[Days of Demise: Part 2 of 4!!]


(A scene opens as Perry comes up to Masta Red and sets the weights down on the floor. He goes over and hugs Masta Red and they begin to laugh.)

Perry: Man, I haven't seen you in ages, look at you, almost as big as me now.

Masta Red Man are you crazy, you are like 3 times bigger than I am.

Perry: HAHA! So you need to work out some huh? Why?

Masta Red I need the endurance I have two matches on the 30th one againist Mark Smith, Iron Man Title, in Barbwire.

Perry: OUCH!!!! Barbwire.

Masta Red Then I have a Follow the Leader Battle Royal for the aWa World Title also, so I am a very busy man now-a-days. So I came here cause I knew you were to only man that was going to push me to that limit that I need to achieve.

Perry: Man, we need to get you in the ring, for a couple of sparring matches to see if you still got it. I know you do, but I want to make sure. Tink, Boo, get in the ring. Warm up, here comes a challenge.

(Two men about 6'7" 330 get into the ring and begin to bounce off the ropes trying to warm up. Masta Red pulls off his two-tone Fubu jersery and places in a chair, he pulls off his watch and puts it in the chair also. He does a couple of push-ups and climbs up the step and enters the ring.)

Perry: Tink, you are first, I will save Boo for later.

(Masta Red looks over at the man and immediately takes him down to the mat. Tink tries to get up but Masta Red pushes him right back down on his face.)

Masta Red This is cakewalk here, Perry, I thought you were going to push me a little.

Perry: Okay be big headed. Tink get em.

(Tink does a forward roll and grabs lunges out at Masta Red, Masta Red ducks into him and performs a spinebuster with tremendous velocity. He picks Tink up and whips him into the ropes, Masta Red goes for a spinning elbow, but Tink catches him and throws him down to the mat.)

Perry: There we go Tink.

(Tink grabs Masta Red and whips him into the ropes, he ducks his head down for a back body drop but Masta Red DDTs him. Masta Red picks him up and throws him into the turnbuckle and begins to kick him in the stomach several times. Tink staggers out of the corner and Masta Red performs and over the head belly to belly suplex that sends Tink crashing on the back of his neck.)

Masta Red (Breathing hard.) It is over for this rookie!

(Masta Red picks Tink up and Tink swings at Masta Red, he ducks and slides behind him and performs the Masta Plex. Masta Red springs back up to his feet and goes over to the side ropes looking at Perry.)

Masta Red (Breathing hard.) I am tired of your rookies, why don't you get in here and let me rough you up a bit.

Perry: Boy you got too much adrenaline following through those veins of yours, you had better chill out, before I come in there and deal with you. Okay you get a 5 minute break, before I send Boo in.

Masta Red Yeah.

(Masta Red goes over to the far corner and slumps down and looks at the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Yeah it goes on and on in the life of The Masta, well we see that I still have nothing to worry about as of yet here in the aWa, well we still have alot of people that I haven't had a change to talk about lately so we will continue on with the rest of these wrestlers in the Follow the Leader Battle Royal.

Perry: Okay, 5 minutes are up.

Masta Red What it hasn't been 45 seconds yet!

Perry: Man my watch must be fast, get em Boo.

(Boo rolls into the ring and rushes towards Masta Red. Masta Red quickly rolls out of the way and Boo goes crashing into the turnbuckle, but he shakes it off and continues to try to get Masta Red. Masta Red ducks and performs a back body drop that barely puts Boo in the air. Boo quickly recooperates and bodyslams Masta Red to the mat hard.)

Perry: YEAH!

(Boo bounces off the far ropes and lands and huge splash on Masta Red that almost knocks all the air out of him. He goes for the pin and Perry sticks his hand under the ropes.)

Perry: 1.......2........ Oh crap he kicked out!

(Boo looks over at Perry for guidance cause he just hit Masta Red with his only big move.)


(Boo picks Masta Red up and Masta Red hits a low-blow and Boo drops down to his knees.)

Masta Red (Breathing very hard.) That fat peice of shznit, I learned that one from you Perry, but here is one that ya didn't teach me.

(Masta Red gets behind Boo and slaps on the cross-face chickenwing. Boo begins to throw his arms in the air waving them widely. But he refuses to quit.)

Masta Red You had better tell ya boy, to quit before I break his arm.

Perry: Tap out! This will end your career before it gets started!

(Boo begins to tap out and Masta Red releases the hold. Boo gets up and holds his shoulder.)

Perry: Go put some ice on that. What are you trying to do? Kill my wrestlers?

Masta Red Yeah. I told you them boys weren't ready yet. Now you come get you a peice, after I take a break.

Perry: You don't want none for real. I will deal with you when we hit the weights, rest up.

Masta Red Yeah. Well let's start with Madman a man that is seen as a top competitor in aWa, though he is fatter than that whale that I saw the other day. He has poor health and that is a bad sign, he has no talent, that is even worst, and he is in a match with me and 9 other good wrestlers thinking that he has some miracle of a chance of beating even one of us in the battle royal. I am not ever sure if he will be able to cotend with Bry2k, in the ring, I mean hell that guy sucks worst than Madman does. Madman, I am sure that you have accomplished this and that in your long career that you have had in the e-fed world, but I am not sure if you capable of getting anymore wins here in aWa, with all of the disabilities that you do have here in aWa. You may have been champ here and there, but you will never stop The Masta from claiming a title here in aWa. So I am sure that you will do your best in the match to not try to look like the loser that you are under all of that glitter and glitz that you put your self under, but I really don't think that you will show me anything at all partner.

(Masta Red climbs out of the ring and opens a cooler near the steps and get a bottle of water and quickly drinks it up. He grabs another bottle and pours it all over his body. Soon he hears some clapping in the background. He looks over and sees that same little kid that he kagged earlier walking up to him.)

Masta Red Look kid, didn't I tell you to get lost?

Kid: Look I am sorry about earlier I wanted to clear the slate.

Masta Red Perry, get this kid out of my face, before I knock him out.

Perry: Don't do that, that is my kid.

Masta Red WHAT!

Perry: Well actually I adopted him when his partners died in a drive-by shooting about 5 years ago. I am training him to be a good one. He will be even better than you are right now Masta.

Masta Red I doubt it, that little bastard stole my keys earlier, where he is going to going to end up is in jail, bad ass kid.

Kid: Hey forget you man, if it wasn't for you, my dad would be a professional wrestler.

Masta Red WHAT?!?!

(Perry tells his son to walk on off and he walks off staring at Masta Red.)

Masta Red What in the hell did you tell that kid?

Perry: Nothing man. (Begins to walk away.)

Masta Red Nothing hell! (Grabs Perry.) I mean I NEVER did anything to you!

Perry: Look man! I have this stuff of me and you together that I show my son everyday, and all I can is tell him that I didn't make it to the big league.

Masta Red Hell but I didn't do anything to you!

Perry: On May 4, 1996 me and you were in a match, a grudge match and you broke my ankle in several places from a missed move that I did. That ended my career, it hasn't healed up after 5 F'N surgeries.

Masta Red So that is my fault. My fault that you never knew how to wrestle in the first place. You were supposed to get hurt in the match anyway yet you were too egostical to realize that you wasn't ready to compete with the bigger leagues and they saw that I was and I left you and that crappy underground fed back in Atlanta.

Perry: That was the place where you were made son, you didn't make it by yourself in wrestling, I am a big part of that.

Masta Red Okay, tell me something, how in the hell did you get this gym? I thought so I put $10 g's down on this place all you had to pay was $150 bucks, I don't need your drama Perry, I came here for assistance, I actually thought you would help me prepare, but you are just like the rest, jealous. I am out of here.

Perry: WAIT! F*CK!

(Masta Red grabs his stuff, throws it on, gives Perry the finger and walks out of the door and everyone in the gym just looks over at Perry as he looks very upset. Masta Red is walking down the street very upset.)

Masta Red You know I can't believe the nerve of some people you do EVERYTHING for them, but they say that you did them wrong. Man f*ck Perry, he will get his in the end. Now Bry2k, since I mentioned you earlier and you are the latest person on my mind, I will deal with you. Bry2k, I am sure that you were a huge talent in whatever federaton that you came from, I mean I beat you were astronomical there, superstar quality, World Title holder, and all the other good stuff, right? But here in aWa, you will get one helluva reality check when you step into the ring againist the Masta. You will see that all of your prior efforts at winning titles everywhere else will mean nothing at all to me. I could careless if you were a World Champion umpteen times, you my son get a F in my grade book as being a good wrestler. I have never seen so much bad talent in my entire life of being in the wrestling world. I am sure that one day, just one day, you will get up and think to yourself, "Why am I even trying to beat anyone in the aWa, I should just resign while I am ahead." but the thing about it Bryan is, you are not ahead of anyone here not even Brandon Kearse, and we know he sucks. You are not even CLOSE to being near me in the ranks here of the aWa. But if Watkins says you are deserving to be in the match, I guess you are, but I sure as hell don't know how you are, so Bryan I will leave you with this, when you climb into the ring, and I see you little biddy eyes looking up with me with fear in your eyes, just eliminate yourself, cause you won't be worth my time. Ya heard?

(Masta Red continues to walk along the sidewalk when that kid runs right into him.)

Masta Red DAMN! Do you not understand what I am saying to you? TAKE YOUR ASS HOME, BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!

Kid: F*ck you man, no one can talk to me like that. I will beat your ass right here in the street.

Masta Red Watch your language little man, now push aside I have places to go and people to see.

(The kid moves right infront of Masta Red and Masta Red picks him up and moves him out of the way. Masta Red continues to walk along when he feels the kid kick him in the back. Masta Red turns around and he kid runs off.)

Masta Red Little biatch. Speaking biatches, I am going to go to the biggest biatch here in the aWa and that happens to be Divine. Now Divine, I will give you all the credit in the world, but I know and you know that you didn't stand a chance againist me in our match, you had the whole gay community come out and pounce on me and because of that you picked up a crappy win. I am sure that you will place that win somewhere in your heart and treasure it forever and ever until, you actually beat someone else, but to tell you the truth, I didn't lose to you, I lost to the gay community, you are the one that pinned me though, but I am not here to dwell on the past, I am here to show you the future of the aWa and that future will not have you as the aWa World Champion, but more of the likes like someone like me. I am sure that you will come to the match with your skills up to par and your body nice and smooth from the nut that Tito skeeted all over you and you will come to the match actually thinking that you have a chance in hell of winning. Well I tell you what once I get my hands around your little neck, well in your case, your chin. I will choke to the life out of your and toss your over the top rope like I do my trash on Mondays and Fridays. I could not imagine the aWa with a queer as our champion and that queer is sure as hell ain't going to be you. Divine, I don't see your getting pass the first couple of minutes, I am sure that you will take a huge amount of punishement from Zed and Pro, so that will not be in your favor one bit there and then you will receive more punishment as I get your ass back for what you did to me, well actually only thing you did what his me in the mouth, so I will take out my hatred of the gay community out on your ass.

(Masta Red walks to a telephone booth and dials a number.)

Masta Red Hey, what up, (pause.) Ya, I know what is going on in aWa, I am going to bust some heads come the 30th. (pause.) You ain't know, I heard you were coming over, but I am sure that you really don't want none of this right here. (pause.) Yeah sure, I am about to go, come pick me up at the corner of 4th and 19th Street, hurry up, I don't feel good about this place. (pause.) Yeah bye.

(14 minutes later.)

(Masta Red climbs into a gray Bentley with very dark tinted windows, the scene fades as the Bentley pulls off.)

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