[Life after the World Title continues!]

[A scenes opens with Masta Red walking around at a Mercedes Benz dealer with about 5 of his friends. They begin to look at the newer Mercedes and the older ones. Masta Red walks up to a Mercedes Benz SUV and just turns his head in disgust. They walk over to a Mercedes Benz E-Class and Masta Red nods his head yes. Suddenly a very short man walks over to Masta Red and begins to talk.]

Man: Is this the car of your choice Masta Red?

Masta Red: Yeah I will take it, how much?

Man: Oh this is our special E-Class line. This car is going to run you about sixty thousand dollars.

Masta Red: Cash or check?

Man: I prefer cash, but that may be a little steep to ask from you now, so I will take a check.

Masta Red: I got it in cash, but I guess you need a check, cause you won't know what to do with $60 g's.

Man: Actually, I would, buy two more Mercedes.

[Masta Red reaches into his pocket, pulls out his checkbook, makes out a check for $60,000 dollars, and gives it to the man.]

Man: Nice doing business with you Masta Red, it is great to have paying customers, instead of those that always lease their cars.

Masta Red: Yeah.

[The man throws Masta Red the keys and Masta Red opens the door to the E-Class.]

Masta Red: Hey yall take the Navigator to the mall. We will be there soon.

Dude: Yeah.

[The dude gets in the Navigator and a couple more guys get in the car and drives off as Masta Red gets in the E-Class and speeds off down the road. He looks up at the camera and begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Well there is always some shznit going on in my life, a pure example is the case of me losing my World Title, to Brian "Action" Jackson. It is a shame that I lost me title to Jackson, well that is outta my mind and I do not care about that anymore at all. No one can beat me fair and square so I don't care about it. But something that I couldn't believe was the turning of one of my best friends in the wrestling business Draven. Now I have practically carried this guy in aWa, MCW, 4WL and any other federation we have been in together. Yet he stabs me right in the spine, that little cockroach, I can't wait until I get my hands around you so I can crush him like the roach you are.

Dude 2: Isn't Draven that guy that said he was a Canadian Badass? And didn't he say that he has respect for you?

Masta Red: Well yes he did. Canadian Badass, more like Canadian bacon. Draven, when I saw you coming down the aisle saying that I befriended you, saying I left you in the pasture with the rest of the cows here in aWa, I felt used, I mean that really hurt me here in my heart Draven. I couldn't believe that a friend of mine would do me like that cause he thinks he has a chance at beating me. Canadian Bacon, you have to realize that I have beat your ass before and there isn't much that is going to stop me from doing it again, unless you are real funn...

Dude 3: Don't say it man.

Masta Red: Yeah, Draven, you are a disgrace to all Canadians, well you are a back stabber just like Canadians so maybe you ain't a disgrace more like a hero to them. Causing a great American champion his World Title. Man would yall ever do that to me?

Dude 3: Hell naw man, I would have came in and beat up Jackson.

Dude 2: Me too playa.

Masta Red: Yeah I thought so. But I was betrayed by a friend of at least 4 years maybe more. I couldn't believe it, but I know one thing, you will get yours soon enough Draven, you f*cked with the wrong man, I am already pissed that I lost my title and that you caused it, that will be something that you will pay dearly for son. Draven your days are numbered and I will get my hands around your puny neck.

[Masta Red stops outside of "Custom Tires & Rims". Masta Red and the dudes get out and go into the building. A man wearing a blue jumpsuit with the nametag "Larry" comes up and looks over at Masta Red and the rest of them.]

Larry: May I help ya?

Masta Red: Yeah I would like to buy some rims.

Larry: What are you lookin' for?

Masta Red: Some hundred spoke Ds.

Larry: What size?

Masta Red: If you got twenty, let me get twenty.

Larry: Be right back.

Masta Red: Yeah.

[Masta Red goes over and sits down on the bench looking over at new E-Class. He looks back up at the camera and begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Well I guess all I can say right now about the World Title situation is that, I will get it back. Jackson doesn't have what it takes to keep the title away from me. I will come back stronger than ever before. Jackson if Canton doesn't smear your ass into the mat, you can guaran "damn" tee, that I will get my revenge on your ass. You just wait, I will have you picking your teeth and washing your out of your nappy ass afro when I am finished with you, you little biatch. I can't believe that such a pathetic little dick like you actually beat me and took my damn World Title. But there will be dues that you will pay as time passes Jackson, you may think you are on top of the world now, but I am still at the top. Once Draven is done away with, your ass is going to be mine.

[Larry walks in with four boxes smiling.]

Larry: Here ya go. Four 20-inch hundred spoke daytons. I will install them for free. Your price is $5,230. No tax, since you bought the only ones I had left.

Masta Red: Aight.

[Masta Red reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He grabs his platinum Visa card, the man scans it, and his takes the boxes outside.]

Larry: Could you grab that jack for me Masta?

Masta Red: Sure.

[Masta Red grabs the jack and carries it outside for Larry and he begins to take Masta Red's factory rims off and begins to put the new ones on. Masta Red looks over at the camera and continues talk.]

Masta Red: Now, I know for damn sure that I need a match here right now. I ain't issuing any challenges and I am not demanding a title shot. I just want a match, someone fix the match up and we will go at it. I need to get back in my groove, since I lost it that week when Jackson beat me. But that will never happen again. There is alot of talent here now, with people like Adam Velocity, Hawk-Eye, and others coming here. There has to be someone here that needs a good ass-kicking coming their way. But one man really sticks out at the moment and his alias happens to be Madman.

[Masta Red looks over at Larry as he gets done with the left side of the car. He quickly moves to the other side and continues to put the other two rims on.]

Masta Red: Now he has been gone cause he has had an AIDS scare and is about to crap in his pants whining like a little biatch around here. I don't know what is wrong with this kid, but he needs to lay off the chocolates for awhile. He tells me that I suck. Cause I lost my title to Jackson. Hell son it speaks for itself what happen there and I do not need to continue with that subject. But you have to realize Madman, that I am a former World Champion and you my boy are nothing, but another wrestler trying to make it like I have already done. Madman, don't try me boy, stick to fighting the mid-carders that you are fighting cause I would murder you.

Larry: There ya go Masta. Damn that is pretty as hell. You have a three-year warranty on these rims and tires. So if they mess up before then, tell me and I will replace whatever is messed up.

Masta Red: Thanks pimp. Let's go guys.

[Masta Red and the rest of the men get into the E-Class and speeds off. They begin to swerve in and out of the lanes dodging cars going about seventy on a forty-five mile per hour street.]

[10 minutes later.]

[They arrive at the Mall's parking lot and Masta Red sees his Navigator and parks his car near it. He gets out and then men do also and they walk into the mall. Where they see the first man that the guys that were with him.]

Dude: What up?

Masta Red: You need to see that E-Class out there. I will show it to ya later. Right now, we need to go to Regency's and pick up my watch.

Dude 2: What watch?

Masta Red: You will see.

[Masta Red and the rest of the men continue walking through the mall as Masta Red looks over at the camera and begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Now back to this Draven guy that I once knew. Now biatch at the PPV you will get it son. I should just beat your ass right now, but I will give you time to prepare for that ass kicking that you are going to receive. There is a place that I had left for you in my heart man, then you just ripped it out, when you decided that it would be in your favor if you try to mess with the man that brought you here to aWa. I brought you here, then you left, then I am the one that brought you back. Well Draven, your career as a professional wrestler might end in aWa's ring. Draven, as long as we have been friends, we have never stabbed each other in the back. Now you have done this to me, cause you know that is the only way that you will ever be able to get the upper hand on me. That causes for a punishment worst than death. I will have my time with you Draven, and you will pay for your stupidity.

[Masta Red arrives at Regency's and goes in. He walks up to the corner and the man with a nametag that reads "John-Paul" and he begins to talk.]

John-Paul: May I help you kind sirs?

Masta Red: Yeah I came to pick up a special watch that I had ordered.

John-Paul: Your name please sir.

Masta Red: Masta Red.

John-Paul: Ahhh.. You are Masta Red, your package came in this morning. Be will you shortly sir.

Masta Red: Yeah.

[John-Paul walks to the back as Masta Red begins to look around at the jewelry and stuff. The men with him look over at Masta Red like what is going on.]

Dude 3: Masta Red, can I ask you a question.

Masta Red: Yeah.

Dude 3: Why are you spending all of this money?

Masta Red: Oh I got a contract extension, so I got money to burn from aWa and TCW. So since I have it, I might as well spend it. I am ballin' outta control pimp. I got money to burn.

[John-Paul comes in with a Rolex wooden case. He slides it on the table and Masta Red opens it to see a platinum watch with white diamonds all around the face and ruby rubies spelling out Masta Red in the clock's face. Masta Red holds it up to look at it.]

Dude: Damn boy you are blinding me!

[Masta Red and everyone begin to laugh as Masta Red slides the watch onto his wrist. He gives John-Paul his platinum Visa and he swipes it through and gives Masta Red his receipt. Masta Red nods his head to John-Paul and leaves the store.]

Dude: Damn, that sh*t is tight.

Masta Red: Thanks. Now, it doesn't matter, who comes first, I don't care if I take on Watkins and Hamric, I don't give a flying f*ck. I will get my title back, I will get my revenge on Draven, and I will prove to all of yall, that I am THE NEW F'N SHOW!

[The scene fades as the camera does a close up on Masta Red new Rolex watch.]

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