[The aWa World Heavyweight Champion SPEAKS!!]

[A scene opens with a shot right on the front of the aWa World Heavyweight Title. The camera begins to zooms out as it is displayed in a glass case on a red velvety pillow. The camera zooms out way back and shows the face of Chris Watkins. He is standing behind a podium in a tuxedo and looking like he is about to speak. The camera turns around and sees about 50 people sitting down in a room with tape recorders, cameras and microphones. The camera swings back over to Watkins and he begins to talk.]

Chris Watkins: Okay settle down folks. I, Chris Watkins, is here to show you all your first glimspe of the NEW and first aWa World Champion in Masta Red.

[Masta Red comes out of a door from behind the podium and flashbulbs go off as he walks up and takes a seat next to Chris Watkins. Chris looks over at Masta Red like he is thrilled to death to have him as his World Champion.]

Chris Watkins: Okay, Masta Red is here to answer some of your questions in about 15 minutes so as we take a break from action. He is winded right now, he has just got out of the gym and need alittle time to recooperate. Be back in awhile.

[The reporters begins to get rowdy as Masta Red and Watkins walk away from all of the mess out there. They go through the door Masta Red came out of and Masta Red goes over and lays down on the couch as Watkins grabs a bottle of water out of a cooler and takes a seat in a chair looking over at Masta Red.]

Chris Watkins: I thought you said that you had a tux to wear to this thing.

Masta Red Man I completely forgot about it. It just slipped my mind. All I had to wear was this wife beater and some cargo shorts. Man I am sorry. I knew my title wasn't going for no reason, I was going to get it replicated so I can hang the replica up in my hall of titles that I got at the house.

Chris Watkins: Man I can't get mad about it, you told me you were leaving to lift weights and stuff I should have reminded ya. But I guess what you are wearing is good enough. It expressed your personality and other things that promote you as our aWa World Heavyweight Champion.

Masta Red Look man you ain't gotta make excuses for me. I forgot and that is my fault, so sorry. But you will get over it.

Chris Watkins: Yeah I guess I will have to oh well, I am going to head to the bathroom to make sure nothing is in my teeth or anything like that, be right back.

Masta Red Yeah.

[Watkins walks out of the room picking at his teeth. The camera swings back to Masta Red who is lounging on the couch looking up at the camera.]

Masta Red Well I did what I came out here to do and that is make myself the World Champion of aWa. Now I am sure there are already many little peices of crap that want a shot at my title, but they ain't going to get it any time soon, there is only one person that I think deserves that shot and it sure as hell ain't our local jobber, Hollywood Worm. But a man that has reasserted himself into the aWa and that man goes by the man of "Bry2k" Bryan Allen, but I will get to him later on, right now there is one thing on my mind at that is that I have heard that I defend my title, at MY leisure, so whomever I decide gets the shot will get that shot. I look at Pro, Bry2k, Madman and other people that should get a legetitmate shot at my title, but on the other side of the tape, there are people like Divine, who I really want to get my hands on, but he really doesn't deserve a shot at anything, except maybe a sterilizing shot so he can stop cumming on his hand and Tito's face. But until that hatchet is buried Divine is still fresh on my mind. So once I get my redemption rematch with Divine, he is a dead man walking to date. But onto the matters at hand.

[Masta Red sits up and pops his neck and stands up. He walks over to the door but the door quickly swings open and a very short man comes up to Masta Red with a taperecorder. He slams the door behind him and locks it behind him. Masta Red walks back away from the door looking at the short man walking towards him.]

Masta Red Whoa now little dude, what is the problem here?

Man: I am going to want first pops at the first question to you.

Masta Red Who are you and why do you deserve the first question?

Malik Hans: My name is Malik Hans, the man that has followed you all of your career, since the very beginning. I have looked up to you, as I would look up to my god, Boji.

Masta Red Yeah I can see why ya look up to me, but who in the hell is Boji?

Malik Hans: He is my holy lord I praise him every other 7 minutes, oh no it is almost time to praise him again.

Masta Red Yeah you do that.

[Malik reaches into his pocket and pulls out a white cloth and lays it on the floor. He kneels down on the cloth and begins to pray. Masta Red looks at him and slides behind him and slides out of the door and gets a chair and jams the door. He turns around and sees all of the reporters looking at him. He walks up to the podium and looks up at all of the people and begins to smile. He taps the microphone to make sure it is working as he begins to talk.]

Masta Red Well people since Watkins is no where to be find, I think he is in the bathroom dropping some logs, I guess we will start this press conference on with. Let's start off with the first question going to my man right there next to the wall over here.

John Young: Hello my name is John Young from Wrestling Esquire Magazine. We want to know how you feel since you claimed the aWa World Title for yourself.

Masta Red It was a dream come true again man. I mean I worked my ass off here in aWa to do one thing and one thing only and that was to regain my status as the World Champion. It only took me 2 months to get back what belonged to me, the top spot in a big time federation. It feels almost fake, surreal, to say the least. I love all of the people and I especially love carrying about this great gold title around my waist. Okay you next.

Kirk Jones: My name is Kirk Jones, from The New York Times. We want to write an article about you in our paper. We would like to ask you this question, since you entering aWa, did you ever think that you would win the World Title?

Masta Red Yes I did, Kirk. I knew my talents were go enough to claim a title and also claim the World Title here in aWa. There was some doubt that I only could get the title I had my eyes fixed on and that is the Iron Man Title, but I was dropped out of that match and I got the title that meant everything and that is the aWa World Title. I knew that one day I would regain my spot as one of the top wrestlers in the world and I am glad that aWa was the place that it happened. You with the ball cap.

Peter Gaines: Yes, I am Peter Gaines from Wrestling Rumors and Headlines. There is a rumor going around that you are having innerconflicts with one, Chris Watkins, over contract disputions and other things dealing with you since you won the aWa World Title.

Masta Red Man that shznit is false as hell, there is no drama going on between me and Watkins, he wants my input and I give it to him, if he doesn't want it, he doesn't have to take it. Watkins is a great president and me and him are getting along great at the moment. You with the Polo shirt.

Jim Fields: Yea my name is Jim Fields, owner of E-wrestling.com. I was posting the lastest happens on my page when I saw that you had won the aWa World Title, just nudging "Bry2k" Brayn Allen out of the way. Is he a man that is going to be the next aWa World Champion, or was it a lucky break for a poor ability wrestler?

Masta Red Kid me not Bryan Allen is a competitor but he is no Masta Red for sure. There will come a time when I do face Bry2k in the ring and it might be soon as he is taking on Brian Jackson, a man that I think deserves nothing, in a number one contendership match. If Bry2k comes out the winner I can't turn down the match. He was the last man in the ring with me, so he should and might get the first shot at my title. Allen is not a Hollywood Worm or even a Chris Coolness, he is right there in the playing field with a $inster Kane, great talent, but he just needs to assert himself into the playing field. Soon enough he will get his time to shine but I promise you the thing that he will be shining won't be my aWa World Title. Time to go to a female. You with the brown hair, yeah right there.

Kim Parks: Yes I am Kim Parks, CEO of Wrestling Champions. We would like to know if you have a partner or some sort coming into the federation to help you out at all and if there is a person in the federation who you really don't like other than the more than obvise Divine.

Masta Red Well not really, there is no one that is even close to Divine in the hatred level here in aWa at the current moment. But as for the coming of a parnter of some sort, just wait and see. You in the green suit.

Alex Douglass: Yes I am Alex Douglass, from Time Magazine, we would like to know, since all of the new talent has come into aWa are you worried that people like Chris Canton, Insanity and others will have a huge run at your title?

Masta Red There is some good people in here, but they will give someone like Madman a run for his money, but none of them even compare to me. We have Chirs Canton, hell he can't even pronounce his own name, and he sure as hell can't wrestle. It took him 13 minutes just to beat, and Mark would have only took me about 20 ticks off the clock to him done with. I am sure that the talent will get better, but right now these guys are nothing to shake a stick at. You in the overalls.

Jimbob Greene: Heck ya, my name is Jimbob, but my friends call me Jimbo, I am the editer and chief of Wrasslin's News Monthly, I would like to know, where in the heck did you think about not being put in the aWa Iron Man Title match, a match that as I we say down south here, werked yer ass off fer.

Masta Red Well I was upset at first when I was told that I would not be in the Iron Man Title match, but there was no problems at all there. I am fine with it cause I got 1 of the titles that I wanted and that is the aWa World Title.

[Suddenly a door swings open and Watkins comes out to his suprise of Masta Red answering all of the questions without him being present. He storms up to the podium and grabs Masta Red. Masta Red looks over at Watkins and Watkins let's him go fairly quickly. Watkins begins to talk.]

Chris Watkins: What are you doing? You were suppose to wait for me, so I could help you answer the question.

Masta Red Look man when did someone die and name you god here? I didn't think anyone died anytime soon, so if I was you, I would go with the flow here, I have everything undercontrol. You are not needed, all you were needed for was to introduce me, now you can go on my merry way.

Chris Watkins: WHAT? I made you son, you owe everything to me, you owe that paycheck you get every week, you owe me that belt you are wearing, you owe EVERY DAMN THING TO ME!

Masta Red No Watkins you are wrong and you need to get out of my face before I level you in the floor.

[Watkins looks over at Masta Red with a shocked look on his face. He walks up to Masta Red and looks him right in the eyes.]


Masta Red Yeah right little man, now hit the bricks, ya heard?

[Watkins backs up from Masta Red and just keeps on looking at him right in the eyes, he spins around and kicks open the doors and walks out of the room. Masta Red laughs a little then looks back to the reporters.]

Masta Red Okay everyone, write this down, it is my formal statement.

[All of the reporters pull out pens and pads.]

Masta Red As the aWa World Champion I am going to make it my duty to face all the opponents who I think deserve a title shot, the number one contenders and the men that work their ass off to get near the top like I did. Not matter what the quality of wrestler you are, you will be noticed by me then I will crush your advances, just like a large man would do an anthill as he jogs down the street. Those like Pro, Madman, Bry2k, and the other top notch wrestlers in the aWa will get their shot at my title as soon as they prove to me that they are worth it, but until then they will just be brushed to the side like dandruff in Chris Coolness's hair. Whomever the challenge, whatever the match, I will reign as the best that this fed has to offer, no matter what new little talent comes into this federation. You remember, I am the World Champion and it is going to stay that way for a long ass time. There is no stopping me.

[Masta Red opens the top of the box that has his title in it, he grabs it and holds it up into the air and flashbulbs begin to go off. Masta Red walks down from the podium and moves the door out of the way of the door infront of the room. Suddenly Malik comes tumbling through the door rolling on the floor.]

Malik Hans: You have insulted me greatly, now you will perish and burn in HELL!

Masta Red No I won't.

[Masta Red runs into the crowd of reporters and kicks open a group of double doors infront of him. He looks back to see that the reporters are performing a human wall infront of Malik and he has no where to go.]

Malik Hans: [screaming.] Your sins you cause you super pain and you might get hurt. Boji shows no mercy to those who oppose his great powers!

Masta Red Yeah and a big f*ck you too.

[The scene fades as Masta Red walks out of the building looking around for his Lincoln Navigator.]

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