[Days of Demise: Part 4 of 4!!]

[A scene opens with Masta Red and the man still waiting on their drinks to be delivered to them. They watch Big Tymers as they begin to rap a couple of old songs off there first album.]

Masta Red Yeah I got that album at home, it is one of my favorites, especially "Cutlasses, Monte Carlos, and Regals".

Man: Man I hear ya, Lil' Wayne went off on that whole album. The title should have been, Lil' Wayne's How You Luv Me Vol. 2.

Masta Red On the real it should have been. So what's up with my car man, you are going to fix it for me right this time?

Man: Of course. It will take awhile, but I will get everything that needs to be fixed, fixed. I promise you that and I will call you right when I get done with it, free of charge.

Masta Red Aight, I preciate that I just want my automobile back, you have had it for too damn long and I am sick and tired of taking taxis.

Man: I will get it to you, I promise.

[The waitress comes up with a bottle of Cristal and a couple of bottle waters on a tray. She sets them down on a table.]

Waitress: My manager told me to be especially nice to you two, he said that you one of you guys is a real big star. He pointed to which one but I couldn't tell who he was talking about.

Man: Oh baby, it is me. Come indulge in my glamour and money.

Waitress: Okay, he must have been talking about you then right? [Looks over at Masta Red.] I know have seen your somewhere before. You wrestle don't you?

Masta Red Well yes I do. My name is Masta Red. I currently wrestle for aWa.

Waitress: That is where I heard of you before. My boyfriend really doesn't like you though, but I don't know why.

Masta Red Who is your boyfriend.

Waitress: Perry Malone.


Waitress: Yeah why you know him or something?

Man: Mam, you might want to go to the hospital cause he was nearly killed by this man right here in Masta Red.

Waitress: I know what happen and I am estatic about what happen. I hope he doesn't die but it feels great to get him out of my life for the time being.

Man: Umm.. Okay.

Masta Red So you are not mad about this or anything?

Waitress: Not at all. I am very thrilled.

Masta Red Okay, I think that man down there is calling you. We will call you if we need you. Okay.

Waitress: Kay.

[The waitress begins to walk away shaking your behind as she goes down to see what the man wants below her.]

Man: Man the PPV is coming up soon, you have two title matches to worry about, what are you going to do?

Masta Red Man this is a cakewalk around here, we have my first man Iron Man Title, againist Mark Smith, easy. I climb through the ropes blow on him and he falls out for the 1,2,3. The fastest pin in aWa history. Mark Smith has his chance, hell he had two chances and he didn't capitalize on his chances so I don't need to worry about him nor do I care about him.

Man: Okay, since Mark Smith isn't in the picture. This will be like your first title in aWa, you think that should put you on the map now?

Masta Red It should, I mean I am not looking for reconation here only, but wins and personal satisfaction. So whatever happens, happens.

Man: Damn, you are down for whatever. I mean you don't even care that this match has barbwire in it and can limit what you are going to do in the match?

Masta Red Nope not really.

[Suddenly a man dressed in a lime green suit walks up to Masta Red looking him over. He smiles and begins to talk.]

Man in suit: Masta Red, long time no see huh? I mean I haven't seen you on this side of the town in a long time.

Masta Red Man, what are you talking about? Who are you anyways?

John Parks: I am John Parks, the owner of this club and part owner with you. You left everything to me when you took up wrestling. Don't remember a brother huh? Been hitting those weights, got all swole up on ya.

Masta Red The John Parks, the man that was a bum on the street until I had some money to give away. That John Parks?

John Parks: Yeah man that is me, but don't tell everyone, I don't want any of my secrets being released. [laughs.]
Masta Red So you own all of this huh? Nice club how did you get Big Tymers to perform here?

John Parks: I got connections man, connections work wonders. I heard you iced Perry today. They say he is in the hospital in critical condition, but he will live they think.

Masta Red That f*cker tried to kill me man, I had to do that shznit to him.

John Parks: I hear ya man. Got yo handle all the drama that surrounds you. So I heard you had a good chance at becoming the World Champion of that fed that you are in, aWa right. I have been watching you on t.v. I respect that you are doing some honest work and ain't on the grind anymore. [Pulls out a cigar.]
You want one?

Masta Red Naw, need to keep my lungs clear for the week coming up.

John Parks: You want one man?

Man: Yeah. [Grabs cigar.]

John Parks: Well Masta, if you need anything while you are here, call me call to my finest waitress, Nicki, she is the one that has already waited on you already today. She gave yall your drinks and stuff.

Masta Red Yeah she is pretty damn hot.

Man: You need to let me holla at her.

John Parks: Man she doesn't like men with gold teeth.

Man: Well, [takes out gold fronts.] How about now?

John Parks: No gaps either man.

Man: Sh*t. [Puts gold fronts back in.]

John Parks: I think she has grown fond of you Masta Red, I can tell by the way she looks at you. Look at her right now, she is looking right up at you wave down to her.

[Masta Red waves to Nicki and she quickly waves back with a rather large grin on her face.]

John Parks: See what I tell ya boy? I know about these females around here.

Masta Red I am sure you do, you have slept with all of the already haven't ya.

John Parks: Hell no, I didn't want to try Perry, but now since you nearly killed him, you might be the first person to take that.

Masta Red I might try.

John Parks: Well let me get out of here, I have stuff to tend to like keeping the regulars happy. I will catch you two later on. See ya.

Masta Red Yeah bye.

[John Parks walks down the stairs back to the main floor.]

Man: He is really getting this business going.

Masta Red Yeah he is. Well let's continue with the people in the aWa World Title Follow the Leader Battle Royal. This goes out to "The Vile One" Virulent. Now I don't know much about you, nor do I care to know anything about you at all. I am sure that you are might be good since you were allowed into the match with us respected wrestlers here in this match already. I don't know what you have done, where you come from, how big you are, or anything else about you, the only thing I know is that you are a real big joke in my eyes. You should be disregarded with some of the others wrestlers in this match such as Bry2k and others. I hope you really, REALLY don't expect to come out to the match with your game face on trying to win a take a title from me that I dearly want. So Virulent what ever your plans for this match, either waiting for the bell to ring so you can jump over the ropes yourself or waiting on me to punt your ass into the crowd, I will be more than happy to see you on your way back to the lockerroom. I hope you are better than you look on paper, well you don't look good as it is.

Man: Damn man, how can someone actually let someone like that into a match of this calibar?

Masta Red Don't ask me, this has been a joke from the beginning and I plan on seeing him exit the match fairly quickly.

Man: Yeah for real. DAMN MAN! Look at that dude down there, he is fondling Nicki, I think I am going to go save her, ya coming with me?

Masta Red Yeah let's go.

[Masta Red and the man hurry down the steps to the main floor and walk over to the table where Nicki is being messed with.]

Dude: Yeah baby, heheh, you got some real big hooters girl. I want to suck on them things and you got a nice ass too heheh. [Slaps Nicki on the ass as she cries and swirms to get away.]

Man: Hey Dude, chill out for I get my man over here to bust your ass right up.

Dude: Huh? You are going to do what?

Man: Umm.. Nothing. [Hides behind Masta Red.]

Masta Red He ain't going to do anything but I am. I would see it in your best interest to let the woman go before the EMTs come to fondle what is left of you.

Dude: Hey man, I don't want any trouble I was just having a little fun. You can have the whore. [Pushes Nicki to Masta Red.] She wasn't worth my time anyways.

Masta Red You think that is so, you damn drunkard. You are lucky I don't beat you into the bottle you are drinking out of. Next time I see you and you are doing stuff like that again, I will not be as nice as I was. Come on Nicki.

[Masta Red and Nicki walk back up the stairs with the man still talking noise to the dude. He looks up and see that Masta Red is leaving with Nicki going to the back of the club. He runs to catch up.]

Man: Where ya going man?

Masta Red I know John got some kinda room around here, so I will use that as my chance of getting to calm her down.

Man: Okay, but if you hear me call for you, you better bring you ass in here quick.

Masta Red Yeah no problem.

[Masta Red walks up to a door that has a code on it. He knocks on the door and John Parks quickly walks out.]

John Parks: What's up?

Masta Red You got a room somewhere in the back? She is upset right now and I want to make sure that she is aight.

John Parks: Yeah right back here in the back. Go down the hall turn left right there, here is the key.

Masta Red Thanks.

[Masta Red begins to walk with Nicki wiping some of the tears off her face as they turn left and Masta Red opens the door to reveal a room with a large leather sofa againist the wall and a frigerator in the corner of the wall. Masta Red sits on the sofa and so does Nicki. She looks over at Masta Red wiping some of the running masscare off her face.]

Nicki: I appreciate what you did for me out there. I am sure most men won't have done it, just say back and watched what happened to me as their own little sick sexual fix for the day.

Masta Red No problem, that makes me sick when I see stuff like that.

Nicki: Okay.

Masta Red So are you aight? Cause it wasn't really my idea of helping you, but my friend's. He is out there I could go get him if you want.

[Masta Red gets up but Nicki pulls him back down.]

Nicki: No I want you.

[Nicki goes over and begins to kiss Masta Red. He goes down and rubs on his crotch. Masta Red looks over at the camera and hits the camera and the camera goes out.]

[20 minutes later.]

[The camera comes back on to see Masta Red walking out of that room pulling his pants up. He stops at the end of the hall and goes into a room with John Parks is on the phone talking.]

John Parks: Give me about 5 minutes Masta Red, I will be with you.

Masta Red Yeah. Well, I see some people don't mourn over their old boyfriends long do they. Well since I have time to waste, I guess I will acknowledge the last wrestler in the match and that happens to be, Mr. Wrestling 3000, there is no real reason why he is last, I mean he was like the last thing on my mind, so I guess I will put him as the last person that I talk about. I am sure that his phone cards fell like his career is going to do in aWa before it even gets started. Now I heard rumors about this guy actually wanting to face me soon after the PPV. I mean now why would someone with his poor abilities want to enter the ring with more than likely the best wrestler in aWa. So whenever you want it Mr. Wreslting I am more than willing to take you on, but on April 30th, you get your first chance at proving to everyone that you are all that you claim to be, I know when I step into the ring I will have on title around my waist going after my second and sure enough to hell not some little prick like you are going to stop me from achieving my goal. So when you see me after all the dust has cleared, and 9 bodies including yours standing on the outside of the ring, you will look into the ring and see me, the NEW aWa World Champion and you my son, will, just be another hapless wrestler trying you damnest to get at me as I will be the man that you wish to be, I already now I that I am that man, so once you actually climb up the ladder of the aWa then maybe then you might be a shot my title, but until then, screw ya homeboy, you deserve nothing from me. So Mr. Wrestling I am looking forward to seeing your face looking up at me when I hold the aWa World Title over my head. Ya heard!

[John Parks hangs up the phone and looks at Masta Red smiling.]

John Parks: So what happen with you and Nicki?

Masta Red That is strictly confidential partner.

John Parks: I heard her in there moaning and stuff. I was listening.

Masta Red What are you some kinda pervert or something?

John Parks: Naw man, it was kinda loud you know.

Masta Red Okay, whatever man. Look I came by to say I am about to get out of here. I will come back by later.

John Parks: Atleast talk to Big Tymers before you leave.

Masta Red Yeah I almost forgot about them. I will see them on my way out.

John Parks: Look man, it was great seeing you again and thanks for everything you have done for me and the ATL.

Masta Red No prob man, later.

[Masta Red walks out of the room and walks through the door and goes back into the main area of the club. He walks over to the stage and looks at Big Tymers as they are taking a break.]

Masta Red Baby, Mannie. What's up?

Baby: What's up wodie.

Mannie Fresh: Lil' one, what's happening.

Masta Red Not much man just wanted to say that I respect your work and all of that you know man. I have just about all of the Ca$h Money Records albums, my favorites has to be your first album volume 2.

Mannie Fresh: Yeah wodie, I laid down some hella tracks for that one.

Baby: That is what helped pave the way for us man. It helped me get these platinum fronts right here. [Smiles.]

Masta Red Damn, boy you are blinding me.

Baby: HAHA, these are $100,000 teeth man. Top class no one else has them. Right when you see someone else get some you will know who they got them off of, but I ain't hating it is all love man.

Masta Red On the real. Well I will catch you guys later, keepin hold it down for the south.

Mannie Fresh: No prob man, I will continue to watch aWa to watch you win the aWa World Title, much love man.

Baby: See you later wodie.

[Masta Red goes over to the stair way and calls the man down and he runs down and gets beside Masta Red.]

Man: You ready to go?

Masta Red Yeah.

[Masta Red and the man walk out the front door and go past the people still standing outside trying to get in. They past the bouncer they saw earlier and they continue to walk on out of the building. They past the crowds of screaming people and they walk out to the man's Bentley. They get in the car and drive off.]

Masta Red One last thing. This goes out to all of you wrestling in the Battle Royal, no matter you you love me or hate me, I have come to aWa with one thing on my mind and one thing only and that is to become the World Champion of this federation and no one, not Divine, Pro, $inster Kane, Madman, or the rest of ya will be able to stop me, when I am at the top of my game, there will be no mercy given. No prisoners taken. I am coming here to do one thing and one thing only, to stake a claim on this federation. I plan on taking you all out if I can, no matter what bodily harm it costs me, I will prevail and none of you will stop me.

Man: Tough words, from a tough man.

Masta Red Shut up man.

[The scene fades as Masta Red and the man begin to laugh as Masta Red jabs the man in the shoulder.]

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