The date is March 13, 2K
The time is 6:54

--aWa, here comes THE MASTA!--

(A scene opens with Masta Red standing on the corner of Main and Fifth Streets waiting to get a cab, cause his Navigator is in the shop. He tries to flag down a cab, but the cab continues on eventhough there is no one in the cab. Masta Red looks down the street at the cab and starts to get upset. The car stops at a red light a little up the street. Masta Red reaches into his pocket and pulls out a peice of paper and writes the tag number. He laughs and continues trying to get a cab.)

15 minutes and 9 cabs later.

(Masta Red is still standing on the corner looking rather frustrated. He sees another cab and he jumps out into the street. The cab comes to a streeching halt and the cab driver is very heated.)

Cab Driver: What the hell are you doing?!?!? I am trying to get somewhere and you are holding me up.

Masta Red Listen here, I have been waiting for 15 gosh darn minutes trying to catch a cab yet everyone passed me by and I tell you what you are going to take to me where I want to go. You got a problem with that?

Cab Driver: Yeah I got a problem with it. I need money. Do you have any money at all?

Masta Red Listen here you masturbating retard, I make more money in an hour then you make in a whole year. So you let me in this damn car before I haul off and take your damn cab.

(The cab driver just looks over at Masta Red and tells him to get in. Masta Red opens the back door and climbs in. The cab driver starts the cab fare and begins to drive off.)

Cab Driver: Where do you want to go? We ain't going to the ghetto or anything like that are we?

Masta Red Look here I am about to curse your little pansy ass out. You must not know who I am. You see that billboard up there that is supporting the Coma America tour for the aWa, well I happen to be in the aWa and if you keep screwing around with me I am going to kick your little stupid ass, you got it.

(The cab driver peeps out of the window and sees the huge billboard and he is shocked to see a picture of the same man in the back of his cab.)

Cab Driver: Yes sir I am so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

Masta Red Better, now take me to..

(Masta Red reaches into his pocket and pulls out the peice of paper with the cab numbers on it.)

Masta Red To Rocket Cab Main Offices.

Cab Driver: Hey that's where I work. Rocket Cab, we get you there in the speed of light and you don't pay like you would at night.

Masta Red Man that is a stupid little song you have there what is the purpose of it?

Cab Driver: It has to do with hookers at night time. I mean, you couldn't get a hooker for $20 bucks around here at night time could ya. I mean I know I couldn't get one.

Masta Red Yeah whatever.

Cab Driver: What are you going there for anyways?

Masta Red I am going to file a complaint. You little peices of crap cab drivers act like you can't pick up a black man on the street any more. I tell you what, if I was a little lighter you assholes would be crashing into each other trying to pick me up, wouldn't ya.

(The cab driver just sits there acting like he didn't hear Masta Red.)

Masta Red Yeah I know you heard me. Speed up, I am already tired of being in here with you.

(The cab begins to pick up speed going up the street towards Rocket Cab Main Offices. They pull up to the front of the building. Masta Red reaches into his pocket and prepares to pay the cab driver.)

Cab Driver: No fee man, it is not everyday that you get a superstar here in cab. Just could I get an autograph?

Masta Red Yeah.

(Masta Red signs the back of the headrest of the passager seat in the car and exits the car and looks at the door of the office. He opens the doors and enters it and see tons of cab driver standing around eating donuts and drinking coffee. Masta Red goes up to the head desk and begins to talk to the lady behind the desk.)

Masta Red Hey I would like to file a complaint.

Lady: Take an number and take a sit.

(Masta Red takes a number it says "78" he looks around the office and sees about 78 people around here. He takes a sit that is not already occupied. He looks up at the camera and begins.)

Masta Red Man I bet I will be here all day long.

Lady: (Over the PA.) Number 54, 54 you are now being served, number 54.

Masta Red DAMN, I got like 24 people ahead of me ohh well onto the business at hand. I need to talk about some stuff that is right at the top of my head. First off this goes to the dude that Dra\/en kicked his ass, Bryan Allen, better know as Big Hack Daddy, Y2Bry, or Hacker. Well he has more alias then a undercover FBI agent. Well, all I have to say to you Bryan, is that you had better watch who ya putting ya mouth on son. Cause you mess around and put your mouth on me for too long, I am going to leave you with a cople of teeth gone out of your rotten decaying mouth. Listerine man, it helps. But I am not here to crack jokes on a person that is a pure example of what you are not suppose in life, coming out here, calling everyone on the roster out, like he is somebody worthy of fighting for a couple of seconds. Well that is such a shame cause I know that you are not all of that son. I could ask Dra\/en about that and I know that I would beat you little ass in the ring. You are right, I am big and black, and this black man is going to haul off and lay ya ass out for the night. Ya heard me?
(Masta Red looks over at the front desk and sees the lady filing her nails and smacking on her gum rather loudly, he feels like speaking up, yet he just sit there and continues to talk.)

Masta Red Speaking of ass let's talk about the man that seems to want everyone's ass, Divine, now I am sure that you and Tito and your little magical leprachaun can have your little threesome whenever you want, I have nothing bad to say about that as long as you don't bring that shznit into my yard. But you know what Divine you have offended me by calling me "Mastabata Red" I have to say that your little "queer" jokes are not funny and only you and Tito would laugh at them, but I don't care about your little pointless jokes, cause they don't amuse me. But what does amuse me is how can you go around screwing all of these people and don't catch some sexually transmitted disease, I mean you need to watch that, but I really don't care if your gay ass gets a STD cause we don't need little faggots like you in the world anyway, you are a mere stain on the carpet that we call earth that we can't seem to be able to get out. But I can tell you this, you keep on with the jokes toward me, you will be rubbed out for good, cause you are not able to contend with THE MASTA, so you keep on screwing Tito, but once ya start you screw with THE MASTA, you are going to get what it coming to ya, and that is an ass kicking that is going to straighten your gay ass right up. Divine, don't try me, cause you will be beaten to the last inch of your life. Tito is the man, that you need to face, when you two and giving each other some "face" if ya know what I mean.

(The lady continues to yell numbers over the PA as Masta Red is getting very impatient.)

Masta Red Now onto my opponent at the next card Mark Smith. You are another very good friend of mine. I can remember the times when you say me as your 4WL World Champion and all the other titles that I held while I was there in the 4WL, so you shouldn't see me as a foe, neither will I see you as one, but don't make any quick judgements, cause I have a match againist you come the 19th at the Boston Fleet Center. Now Mark, I am sure that you set 420 and FWF up over and sent it for a couple of flips or whatever you claim that you did while you was in there. You know what I really could care less cause right now you have to worry about THE MASTA not limiting your little high that you are on right now. You think that you are shznit cause you won a couple of matches in those other feds right? You might be, but I doubt it if you are really ready for me, cause you haven't seen a person like me in the ring one on one before you have only seen me in action beating all that you had to offer and you put out againist me. But now, you have you chance to pummel me like I know you want to, but you know what that won't be happening anytime soon Mark. So Mark at the Boston Fleet Center on the 19th of March, it will be me and you and we will see who the better man is. There is no beef here with you it is only business. I know you understand.

(Masta Red hears the lady finally get into the late 60s he is get very frustrated cause more and more people are coming in taking up all the space in the little office room where he is sitting. Some very large man comes and sits down right next to Masta Red. Masta Red looks over at the man and pushes some of his rolls of fat out of his way.)

Big man: Excuse me partner.

Masta Red Yeah, you are excused. Now it seems that everyone runs from me when I come around even the "Top aWa prospect" Chris Coolness I mean this guy has disappeared I expected him to the be the first to reply since he won that little match againist Ground Zero. I mean that guy had him by a whole foot yet he still beat him, some accomplishment huh? Nope, my granny could have beat that peice of lard shznit that he faced. No I am issusing a challenge for him to go up againist possibly the best that has come into the aWa in the past week. I am pretty sure that would be me. So after Dra\/en and Bryan Allen tee off on your ass and after I get done with Mark Smith and The Foundation, I still want a peice of you, to see what you are made of. Don't forget while you are getting your brains sucked out by that gapped tooth heffer you were with that I am after you.

(Masta Red looks over at the big man as he begins to tilt he head over trying to fall alsleep.)

Masta Red Now onto the tag team issue. One of the best wrestlers that I have ever meet, Dra\/en wants us to tag up again and control he we only can. Now I am sure we can relive those old 4WL days and Mark Smith can tell you all about that. Now Dra\/en as you know I am MORE than willing to tag up with you again, cause there is no two men in this federation that will be able to contend with the both of us coming at them together in a full force attack. So Dra\/en, you know where I will be at, either in Atlanta or somewhere around there, but until then them you got my number, holla up a brother.

(The lady calls out number 75 and Masta Red gets on the edge of his chair as he prepares to get up so he can file his complaint. The big man beside him begins to fall asleep and is drooling on the floor. Masta Red looks over at him and just shakes his head and he looks back up at the camera.)

Masta Red Now "The Foundation" Brandon Kearse, I thought we talked bout that, you wasn't going to run off with your finger up in your ass and run off again like you did last time. No sir, you ain't getting away that easily. I am coming after you and more than likely I will have you at the next card and that is where I will show you how everything around here really goes. I am going to talk you off that little magic carpet that you are on flying around to federation to federation trying to dodge The MASTA. I know how people like you Foundation. You make a match, then lose the match, yet you claim that you never lost, cause you high tailed it out of here. Well, it that happens, I know where you are at and I will hound like more than I already am. But right now you are going to have to wait for a little while until I get my hands around your puny little neck. My adrenaline is pumping right now cause I a preparing for you. So once I get done beatin up on Mark Smith, I am coming after your coward ass. Don't think I have forgotten about you cause I sure as hell haven't you ain'y going to bad mouth THE MASTA and get away with it son, not for real. Foundation, I will deal with you later.

(The lady behind the desk calls out number 78 and Masta Red gets up and walks to the front desk.)

Lady: May I help you, sir?

Masta Red Yeah, I would to file a complaint againist the cab drivers around here.

Lady: Is that so? Well you will have to go down the hall and up those stairs first door on your left. Thank you.

Masta Red Yeah.

(Masta Red pulls up his pants and walks down the hall looking for the stairs. He finally finds the stairs after walking down the hall for about 2 minutes. He begins to climb the flight of stairs and looks down the hall.)

Masta Red First door on your left...

(Masta Red knocks on the first down on his left and some man opens the door. He is wearing a gray jumpsuit that has a patch stitched onto it saying "Supervisor". He talks a sit behind a desk and looks over at Masta Red.)

Supervisor: What is the problem sir?

Masta Red font color="white">Your little cab drivers won't pick me up cause I am black, I make more money than they do, yet they don't think I don't have the money and that I am going to take them to the ghetto or something like that, what's up with that?

Supervisor: I am extremely sorry sir. It is a code that we have in Section 3 Line 45 of our handbook. It says that we do not have to pick up someone who we do not think is capable or paying or might cause us bodily harm.

Masta Red Yeah sure, whatever man. All I have to say is the next time one of your little asshole cab drivers pass me by, I am going to start bussing heads, if ya get my drift.

Supervisor: Of course we do. Now have a nice day. (Softly spoken.) Asshole.

(Masta Red quickly turns around and pushes the supervisor back and he goes flipping over his desk sending papers and the desk tumbling down onto him.)

Masta Red Sorry bout that, I slipped on that pencil.

(Masta Red pulls out his pencil and drops it on the floor and walks out of the office and closes the door. He looks back over at the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Back to Mark, now I am sure that you can see this as you first match in the aWa and this is going to be your first big win and you are going straight to the top after you beat me right? Well, you don't need to put your expectations too high, cause I have a strong guess that will not be happening at all. You might be cocky and excited for this, but I have been ready to take on someone and you are the face that showed up on the card and you will be the man that I will take on and beat for the 1,2,3. Now I am sure in the next couple of days you will bicker about pointless stuff that will put me, the fans, and everyone else in the aWa to sleep like you always have, so make sure you come with something fresh before you come to me with that same old bullshznit. Mark, I am more than ready for you, are you ready for me? I don't think so.

(Masta Red walks back down the stairs and goes back down the hall he blows a kiss at the lady behind the desk and walks out of the office building. He remembers that his car isn't here. He looks out of the street and laughs. The scene fades as Masta Red is calling for a taxi waving money in the air.)

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