[Why am I forced to dwell on these pathetic wrestlers??]

[A scene opens with Masta Red stopped at a spotlight on the corner of 1st Street and Main Street in downtown Atlanta. A couple of men walk up to the car with buckets and squigges and begin to clean Masta Red's windows. One of the men get right infront of Masta Red's Navigator so he can go no one. Masta Red jumps blows his horn telling the man to get out of the way, but he just stands there smiling. The other two men walk up to both sides of the Navigator and open the door and grab Masta Red out of the car.]

Masta Red: Man what the f*ck is going on here.

Man 1: We are taking you in for murder.

Masta Red: Murder? Who in the hell did I kill this week? No one. So you might as well get your hands off me before I knock your stupid ass on your ass.

Man 1: Such a foul mouth. You really don't want to anger me, Masta Red. I am a Navy Seal and I could kill you with one thrust of my fist.

Masta Red: Well that is nice to know, but I tell you want, it might tell more than one thrust for me to kill your ass, but I will do it. I have better things to worry 'bout then some stupid murder that I didn't do. When did this happen?

Man 2: It happen a couple of days ago in Mexico. The brother of current aWa Wrestler and number one contender Brian "Action" Jackson.

Masta Red: So why do you think I did it?

Man 2: He made a public announcement that you were the man that killed his brother. So you are our prime suspect.

Masta Red: Just cause some Jackson Five reject said I did something to his little queer brother, you think I killed him huh?

Man 1: Well we checked out your criminal record and it was long enough to reach the floor so we had to make sure we got a hold of you very quickly.

Masta Red: So you might as well take me to jail, but when I get out, I swear I am going to get that little monkey Brian Jackson.

[The man pulls out some handcuffs and is about to cuff Masta Red. Masta Red pulls his hands away and goes into the unmarked police car. He sits in the back laughin at little. The man gets into the car and begins to drive off.]

[23 minutes later.]

[The arrive at "Atlanta Police Headquarters" Masta Red gets out and waits on the man to get out of the car. They take Masta Red into the building and everyone in the building immediately looks at Masta Red cause they recognize his face from the many times he has been in there.]

Masta Red: Hey yall, what's happening?

[Masta Red and the man walk upto the big locked metal door. The man puts a card into a slot and puts in a couple of numbers and the door opens. The walk down a hall and he opens a cell door and Masta Red enters it.]

Man 1: Okay, we will get to you very soon. You just sit tight.

Masta Red: Whatever.

[Masta Red walks around the cell and looks around all of the people looking at him. We takes a sit on a bench that no one is occuping but a very large man who is sleep at the end of the bench.]

Masta Red: Once again, I am the victim of the justice system cause of my race and my record. But that doesn't matter. Cause while I am here I might as well talk about the little people around here, like the person that has a World Title shot at my title.

[Masta Red looks over at the big mouth he looks up and around then falls back asleep. All of the people in the jail except Masta Red jumps back against the far wall when the man woke up.]

Masta Red: Well Mr. Jackson, you finally are going to get your chance at obtaining my World Title. You are getting all hype about this having a little session, with Montell Jordan, and telling everyone that I killed your little fag brother. Well either way it goes, you will not defeat me, so I am not to worried about your at all. It would have been different if Bry2k was there. I mean he actually has talent, but you, you are pathetic, you look like that damn monkey your have and you probably wrestler like David Letterman for all that I know. I give you credit you did beat Bry2k, but so have I, so that gives you no advantage here. You are not too good in my eyes, I don't even know why you are facing the likes of you. I mean you should be facing someone like Hollyword Worm or Brandon Kearse, not me, cause I would crush you and guess what coming up at the PPV I will crush your futile efforts at trying to wrestle. You my son, are going to have to come with something better than what you have going on for yourself right now to even come close to beating me, I tell you what, since I am the World Champion and I have that much power, let's make this interesting, let's make this NO DQ, falls count anywhere, I just don't want a regular match with you, I want a match that I can use to show all of these stupid wrestlers here that I am a man that they really don't want to face in the ring, but we will have the stupid little females here that think they are the shznit. All I have to tell them is going to aWa Headquarters and go down the hall of champions and look at the picture of the World Champion and that happens to be me. Brain, in my mind you are one of those females that just got a lucky break and now is getting a shot my title that you do not deserve. But yet you do have it and I will face you, but it won't last long, probably not over 30 seconds off the timer. Brian Jackson, you ain't worth my time.

[Masta Red gets up and begins to walk around the the cellblock looking at the guys. One skinny dirty old guy gets up and walks up to Masta Red.]

Guy: Excuse me sir. But do you not know who that man is over there?

Masta Red: Who that fat guy? No why?

Guy: He lives here, he never comes out into society since he was 12 years old. He is a cold blooded killer. You may want to stay over here with us. He doesn't take nice to people that sit on his bench over there.

Masta Red: Man, that fat hoe can kiss my ass. I ain't even worried about what he has to say right now. He is nothing to worry about at the moment, I have better things to worry about then one of society's rejects. Okay, now you take your drunk ass back over there and sit down.

[The guy goes back over the side where he was at and begins to cry one one the men's shoulders and the hug him and nurture him back to health. Masta Red goes back over to the bench that he was at. He sits down and the bench creeks and the big man wakes up and the men get very afraid and try to get as far as they can from the man as Masta Red just sits there. The big man gets up and walks over to the the crowd of men. When that old guy stands up.]

Guy: Look, Tiny, there is someone on your bench!

[Tiny quickly turns around and looks over at Masta Red who looks like he is about to fall asleep. He walks over to Masta Red and stands right infront of him. Looking him right in the face foaming from the mouth and breathing very hard. Masta Red looks up at the man and just shakes his head and tries to fall back to sleep.]

Tiny: Hey! U biitch gettt offff my bench!

[Masta Red just continues to sleep.]


[Masta Red looks up and looks Tiny right in the face and Tiny eyes gets very large as Masta Red stands up and looks Tiny right in the face.]

Masta Red: This might be your bench but I am sitting here now, so either you take that end and I take this end, or I will just take the whole bench and leave your ass on the floor where the trash belongs.

[Tiny looks over at Masta Red and grits his teeth. He takes a big punch at Masta Red. Masta Red moves to the side alittle and grabs his arm. Masta Red places his hand on Tiny's elbow and hold under his arm.]

Masta Red: You tried to break me, now I break you.

[Masta Red pulls his arm back and punches Tiny in the arm and a loud snap is heard and Tiny goes crashing to the ground.]

Tiny: OWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

[Suddenly one of the men from earlier comes to the back and opens the door and lets Masta Red out. Masta Red looks back and sees the other men in the cell going over to help Tiny as he is laying on the floor in pain. They walk back through the door and they go into a room and Masta Red takes at seat and a couple of men sit in there and look at him. They just sit there and look at Masta Red. Masta Red looks up and smiles and they begin to talk among themselves.]

Man 1: Okay, let's go.

Masta Red: What? No question? No harassment? No plunger?

Man 2: Get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!

[Masta Red gets up laughing and walks through the door and goes through the metal door and enter the main room he waves bye to all of the people sitting in there that knows him and walks out there the front door. He gets on the sidewalk and begins to walk.]

Masta Red: Well I got out of that jam. I can't believe that think I killed Brian's brother. They can kiss my ass for all I care. Well since I have my special little match and with Bry2k as the ref I guess this will be in the bag right? WRONG! Bry2k, you may want me to trust you or whatever, but I don't think so. You may have gotten on my better side now, but you still ain't no friend of mines. So if I was you, I would make SURE that I call this match right down the middle, cause if you don't there will be consequences that you are going to get. Bry2k, you may have came all out of the way just to ref this match, but all I need you to do is count, 1,2,3. Then take your ass to the back with the rest of the low class talent and try to teach them how to wrestle. I know this might offend you in ways, but hell DTA, and I don't trust anyone. Now speaking of the OTHERS out there like Madman, that still insults me, whines about not getting a title shot and all of the other bullshznit, I tell you what Madman, you will get your shot soon enough, I may have the leisure to defend my title, but the Sunday after the PPV, you are next, then I will take a break then kick the next pussies' ass that wants a title shot. Madman, I am doing you a favor, I am giving you a chance to be at the top of this federation, but it won't happen cause you are not even close to being in the league I am in. This is the Big League here, while you are stuck in Single-A baseball. I am giving you this chance Madman, go ahead and blow it cause I know you are. There is one more thing to dwell on and that is the status of aWa. I tell all of you right now, we are going to make the whole f'n world feel us. We all need to get off our asses and show everyone that we has the best talent around here. I am going to take it into my personal hands to answer anyone who actually thinks that they have what it takes to beat the likes of me, but I doubt if there are many. Next week, Brian Jackson, the week after that Madman, and the week after that it doesn't matter, I am going to be a f'n fighting champion and push MY fed to the top. Ya heard!

[Masta Red looks down the street and sees a large building with the words, "Empoundment Office" on it. He walks up to the door and enters the doors. He walks up to the front desk and rings the little bell and a man comes up.]

Masta Red: Yeah I need to get my car outta here.

Man 1: Take a number and take a seat.

[Masta Red takes a number and goes into the room that the man points to Masta Red enters the room and sees tons of people and he just shakes his head as the camera fades.]

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