todaya?

Masta Red Yeah, I need to get to Perry's Gym, you know where that is at right?

Cab driver: Of coursea, thata might cost ya, abouta thirty dolla.

Masta Red Yeah, just hurry and get me there. Well since I am really high on the PPV situation, let's continue on shall we, next on the list happens to be someone who I might consider to be one of the stronger favorties other than me, that man is The Professionalist. Now this man is a low down and dirty wrestler. I mean who would beat up some guy get his manager to put on a ref shirt then go around actually thinking that he beat someone. That is a very sad sight to see when you are suppose to be one of the best here in the aWa, a very sad sight in deed. Pro, I have lots and lots of respect for your abilities and all the stuff that you have accomplished on your way to the top of the e-fed world. Pro I can see you almost coming up with the World Title around your waist but I won't push my expectations to hight, you had better look at that Transcontinental Title, before you go running ya mouth off about bigger and better things around here. But Pro, I have enough enemies around here, so I don't really need to get on ya bad side. But don't think that I will just lay down for you if you ever step into my face, cause the only thing that will be laying, is my laying my right boot across the side of your face. Pro, you have talent, you just need to distribute it through and through.

Cab driver: I knewa that Ia have seen a youa before. Youa is thata Masta Reda.

Masta Red umm.. Yeah. Look hurry up, I need to hurry up and get my daily workout on the roll I am almost late as it is, waiting on that man to get my car fixed.

Cab driver: Yeaha.

(The cab driver begins the step on the gas and the cab accelerates faster and they begin to swerve in and out of traffic.)

(15 minutes later.)

(Masta Red is in the front of the Perry's Gym. Masta Red climbs out and looks down as he watches the cab pull off down the street. He walks up to the door and goes in. He sits down with beside a bench.)

Masta Red Hey Perry what it is up?

(The scene fades as Perry, a very large man with a huge chest, comes over to Masta Red holding a couple of 45 lb weights in his hands.)

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