The date is March 17, 2K
The time is 10:04

--Mark Smith, I knew you were nothing but a peice of shznit!--

(A scene opens in downtown Atlanta at a local park that is packed with people walking all around the place. It shows a couple of kids playing a game of volleyball and the grown ups just sitting around watching them. Suddenly a skidding sound is heard in the distance, the camera swings around and sees a red Lincoln Navigator swerving around in the lanes of the street. The goes over towards the park and rolls up on the curb and stops. Dra\/en gets out and is laughing his ass off as Masta Red gets out the other side of the car very heated at him.)

Masta Red Man, I ain't letting you drive ever again.

Dra\/en: I told you that damn car, was hard to control I don't know how you do it. All that loud music and all the other things you got going on in that car of yours.

Masta Red Man, you drive about as bad as Mark Smith wrestles.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en continue to laugh as they continue to walk down around the park waving at the people that are at the park. They go over to a cover area and sit down on the benches.)

Masta Red Man, you sure as hell ain't going to drive again, man that was terrible. I only let you drive for about 4 minutes and you almost hit a car, almost hit a grandma, and you ran up all over the curb. Damn, don't yall have test to prove you can drive in Canada?

Dra\/en: Yeah, but you ain't got to be to bright to pass the test they are pretty damn easy, I got my on the first try in like 5 minutes. I am sure that some people couldn't get on it yout get what I am saying.

Masta Red Yeah, I hear ya, like Bryan Allen, Chris Coolness and definately Mark Smith. Man did you hear what he said about me? I couldn't believe I tried to be all nice and suttle to him yet he stabbed me in the back like he always has done even when I was in the 4WL.

Dra\/en: Let's not even talk about that. I mean you basically put him on the map. It was one of the best federation around. Yet, he little satanic ass just loved all his little friends that he had.

Masta Red It doesn't matter anymore, I won every damn belt in that federation and I had him begging me to come back every time I quit. That little pansy. Can you believe that he said I left the 420 cause he knew I would get my ass kicked there? I mean come on, please Marky, you got me bent up in more places than one. I had other things to deal with, cause unlike you I do play sports outside of wrestling, unlike your obese ass. You must really think that you are bad now-a-days huh? Well, I guess someone really need a reality check layed down and put right in his face.

Dra\/en: And what will that reality check be?

Masta Red My foot kicking his ass. He now thinks he is Mr. Big Shot wrestler walking around here all buff and tough, talking about how he is going to beat me so quickly in the ring. It is such a shame that I am underestimated by the man, that I made to be what he is today. Who ever heard of Mark Smith, before I left the 4WL?

Dra\/en: I sure as hell didn't I always thought he was some kinda baseball player or something.

Masta Red I think he is, but let's not talk about baseball. Mark Smith, after 4WL crashed you came out into the wrestling world guns a blazing, I remember watching you trying to beat some guy in some federation. I mean this guy just basically crushed you, cause you have no potential at all. You are a mere wrestler that thinks he is good cause he has been in a couple of feds with some good wrestlers in it, well that ain't going to cut it around here boy. I have been in some of the best during my 6 year career. I am a veteran around here son, you are the one that is the little rookie trying to take on the wise and respected veteran.

Dra\/en: Damn, 6 years! Masta Red you are pretty damn old. How old are you?

Masta Red I'll tell ya later. But Mark Smith, broke that little peace that I had with him, saying that I wasn't any competition for him cause he is "American Ant-Christ" I mean I thought that was Marilyn Manson, but I might be wrong it is no telling what these little pansies think they are now-a-days. Mark, if you actually think you are just going to run over me like you did when I was in your federation taking all that bullshznit you threw at me, you have lost your fool mind. Cause you will see who will come out the winner at the Boston Fleet Center on Sunday, I am pretty sure that it won't be you, but the other man in the ring, and looky here that happens to be me. You are a joke Mark, you talk alot, but there is no talent in that little fragile body of yours. We will see what happens Sunday, we will see if all that bullshznit you said is going to pay off.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en look over a couple of girls that pass by them smiling and waving at them. Masta Red tells them to come over so they can talk to them.)

Dra\/en: What's are your names?

Girls: (Blushing.) My name is Danielle and her name is Sareda.

Masta Red Is that so? Well you are two pretty girls. Have you ever heard of the aWa?

Danielle: I have.

Sareda: Me too.

Masta Red Good, well we have a tour called, Coma America, and I would like to give you two passes right up to the action so you can see Dra\/en beat up on Chris Coolness and Bryan Allen and watch me shut Mark Smith's mouth up for good.

Sareda: But how will we get up there?

Dra\/en: I am sure that Masta Red will make arrangement for two pretty girls like you to make it to Boston. Okay.

Danielle: Okay.

Masta Red Here is my address come by sometime, we will be there till like Saturday, so try to make it before then. Bye now.

(Masta Red writes down his address and gives one to each girl. They quickly put it in there pocket.)

Sareda and Danielle: (Together.) Thank you.

Masta Red No problem. Bye now.

Sareda and Danielle: (Together.) Bye.

(Both of the girls walk off cheesing very hard and keep on peeping back at Dra\/en and Masta Red.)

Masta Red I think they want you Dra\/en.

Dra\/en: Maybe you are right, but I say them looking at you rather hardly.

Masta Red Sure, hey I know you got something to say.

Dra\/en: Of course, now I am sure that Chris Coolness it very good on paper or in the gym againist some jobber that is trying to come up in the wrestling world. But I can already see that you have more hype than you have talent and that is going to get you about as far as it gets Bryan Allen in the ring againist me and that my son is not very far at all. You aren't mcuh to talk about, so I will leave you with this. You Chris Coolness must get his heads out of the clouds and make his expectations go back down to the nice firm earth cause you are nothing. Now onto my old rival in Bryan Allen, you have relive the past all ya want, but this is now Bryan and just a couple of weeks ago, I can remember someone going head first into the mat from the 3D, but you don't want to talk about that do ya? You want to go back a whole year when I was practically a rookie in this game, so you want to relive your one little 5 minutes of fame that you actually did in your pathetic life of yours. Now you want to make sure a big deal of that, well you can have that one moment, cause I promise you that it won't happen again. You don't have the skills to compete with me, I am the man that you want to try and be, but you can't cause you are a mere third rate wrestler wondering why you can't beat anyone. Bryan, I am sure that you will be good one day, but not when I am around here, you might want to go join a fed that Mark Smith is in since he thinks he is so good yet he only beat, the Brooklyn Brawler to become the champion. Allen you will feel the 3D again and once again Dra\/en will remain supreme over you.

(Dra\/en looks over at Masta Red as he is looking over a his car.)

Dra\/en: What are you looking at?

Masta Red Someone is at my car. It looks like he is trying to break into it.

(Masta Red begins to run up and hides behind and couple of trees and Dra\/en and the camera follows him. After ducking behind a bush that is a little ahead of his car Masta Red looks over very mad. Cause the man has a Bry2K Bug t-shirt on. Masta Red stands up over the bush and rushes the guy at the car and slams him down on the floor.)

Masta Red What the hell do you think you are doing?

Guy: I am sorry man, this guy told me to do this, he said he would give me $1,000 bucks to do it. I really wasn't going to steal anything from your car. His limo is right over there.

(Masta Red looks up and hears some tired squealing out and speeding down the street running a red light and disappearing down the street.)

Dra\/en: You better take yourself home kid, go.

(The kid gets up and runs off.)

Masta Red Mark Smith, I am sure that you are think that you are sitting on top of the mountain looking down on what you think is going to be what you will take over sooner later right, but that won't be happening around here, cause you aren't going to get past me after Sunday. I know I am going to beat you cause you are softer than I whoppie cushion. You don't have a chance at competeing againist "The New F'N Show". I might be a little older that you are, but I am sure that I will give you one ass kicking that you will dream that you had never taken in the first place. Mark Smith, you are mines Sunday.

Dra\/en: No matter who comes first Chris Coolness or Bryan, both of you will get the 3D and be put out of the match for good. Bryan I know you want redemption for that last 3D that you received, so you are going to have to prove what you are made up, but I think it is nothing, but a bunch of lard. Chris, you will not even be a factor here, once enter the ring (Dra\/en snaps his fingers.) thats how quickly your lights and your hopes of winning the match will be over. You might want to try your hand againist Bryan, you might beat him, but you don't stand a chance here.

Masta Red Alright, you ready to go. I am starting to get hungry.

Dra\/en: Yeah, let's go. You going to let me drive?

(Masta Red looks over at Dra\/en and begins to laugh as Masta Red climbs into the Navigator and starts it up and Dra\/en gets in on the other side. "Whoa" by Black Rob begins to play out of the Navigator rather loudly as the Navigator pulls out of the parking space quickly as the camera fades.)

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