[Days of Demise: Part 3 of 4!!]


(A scene opens with a group of cars driving down the middle of the street swerving around in the lanes backing up traffic. There is about 15 cars swerving around in the streets and many horns are blowing as they are trying to get past the cars. The camera fades and goes to the front camera inside the Bentley with Masta Red hanging out of the window throwing out flyers as it begins to to get darker.))

Masta Red Everyone comes to party tonight, at "Club Hydro". Big Tymers with the rest of the Cash Money Millionaries will be there. Get there quick.

(Masta Red continues to throw flyers out of the window as people run out to get the flyers and begin to dance as "Get Your Roll On" by Big Tymers begins to play out of the Bentley. Masta Red throws the rest of the flyers out the window and gets back into the car. There is the same man from the repairshop in there on a cell phone looking over at Masta Red smiling with a mouth full of gold teeth.)

Man: Yo, Masta. You ready to get it crunk at this party tonight?

Masta Red Yeah man, but let's run by the house first I need to get the permit so we can have this party tonight. And where did you get those gold teeth?

Man: Yeah, I will tell Marcus back there to take them to the club and we will be there later. And these, (smiles)
they are removable gold fronts. Helps cover up my gap.

(The man hangs up the cell phone eventhough someone was just on it and calls up Marcus. Marcus blows his horn and hits a u-turn and the cars follow him as the Bentley continues to fly down the street. They hit a sharp turn and hit the interstate going about 90 miles per hour, suddenly lights begin to flash in the rear window as the policeman are coming up behind them with the siren blasting.)

Man: SH*T man, it is the police. I am still on parole, I don't need to get F'N arrested again, DAMN!

Masta Red Chill out man, you are here with a celebrity and besides, I know who that cop is, it is a pretty broad I used to talk to, pull over.

(The Bentley pulls over to the side of the road and comes to a stop as the police officer gets out and comes up to the car and taps on the window with his billy club. The man rolls down the window and sees a large large stomach looking him right in the face.)

Man: (Whispering.) I thought you said it was a woman!

Masta Red F*CK!

Officer: Get out the car, boy.

(The man gets out the car and looks the officer right in the eyes and laughs.)

Officer: You too boy, get out of the car. You spread em on the car and don't move.

(Masta Red climbs out of the passenger side looking over at the officer smirking.)

Officer: Boy, do you know how fast you were going?

Man: I ain't ya boy for one thing, BOY!

Officer: Oh a smart ass huh? I got you boy.

Masta Red Hey you racist peice of shznit, what is your problem, I have better thinngs to do, then worry about a asshole like you.

(The officer looks over a Masta Red and pulls up his pants and walks over to Masta Red.)

Officer: What you say boy?

Masta Red You heard me, you red neck biatch.

Officer: What's your name?

Masta Red Masta Red.

Officer: Don't play with me boy, state your damn name.

Masta Red Masta Red, you peice of shznit. Here is my id.

(Masta Red reaches into his pocket.)

Officer: OH hold up, you little b*tch! GET YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!

(The officer draws his weapon.)

Masta Red What the f*ck? I mean I am tryin' to help you out and you are trying to shoot me.

Officer: Boy you just take your hands out of your pockets real slowly and nothing is going to happen to you.

Masta Red DAMN!

(Masta Red pulls out his hands and pulls out his wallet along with his hands.)

Officer: Give me that wallet boy.

(The officer looks in the wallet and sees a id that reads "Masta Red". He looks at Masta Red and the picture on the id and examines. He reaches into the wallet and pulls out tons of cash.)

Officer: What is up with all of this money?

Masta Red I mean, I do have a job, that pays more in a week than what you get in your whole lifetime.

Officer: What are you boy? Some kinda of drug dealer, some kinda thug?

Masta Red Man, I am getting tired of your stupid questions, either write my man a ticket or get the f*ck out of my way.

Officer: You have a huge ego boy. What are you some kinda or athlete?

Masta Red Man, you need to hurry up, I have some where to go.


(Masta Red flicks the officer off and the officer reaches into his pocket and pulls out and pad and writes a ticket and slaps it onto the top of the Bentley's hood as he walks back to the squad car. He turns off the lights and speeds off looking over at Masta Red and the man.)

Man: Man, this ticket is going to run me about $300 bucks, I don't have that on me right now.

Masta Red I got it. Don't worry about it, I think I will see that officer again. Let's get to the house.

(Masta Red and the man climb back into the Bentley and pulls off driving to Masta Red's home.)

(20 minutes later.)

(They arrive at a enormous white house in a very prestigious neighborhood. Masta Red gets out and runs up to the front door and opens it. He disables his security alarm and runs upstairs.)

Masta Red Now where did I put that permit.

(Masta Red looks over out the window and calls the man in to hell look for the permit.)

Masta Red Well since I got his looking downstairs for that permit, I guess I can go ahead and talk about the worst of the wrestlers left in the Follow the Leader match at the PPV. We will start with the blue haired man himself, ZED. Now ZED, I am sure that you are a big time competitor and you get respect from who ever sees you in the ring. You tend to be a man that excells when a challenge is laid out to him and doesn't back down from anyone here in the federation, but there is something I have seen outta you the last couple of days and that is not having that drive to win here in aWa. You are next to invisible here, I don't think anyone actually cares if your even shows up for the PPV cause you haven't really made any kind of statement in the last couple of days here in aWa. You are merely a man on the roster that everyone knows and everyone detestes, but to tell you the truth, I could care less about you and your blue hair. I think you are not much of a man to let Pro, just murder you at the last Coma Tour and do absolutely nothing about it, that is a shame to me, cause I would NEVER let someone just mow me over and claim to have a victory over me, but I see it all clear now, you are scared of Pro and the rest of the people here in this match, so you are going to sit at home with your ring finger up your ass and think about who is the next person that you will be jobbing to, well I tell ya what, you want be coming out of the 30th with any gold around your waist and that gold will surely not be the aWa World Title, you don't deserve it, hell you shouldn't even think about it, it should be a sin, for anyone as pathetic as you to think that your can achieve World Title status here in aWa. Well come the 30th we will all see.

Man: (Distant voice.) I found it.

Masta Red Tight, here I come.

(Masta Red runs down the stairs and see the man sitting at the bottom of the stairs knocked out on the floor. He looks over like what in the hell is going on as he sees, Perry standing there laughing at him.)

Masta Red Perry? YOU BIATC.......

(A thud is heard and Masta Red goes tumbling down the stairs to the bottom of the stairs nearly unconscious.)

Perry: Now we will see who is the best, let's go boys.

(10 minutes pass.)

(The camera looks up at a very large room with lights all over the room, but only 2 are on in the whole place, one pointed down on a tied up Masta Red and the other pointed on Perry, his little kid, Boo, and Tink. He begins to walk towards Masta Red and the lights begin to come on and a far light way in the back corner comes on and it reveals a wrestling ring. Perry stops a couple of feet infront of Masta Red and begins to laugh.)

Perry: Masta Red, the great one himself, do you think you actually stand a chance againist me. I got your little friend tied up back there son. You thought going to aWa and winning all of these matches and being able to be in a match for the World Title would make me just disappear, well son you are a fool man, I don't even think you will make it to the PPV, cause I am about to take you out like I should have years ago.

(Perry throws off his shirt and flexs alittle for Masta Red showing his tremendous upper body. He walks over to the ring and Tink and Boo pick up the chair with Masta Red in it and carry it over to the ring and put him in the middle of the ring. Perry jumps up on the apron and gets into the ring.)

Perry: Boo, Tink, untie him.

(They untie Masta Red and Masta Red turns around and nails both Tink and Boo with a double clothsline. The both go flipping out of the ring slamming onto the concrete floor. Masta Red turns around and Perry grabs Masta Red by the neck and begins to choke him.)


(Perry picks Masta Red up by the neck completely man handling him and throws him down to the mat hard. Masta Red begins to gasp for air.)

Perry: Ohh what the matter Masta? You ain't going to run off at the mouth like you always have? You peice of sh*t.

(Perry kicks Masta Red in the stomach.)

Perry: GET UP!

(Perry kicks Masta Red again in the stomach.)


(Perry kicks Masta Red again in the stomach, but Masta Red grabs his foot and twists his ankle and a loud pop is heard as Masta Red begins to crawl over to the ropes and Perry goes down to the mat in tremendous pain.)

Masta Red I told you, you were never a match for me Perry!

Perry: F*CK YOU MAN!


(Masta Red gets up and grabs the chair in the ring and begins to slam it down on Perry's ankle and Perry just lays in the ring screaming. Perry sits up and Masta Red looks over at him with tremendous anger in his eyes and slams the chair over Perry's head which leaves a dent it in and Perry layed out on the mat with the chair over his head. Masta Red rolls out of the ring and falls onto the floor. There he is met by Perry's son weilding a lead pipe. He swings at Masta Red buts misses as Masta Red rolls out of the way, Masta Red springs up and clothsline the kid almost decapitating him. The boy lands on his neck not moving at all. Masta Red gets up and walks over to the side of the room where the man is sitting tied up. Masta Red unties him.)

Man: THANK THE LORD! I thought he was going to kill you.

Masta Red Man call the police, hurry up.

Man: Yeah, the man runs outside to get his cell phone.

(Masta Red sits down in the chair, looking up at the camera beginning to talk.)

Masta Red Once again I have to prove to all that oppose me that I am clearly the best that is on the face of the earth. And poor Perry thought he would actually beat me in my own game, I bet Gannon Knight also thinks that by some chance in hell that he is going to just come into aWa and dominate just cause he is a so-called legend. Well I am sure that whatever you are, which ain't no legend, will come to the ring with a huge ego, thinking that since Watkins called you a legend that you are going to crush all of us here in aWa, well I want to be the first to knock you on your ass. Gannon, to tell you the truth, I haven't heard of your before until like a almost a week ago when you were introduced as the last person in the royal, so I do not know anything about you, neither do I care to know anything about you, so I will just see you the 30th and we will see how much of a "legend" you are.

(The man runs back in the building with his cell phone in his hands yelling at the operator to hurry up and come to the building.)

Man: Look lady it is the old "Luna Tuna" building. I know you know where it is at, quit acting stupid. We have four men badly injured here and we need medical attention out here as soon as possible. So hurry up.

(The man hangs up the phone and looks over at Masta Red.)

Man: Are you aight?

Masta Red Yeah I am tight. My abs hurt, but that will heal with time.

(The front door of the building is swung open as that same officer comes through the door with his gun out.)

Officer: You boys can't stay outta of trouble. You two should be happy I followed you around. I will handle it from here, you two go on home. I will tell them something so you to won't have to go through all of that crap. And Masta Red good luck at the PPV.

Masta Red Yeah thanks.

(The man helps Masta Red get back to the Bentley and they climb in and drive off.)

Man: Are you still going to that party?

Masta Red Yeah, I am alright, let's go.

(They begin to drive towards the club going for that party.)

(26 minutes later.)

(A large group of people are standing outside of the Club Hydro arguing with the body guard for him to let them in. They all turn around and see the Bently pull up and stop and Masta Red and the man get out. Masta Red gives the bouncer the permit and he nods his head and lets Masta Red in.)

Masta Red Don't let anyone in that doesn't have a flyer.

Bouncer: Yeah.

(Masta Red and the man enter the club and look around. They see that Big Tymers are already up there performing. Masta Red and the man walk up to the balcony and sit at a table that is reserved for Masta Red. They sit down and a waitress comes over.)

Waitress: Can I help you two?

Man: Yeah, let me a bottle of Cristal.

Masta Red Let me get some water, I am alittle thristy.

Waitress: Okay, I will be back soon.

(The waitress walks off shaking her firm behind as she walks to the back.)

Masta Red I think that girl wants you man.

Man: Yeah I bet.

(The scene fades as Big Tymers begin to rap "Get Your Roll On" and Masta Red and the man begin to talk.)

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