[Masta Red's coming after the next person and they are Mark Smith and Jeff Marcovich.]


(A scene opens with Masta Red and Dra\/en standing outside of Foot Action in a mall in downtown Atlanta. They enter the store and begin to looks at the new shoes that are there such as the new Gary Payton's and some Lugz boots. Masta Red goes over to get a gray Fubu heavy sweatshirt as Dra\/en grabs a two tone Fubu jersery off the top rack. One of the workers comes over and begins to talk to them.)

Worker: May I help you guys?

Masta Red Yeah, how much for this sweatshirt. There is no price on it.

Worker: $70 bucks sir. Haven't I seen two before?

Dra\/en: I think you might be mistaken. I don't think you have seen us before.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en tring not to laugh as the worker is sitting there stratching his head.)

Worker: I know where I have see you two at. You are the guys in aWa, The Dream Team, Dra\/en and Masta Red. That's where, we have aWa t.v. on that monitor up there and we have it on there all the time. I knew I seen you two before.

Masta Red Yeah, you have seen us. That's for sure. I am sure that you are going to want to see again so you are going to hook ya up. Dra\/en, you got them passes don't ya?

Dra\/en: Yeah. Here ya go man.

(Dra\/en gives the worker a pass he takes it and is extremely happy.)

Worker: THIS IS GREAT, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE ACTUALLY MEET THE BOTH OF YOU. I feel like I am on FaNaTiC. This is great. I appreciate this greatly.

(Soon there is a crowd growing outside of the Foot Action cause people are trying to see what is going on in there. The crowd is growing larger outside of the Foot Action as people take out there cameras and begin to take pictures.)

Masta Red Look we need to go, cause we are interfereing with your business, so I am going to get this shirt and I sure that Dra\/en is going to get that jersery.

(They walk over to the counter and pay for there stuff. They shake the hands of the fans that are outside of the building and squeeze threw the fans the get away. They begin to walk down the halls and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Now, there is alot going on right now in the mind on The Masta and there is much going on in the head of Dra\/en also. So we are going to clear everything up right now..

(Some man with a briefcase in a pin stripe suit and a briefcase comes up to Masta Red and stops. him.)

Masta Red Look man no autographs.

Dra\/en: Yeah man get lost.

Man: I am sorry to say I have to give you this. It is a subpeona to appear in court on the March 25. It has to do with you taking the copyrighted name of a ECW star.

Masta Red Look here, you peice of shznit. For you information, I am "THE NEW F'N SHOW" he is "THE WHOLE F'N SHOW" so I didn't take his name, you stupid little pansy. Now you take this subpeona and stick straight up your tight ass and get the hell out of my face before I knock you clean across to the other side of the mall.

(The man quickly grabs the subpeona paper and hurries away from Dra\/en and Masta Red. He seems to mumbling to himself that he will still have to come to court.)

Dra\/en: The nerve of some people, if they actually had the evidence to prove that you scalped his name he should come with that and not have some little stupid character witness in a man, name Mark Smith. But that is not good enough to have a case.

(Masta Red looks over at Dra\/en with a suprised look on his face.)

Masta Red How in the hell did you know that?

Dra\/en: Hell, I was going to be a lawyer, before I became a wrestler. I have 2 years of college and I learned that much before I quit.

Masta Red Speaking of the character witness, Mark Smith, I bet that turnbuckle didn't feel to good slapping you upside the head after I belted you with the Masta Plex and like the coward you are you jumping me from behind with your little retarded cousin Jeff Marcovich. Is this Pistol Pete's long lost brother or something, it doesn't matter who in the hell he is cause he is going to get it very soon I promise you that. One thing is for sure, you will not forget about me cause I will always be there right in your face stopping your every effort to climb to the top of this federation after you will get no where fast you little b*tch. I was in the hospital last night recovering from a slight concussion cause of you and you little retardo cousin there, but know I am fine after taking a couple of pills and I will get my revenge on you and your little cousin or whatever the hell he is to you, cause it really doesn't matter cause either way it goes I am going to take the both of ya out very soon, you have not the slightest idea of what I am going to do to the both of ya. So Mark Smith and Jeff Marcovich you had better watch your backs, cause you might come up missing in the next couple of days, I can promise you that one boys. You have made a fatal decision now I will play executioner.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en continue to walk around the mall until they see a store dedicated to selling wrestling merchandise names, "Wrestling World". Masta Red nodges Dra\/en and they go into the store. The only man in the store looks up and is suprised to see these too men that our on a shirt that he is stocking right now looking right at him. He drops this box of shirts and goes over to them.)

Guy: My GOODNESS, ain't..

Dra\/en: Yeah it's us. Look man have our new shirts came in yet?

Guy: Yes, they have, I got two whole boxes of them right now, I am stock one of the boxes though.

Masta Red Good, well I am going to buy the other box and pass out the shirt to people I see, cause you know I have to show the fans love.

Guy: Okay.

(The man goes to the back to get the box.)

Masta Red Man it sure is a shame that some people are just a peice of shznit that doesn't deserve to be able to fight me. He has already seen my wrath and he still wants some more. How stupid can Mark Smith be?

(He comes back and counts the number on shirt in the box and enters it in the register and scans the price of one of the shirts.)

Guy: The price is $399.80.

(Masta Red reaches in his pocket and pulls out $400 bucks put it on the counter and puts the shirts in a box and begin to walk away. The guy at the desk can't believe that he just got $400 bucks worth of commission on his first day of work.)

Dra\/en: Hey, we know what, there seems to be some questions going around here about us. They are wondering if we are going after the Tag Team Title or are we going after the singles title Masta. What are we going to do.

Masta Red I say whatever comes first, I am sure that we will be able to take the tag titles, with little or no competition at all in this federation. There isn't a duo of wrestlers in this federation that could compete with us. Hell there isn't a tag team that could come in here and take us on and beat us.

Dra\/en: Preach on brother. I heard there might be a legendary tag team coming in here. What about them?

Masta Red What about them, we are the best tag team right now in the world. I doubt if there is anyone that can beat us. So let em come on in.

Dra\/en: That is what I am talking about. We will just have to wait unil we get our chance to grab them Tag Team Titles and they will quickly be around the waist of you and me. But you know we both are going after the first singles title we can get our hands on also.

Masta Red Of course.

Dra\/en: I mean we are the best tag team and on the singles roster we are too good to let some third rate wrestler just prance all over us. So to answer all of the questions out there, we are going after which ever comes first it doesn't matter...

(Masta Red and Dra\/en pass a another t.v. monitor that shows only aWa broadcast and sees and announcement.)

(On the t.v.) Announcer: We have a annoucement to make people, the aWa staff has named Masta Red, the wrestler of the week for the work that he has done in having his great interviews and the work that he has done for the aWa. For that we will give mad recognition to The Masta.

(The t.v. fades and goes to showing preview for the next aWa Coma America Tour event.)

Masta Red Hey, that is sweet. You see that Dra\/en, I got named Wrestler of the week. It is good that some places recognize the talent that they have on the roster unlike other places I have been. I mean they saw me as being a peice of meat almost like "HAM".

Dra\/en: Forget Masta, just forget.

Masta Red Yeah, I should. But like I said before I appreciate that, cause I am the Wrestler of the Week and that is something I could write home to momma about.

Dra\/en: Congrats though on your honor, I know I could have gotten it from ya if I would have come earlier to get that honor.

Masta Red Sure Dra\/en, you probably would have been able to get it. In your dreams.

(Dra\/en pushes Masta Red alittle and they begin to laugh as they continue walking around in the mall.)

Masta Red You know what we are going to need a match soon, but who to challenge and who is going to give us a challenge?

Dra\/en: Hmm.. That is a good question, should we take on the only tag team in here in Incubus and Kaleb, or should we take on Fallen Angel and Divine Or we could wait and take of the people that we really want to take on right now. Like I know you want a peice of "The Foundation" Brandon Kearse and I want to get Divine in the ring.

Masta Red Hmm.. I really want a peice of "The Foundation", but we need to stake a claim that we are the best tag team right now in the aWa and in the wrestling world.

Dra\/en: But I think we are the best tag team, didn't you see the latest issue of EFR we have the top rankings of a tag team. There isn't a tag team around here that is half as good, no matter who comes in.

Masta Red That's true, but I got some things to say right now. Mark Smith and "Retardo" Jeff Marcovich I will deal with the both of you later on in the weeks to come, your pitiful efforts of trying to take me out has failed miserabl...

(Masta Red cringes in pain and he holds his head. Dra\/en looks over and is shocked. Masta Red pulls a bottle of pills out and pops one in his mouth and pushes some old lady out of the way of the closes water fountion. He closes his eyes and apologizes to the old lady.)

Dra\/en: Man, are you alright, I mean damn you had me scared there.

Masta Red It's that damn concussion that I had, it is giving me terrible migraines. I got pills for them. Mark and Jeff Marcovich, you are going to pay DEARLY for what you have done to me, you had better hope this migranes are over before my match againist, , this Sunday, because if I lose this damn match againist his sorry ass because of my headaches, I will personally give you a headache that you will not be able to get rid of. Mark, you head should be hurting anyway, so I am sure that will limit your abilities into the ring for a couple of months. I mean that was sweet on the turnbuckle, glad I thought of it. Mark, you are going to be a none factor very soon, if you keep thinking that you beat the MASTA at his game, I am this GAME Mark, while you are just a rookie trying to score on for the Gipper. Well, I have already scored mine for the Gipper and there is no way that you will be able to beat me and claim that you are the best, cause right now, I am the best and you are nothing in my eyes. , Sunday, it is me and you, I hope you have more talents that you claim to have cause if you don't want to hear about it, you have to beat me to prove that you are any good at all and I doubt that very seriously.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en begin to walk around the mall passes out the shirts to people that realize that they are Masta Red and Dra\/en, which is about everyone in the mall, so they sign some autographs for the fans that they do not have shirts for as the scene fades.)

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