
(A scene opens with a very, very large yacht floating in the Gulf Of Mexico. Masta Red is sitting on the boat smoking a very large cigar blowing smoke into the air. The camera swings around and sees many people of the boat drinking and dance to "Big Pimpin" by Jay-Z. A girl comes up to Masta Red and tries to get him to dance but he says no and the girl walks back over to the crowd of people and continues dancing. Masta Red gets up and walks to the side of the yacht and looks over down the side and sees a giant whale off the side going right along with the yacht. He laughs and begins to talk.)

Masta Red You know there are alot of things out here in the world that can really take ya breath away, one is seeing one of nature's beauties, such as this blue whale right here and others are the hidieous things like looking at Divine masturbating on the bridge of Tito's nose. But there seems to be alot of things going on right now, the PPV is coming up April 30th and I will have Mark Smith, ONCE AGAIN, to take on and do what, beat like I have already done two times. I am sure Mark Smith is looking over at himself thinking that I am making his reputation kinda bad, but I could careless.

(Masta Red spits over the side of the yacht as he hears someone call him over. But down below in the depths of the ocean, well actually right under the yacht, that blue whale is very mad to have Masta Red's saliva in his eyeball.)

Girl: Masta Red, you can't sit over there and gloat about stuff this is your yacht and we are going to party are night long.

Masta Red Is that so?

Girl: Of course it is, so come over here and let's dance.

Masta Red Naw, I need to conserve energy, you should know that.

Girl: So what.

(The girl grabs Masta Red and they begin to dance alittle Masta Red looks rather bored with the girl dancing all over him, so he is just looking around for a reason to get the girl off of him. Suddenly the boat shakes alittle.)

Man: (distant voice.) OH NO WE HIT AN ICEBERG! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!

Masta Red No we didn't you stupid moron, there are no icebergs in the Gulf of Mexico. Must have been a big wave or something. Continue dancing.

(Masta Red uses this as his chance to get away from the girl, he in the control room of the yacht and asks the driver what is going on.)

Masta Red Hey, what's going on?

Skipper: Umm.. I don't know, the water is fairly calm, but it may have been an underwater distribance.

Masta Red Ain't you the skippper from Gilligan's Island? Someone told me your were.

Skipper: Nope, sorry.

Masta Red Yeah, don't know who your employees are now-a-days.

(Masta Red comes back down the the deck and brings a chair up to the side of the yacht and sits down and begins to talk.)

Masta Red You know I can honestly say that I was not surprised that the gay community wouldn't come out and support their hero in Divine. It is such a shame that 10 gay dudes came by and just murdered me in the ring. As I sat in the lockerroom after the event I thought to myself, how in the hell did I lose to Divine? I mean this none talent peice of shznit was murdered by me, I kicked his ass from the beginning of the match until Freddy came out and scared the hell outta everyone. Then that is when the tide had turned and Divine capitalized on my mistake and got the win. So I have to give him that much, but I see a rematch coming up in the near future Divine, I think how about, ummm. Sunday night at the Rose Garden, I will redeem myself for this total debacle that has happened to me, I will not sit back and let a no talent peice of shznit walk around here with a victory over me. But this time, I want it my way, I saw we walk down to the local Kroger's and have Grocery Store brawl, falls count anywhere in the entire grocery store, no interference, no dqs, just and knock down fall out between us. I will not sit back and let your gloat over with this win. You don't deserve that much credit here, cause I had you one the mat crying like the little b*tch that you are. So Divine, it will not be as easy to get the gay community behind you this time, as the doors will be locked and it will be just me and you, no Tito, no nude guys in bow ties. Me and Divine to set the records straight.

(Masta Red begins to walk around on the deck and that and that girl begins to creep up on him.)

Masta Red Divine, I saw that you are one of the few men that are going to beat me now-a-days, I can promise you that one for sure. That is one lost that I will take to the bank with me, right now I am in the red and that is where I am going to put you when you climb into the ring once again with The Masta. I plan on getting you this time, there will be no where to hide, no where to run, me, you, and Kroger's are going to set this fed on fire for good. Divine, I will let you dwell on that for awhile, while I got to someone else.

(Masta Red looks over his shoulder and the girl turns around and begins to walk away. Masta Red just shakes his head and continues to talk.)

Masta Red Now there is one man that I am getting tired of seeing every other week and that is Mr. Wrestling 3000 the man that is trying to impress someone with his stupid phone cards, you know what I got a phone card and it has 60 minutes of pure ass kicking on it, and on the card is my foot smashing you right in the face. So you take heed to this challenge son, you ain't doing nothing bust wasting good air time and I am that man that is going to give you some romming charges when I kick your ass from Atlanta, Ga to Seattle, WA. So Mr. Wrestling shut your trap for the time being, accept the challenge, any way you want it, it doesn't matter, there will be hell to pay when you climb into the ring with the MASTA!

(Masta Red walks over to the edge of the boat and sees bubbles coming up from under the yacht. Masta Red's eyes get buck and he backs away from the edge and runs into the control to see the skipper in a chair sleep with his hat over his eyes. Masta Red kicks the chair and he awakes.)

Skipper: huh?... What is happening?

Masta Red There is a F'N blue whale trying to capsize the BOAT!

Skipper: huh?

(Suddenly the boat begins to rock and the Masta Red and the Skipper slam into the wall. The people of the deck begin to slide around on the deck slamming into each other.)

Skipper: AWW F*CK!

(The Skipper goes to the wheel to steer it but it slips out of his head and slaps him in the head and he falls out of the floor.)

Masta Red CRAP! Get up dude! GET UP!

(Masta Red kicks the skipper a couple of times yet he is still knocked out. Masta Red looks at the controls and sees a lever that says "Acceleration". Masta Red gets on the loud speaker.)

Masta Red (Over loudspeaker.) Everyone hold on!

(Masta Red pushes the lever up and the engine whirls and it speeds off leaving the whale in the dust. Masta Red grabs a hold of the spinning wheel and gets it under control and he turns it around and goes into the other direction. He quickly get the boat back on the right path back to the pier.)

Masta Red (Over loudspeaker.) Okay we should be back on land in about 20 minutes.

(The people of the boat begin to stand back up and look around to make sure everyone is alright.)

Masta Red Okay, I need to get this done with. Divine, I want you son, and it ain't for any of your queer little games, Mr. Wrestling 3000, shut up for a couple of seconds will ya, I got you soon enough, you ain't got nothing worth your time, so I am going to bust ya ass right up and one more thing. Days of Demise, will go down in the book as the night that the Masta Red will get his first title and maybe even to titles, we will just have to see how it all plays out won't we.

(Masta Red gets back on the wheel and continues to steer the boat. That girl comes up to Masta Red with that look in her eyes.)

Girl: Masta, you saved my life, I owe you big.

(The girl goes over and hits cruise control on the control panel and jumps on Masta Red. The camera swings behind the girl as she throws off her bikini top as the scene fades.)

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