[Mark Smith and Jeff Marcovich you guys are not ready for what The Dream Team is about to do to you two!]


(A scene opens at Six Flags Over Georgia. The crowd is starting to fill up the lines as they are rushing to get into Six Flags to they can ride some of thrilling rides in Six Flags. Suddenly, tires squealing and an engine revs up and the crowd turns around to see what it is. They turn around and see a Black and Red viper GTS Coup flying up toward the crowd. The people begin to panic but the break are slammed on and the car stops right in the parking spot that is should be parked up. The engine cuts off and Dra\/en and Masta Red climb out. Dra\/en of course is laughin at Masta Red cause Masta Red is shocked by how Dra\/en drives.)

Masta Red You know what I will be glad when my Linclon Navigator gets out of the shop cause I HATE riding with you anywhere. Man you drive like a maniac.

Dra\/en: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I drive just like those NASCAR drives, like Gordon, Wallace and the rest of them, you know you have to have something to fall back on especially if you are Mark Smith, cause your career is going no where fast.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en begin to laugh and they walk up to the back up the line and looks at the line which has about 30 people ahead of them. Masta Red taps Dra\/en on the shoulder as Masta sees a girl that he knows. They go over and begin to talk to the girl as she is picking up trash around the ticket line.)

Masta Red Hey, Toya, what's up with that hook up?

Toya: Look I ain't got no time for you Masta. You left me hanging last time we were going to go on date.

Masta Red But I had a match that Sunday, I am sorry I will make it up to you, you know I will.

(Masta Red begins to rub on Toya's face and she begins to blush.)

Masta Red So let us in, we are going to pay no doubt about it, but I ain't going to stand in that long ass line up there.

Toya: Okay, here hop the fence and I will give you this pass for all of the rides.

Dra\/en: SWEET!

(Masta Red and Dra\/en hop over the fence and Toya gives them both a pass for all of the rides. Masta Red takes out $50 bucks and gives it to her.)

Masta Red Hey thanks alot, I love you, you know I love you.

(Masta Red kisses the girl on the cheek and runs to catch up with Dra\/en.)

Dra\/en: Hey this place is tight, I haven't been to this Six Flags before.

Masta Red I know, so I am going to show you some "southern hospitality". Let's get something to eat first.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en walk over to booth that is selling hot dogs and other foods. They see a guy looking very bored he looks up and is suprised that he got some business.)

Guy: Yeah, can I take your order?

Dra\/en: Yeah, let me get a 1 foot dog with relish and mustard, a large Sprite and some Lays chips. Masta what you want?

Masta Red And let me get..

(The guy at the booth runs to the back of the booth jumping in the air and hooping and hollering. Masta Red and Dra\/en look over at each other looking mad as the guy comes from the back with a poster and other merchandise.)

Guy: Yes, I know you are Masta Red and Dra\/en, I was at Boston and I saw all the matches. I loved it when you Masta Plexed Mark Smith into that turnbuckle and congrats on being named Wrestler of the Week. And Dra\/en when you got thrown out on your head, during your match I was right there infront of ya, sorry bout that, but..

Dra\/en: Whoa, cowboy, slow down. I want my food first and don't remind me about what happen Sunday.

Guy: Sorry. Okay right away.

(The guys runs to the back and Masta Red is standing there wondering why he order has been taken yet. They wait as the guy comes back with tons of food on a little bitty tray.)

Masta Red Umm.. Thanks. How much is it?

Guy: $20 bucks even.

Dra\/en: Are you sure that is $20 bucks?

Guy: Close enough.

(Masta Red reaches into his pocket and throws and crisp $20 dollar bill at him and performs a balancing act with the food on the tray. They finally get to to table and split the food right down the middle and start to eat. Masta Red looks up at the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Now I have been notified that me and Dra\/ have a match againist Mark Smith and his retardo cousin, friend or whatever he is to him, Jeff Marcovich. Well it is a shame that I can't get this loser outta of my hair, it look like he just don't want to die, but I will make sure we take him out for good coming up this Sunday. Now, I have already smashed Mark Smith and now he is brand new, got a new attitude, a new little friend, and he is going to get one old ass kicking coming to him very soon. I don't know what makes him think that his little "reincarnation" is going to make him some big bad wrestler all of a sudden cause it ain't. He won't even come close to having a chance againinst us and definitely not with Jeff Marcovich. Who is that guy anyway?

(Masta Red looks over to Dra\/en as to get the answer from him, but Dra\/en is busy feeding his face.)

Masta Red We will get to him later. But I am sure that this Jeff cat, will not be much of a threat in this match as we will easily knock him outta the way and go on to systematically take Marky, apart peice by peice. Now I am not sure where Marky dug you up from Jeff, but I think it is the gutter cause from the pic that I saw on the aWa Tron, I realized that is looked like someone dropped you in the gutter and you stayed there for a couple of days then Marky, finally found ya and said, "Hey, I bet he would make a pretty good tag team partner, cause he looks about as sorry as I am and I am sure the even he can't be that bad", but more than likely he is Marky, and you have picked the wrong man to take me and Dra\/en on. You see I am prepared for Jeff, he is a mere distraction while you will try to take me out of the sport of wrestling, I already have a headache that is going away little by little, but it seems to me that you are trying to take me out. But you know what it won't work, cause I am too much man for you to compete with. You had better go back to some other fed and see if you can contend here, cause you will get no wins over The Masta.

(Masta Red looks over at Dra\/en and he seems to be waiting for him time to talk. Masta Red nods his head and begins to eat as Dra\/en begins to speak.)

Dra\/en: Like Masta Red said, Mark you are nothing to shake a stick at case you have no talents at all. While you are out there trying to fill on Eric Green you need to be thinking about my foot not filling your ass up after I get done kicking it. You can blabber on and on about how you are going to beat our asses infront of your 2 little fans, but I doubt that will be happening, you already got your ass kicked once by the Masta and to make matters worst this time you will be getting you ass beat by Masta and me, that is something that I can assure you that you do not want to contend with. And as for Jeff Macrovich, you actually think this street bum is going to help you in to finish the WAR that you have started with the MASTA, are you as stupid as you looked when you got Masta Plex'd into the turnbuckle, I think you are. So when you actually come back to us with someone that is actually going to help you end this, then maybe, but maybe will be see you as competition, but right now, you are merely a stain that Clorox can't get out, but come Sunday at the Ice Palace, in Tampa Bay, Florida, you will be rubbed out for good and that will be the last of Mark Smith.

(The camera shows Masta Red drinking some of the coke that he has got and he looks over at Dra\/en and asks him is he finished. He shakes his head and they begin to walk around.)

Dra\/en: Like I was saying, do you think that Mark Smith and Jeff Macrovich, actually have a chance?

Masta Red Is this a trick question? Cause I know and you should know that them two have about a much as a chance as we do in winning Miss America and that just ain't going to happen.

Dra\/en: Just asking cause I am sure that Mark thinks that he and Jeffery are going to run all over us. But actually Mark might be hitting that turnbuckle again and Jeff will be feeling the 3D.

Masta Red Hey lets go get on the American Scream Machine.

Dra\/en: Okay.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en walk over to the American Scream Machine whose line isn't that long cause it is a classic rollercoaster. They got right to the front and get in the first cart and they begins to roll away.)

(10 rides later.)

(Masta Red and Dra\/en finally get off the Scream Maching looking rather drowsy.)

Masta Red OHH man, that was tight. I have never rode a ride that many times.

Dra\/en: Me either. I bet this is how Mark felt after that Masta Plex.

(Dra\/en falls wobbles a little then falls to the ground and lays on the concrete as Masta Red begins to laugh rather loudly. Masta Red goes over to sit down on a bench as Dra\/en continues to act like Mark Smith.)

Masta Red As is has been said before, Mark I am sure that you ain't ready yet for what I am going to put on your this time, Sunday was a preview and now you want somemore and you will get more and that more will be not only you feeling the Masta Plex, but you getting 3D'd for your stupid little efforts. Then we will take Jeff and beat him like the little biatch he is. I am not worried about Jeff, he is a nobody, I am sure that he is a distraction and that is all. You just brought someone out to soften me up so you can get an early advantage, but I can guran "damn" tee, that Dra\/en ain't no push over and you know that for a fact, he may have lost on match, but he won't be losing to many and definitely not at the Ice Palace.

Dra\/en: Ohh, my head hurts, what did I hit?

(Masta Red and Dra\/en begin to laugh as Dra\/en gets off the ground and walks over to Masta Red.)

Dra\/en: Let's go ride the Ninja, I heard it was tight.

Masta Red Sure.

(The begin to walk towards the Ninja and hear the badly played Bruce Lee music as they go in the line. There is a couple people ahead of them and they get sitted. Masta Red gets a booth but Dra\/en stops to tie his shoes up as a girl gets in the booth with Masta Red and begins to hug on him and ask for his autograph. Dra\/en looks over at the camera and begins to talk.)

Dra\/en: Well right now the Dra\/ is 0-1 in the aWa, but I will get my redemption on Bry2k at a later date, but right now Mark you are on my mind. You see Mark, I just as Masta Red have seen you at the your worst times and right now you are at one of the worst times in your life. You see you are coming off only the third lost in your short career and losing is something that you seem not to be able to handle very well and I will make sure that me and Masta will make that one habit that Nicorderm CQ won't be able to beat. You say you going to change, show you real abilities, yet I have the amount of ability that you have in my right ear. You want to show me your talents, why don't ya do the worm or something that is sure to impress me, but other than that you have no chance of impressing me with your wrestling skills, cause you have none at all. There is a big hole your heart and that hole is your drive, you just want to look good infront of you little crony friends, well that ain't going to cut it around here in the aWa, cause I am ready to show you all what the Dra\/ can do in the ring when he goes to his fullest potential. I got off on the wrong foot againist Bry2k and that won't happen again, cause I am going to put on a show for you and the rest of the aWa at the Ice Palace as me and Masta will easily take you out just as quickly as you came in.

(The ride ends and Masta Red is swinging he arms in the air and the girl seems to be trying to get Masta Red mouth to mouth CPR only. Dra\/en comes by and grabs the girl off of Masta Red and he quickly jumps out of the booth and hides behind Dra\/en.)

Masta Red Thank god you came, get here away from me.

Dra\/en: Hey get lost, you have had your fun.

(The girl puts her head down and walks past Dra\/en he slides something in her pockets as she is walking by. She reaches in her pocket as she is going out of the Ninja line and sees a ticket to the Ice Palace. She begins to jump in the air and she goes to a group of her friends.)

Masta Red Where to next?

(Masta Red and Dra\/en begin to walk out of the line for the Ninja and begins to walk around the Six Flags campus. They get up to the line for the Jolly Roger and stand in line for the ride as the scene fades.)

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