[Social Enemies? That is the stupidest name I have ever heard!]


(A scene opens with a group of reporters standing outside of the "Tampa Bay Court House". They are all dressed up and preparing to run some live feed on there camera. One lady catches the eye of the camera and the camera goes over and begins to film her and she is about to do her little stint for her channel, Channel 5, the channel that is going to show the aWa on t.v. this Sunday.)

Mary Kate Robinson: Hello, my name is Mary Kate Robinson here for the trial of the moment in Tampa Bay. Masta Red vs. an ECW Star. This all has to do with Mark Smith, telling the authorities that Masta Red had stolen the copyrighted name of Rob Van Dam, a highly publicized wrestler from ECW. Wait a minute a black and red Viper GTS Coupe is pulling up right infront on me.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en get out of the car. Masta Red is wearing an all red pin-stripe suit and Dra\/en is wearing and dark gray wool suit. Masta Red takes off his hat and goes right over to Mary Kate as she is pleading for him to come over there.)

Mary Kate Robinson: Masta Red, what are you thoughts on this case?

Masta Red Hey it is like this, this stupid little pansy Robin Von Damn is trying to sue me for stealing his name. One thing it ain't his name and I am going to make he look as stupid as Mark Smith will coming up this Sunday.

Mary Kate Robinson: Mr. Dra\/en, do you think you can get Masta Red off the hook?

Dra\/en: There is no doubt in my mind, that I wll be able to get him off the hook there is no case here and I am here to prove it.

Mary Kate Robinson: Thank you both for you time. Good luck on the case. You heard it here first people on "Channel 5 News" I am Mary Kate Robinson signing out.

(Mary Kate and her cameraman begin to embrace as they just got the first story from Masta Red and he is not talking to anyone else as they go right into the court house. They go down the halls and pass all of the reporters just saying no comment as they finally get into the courtroom they are assigned to. They go and sit down and begin to talk.)

Masta Red I can't believe I have to go to court cause of this bullshznit, that Mark Smith has gotten me into. This a total chaos, I don't even know why I even showed up.

Dra\/en: Cause you didn't want to go to jail, now shut it up so we can get this over rather quickly and go on with our business.

Masta Red How much longer until this thing starts?

Dra\/en: You got like 30 minutes.


Dra\/en: I got stuff to do, lawyer, stuff this is my first case in like 3 years, I need to warm up some.

Masta Red Yeah, I guess I could address Marky, while you are doing your "lawyer" stuff. Well Mark, you see that I just don't quit, I keep coming at ya, over and over again, cause you just can't get rid of The Masta, now I am going to whip your ass tomorrow in the ring and Jeff Macrovich, ain't going to help you win cause The Dra\/ got him on lock and he looks like he did not even want to show up for the ass kicking that I am going to give him. There is alot of heat between us Marky and after Sunday, I am going to squash all of the heat and I am going to squash you as I will go onto other people and I have a person in mind that I am going to take over very soon, cause he is starting to be rather annoying. But I will get to him later, but right now you are my main concern Marky, you and Jeffery are what is on my and Dra\/en's mind and soon you will be just a little peice of memory that I will forget about as I go to the top of the American Wrestling Association Federation and leave you are the bottom with Jeffery and you two can discuss why you two such so badly, but I won't say how much you suck, I will leave that up to all the fans and the other wrestlers here in the aWa to decide. Cause The Dream Team, plans on putting on a show at The Ice Palace, when you get down there it will be the Melted Palace cause we are going to burn it and you up and we blast off in this federation. I am sure that you are sweeting bullets cause you are wondering where your Wonder Twin is hiding at cause he is not taking up his part of the deal, well I think he has seen the light before I showed it to him and he has high tailed it outta here just like you will do very soon, once you know that your little 4 wins in 420 were just a fluke and you didn't deserve to be called "good". While we are on the subject of "greatness" I already know that I am going to be great in this fed, no matter who gets the next shot, I will take you on and beat you just like I have done Mark and will do again. Mark, you are not "great" you got a couple little fans out there that actually think that you can do something with your little pansy life, but I see nothing there, but a man with a mouth and no action.

(The courtroom begins to fill up as the camera are all turned on and they are focusing up on the stand. The lawyer that Masta Red meet in the mall is there and he is giving Masta Red and evil look. Masta Red flips him the bird and looks up at the camera. He sees that only 5 minutes is left and he is wondering where Dra\/en is.)

(4 minutes pass.)

(The courtroom is packed to it's capacity and they are bringing in chairs so reporters and other people and sit down and watch the case yet, still no Dra\/en. Suddenly the doors burst open knocking a couple of reporters out of the way and Dra\/en comes over to the table.)

Masta Red Where was you at?

Dra\/en: I had stuff to do, I am right on time good.

(The baliff comes out and asks everyone to stand up as the "Honorable" Will Cheatum comes to the stand. Masta Red is still seated and Dra\/en tells him to get up. The judge takes a seat and everyone sits down.)

"Honorable" Will Cheatum: Okay this is the case of Masta Red vs. The Extreme Championship Wrestling Corporation. Masta Red how do you plead?

Masta Red Hell, not guilty.

"Honorable" Will Cheatum: Please, do no curse in my courtroom. Mr. Dra\/en is your lawyer and the prosecuting family is Mr. Will Suem. Okay let's get this case started.

(The gavel raps over on the stand and Will Suem gets up and calls Masta Red to the stand. Masta Red pulls up this pants and sits down in the chair. The baliff comes over to swears Masta Red in and he says "Yeah" and sits.)

Will Suem: Masta Red, you are here for taking the copyrighted name of this man, Rob Van Dam. The name of Mr. Dam is, "The Whole F'N Show" and according to our witness Mark Smith, who could not be here today says you took it from him and claimed it as you own.

Dra\/en: I object judge. He is badgering the witness.

"Honorable" Will Cheatum: Sit down, Mr. Dra\/en before I hold you in contempt, continue.

Will Suem: Of course. So Masta what do you have to say for yourself?

Masta Red I don't know what you are talking about. My name is "The NEW F'N SHOW" I am not "The Whole F'N Show" and I have evidence to prove it, but I will let Dra\/en show that to you.

Will Suem: Isn't it true that you beat up Mark Smith cause of what he has said about you, taking it to an EXTREME LEVEL of release german suplexing him into the turnbuckle. That should be considered assault.

Masta Red Yeah so what. He attacked..

Will Suem: Yeah sure, I don't need your cries, but you admitted to performing your Masta Plex on him into a turnbuckle. So..

Dra\/en: Your Honor! This has nothing to do with the case at all.

"Honorable" Will Cheatum: Get to the point Will.

Will Suem: Yes sir, no further questions.

(Will Suem goes back over to his bench and confers with Paul E. Dangerously and other members from the staff of ECW. Dra\/en gets up and begins to speak as Masta Red goes back over to sit down.)

Dra\/en: Your Honor, this is a prime case of jealously. Mark Smith a wrestler that works with me and Masta Red is jealous of the stardom that Masta Red has recieved in the aWa and he is trying to get the law into the case, yet he has no case. Here your honor is a shirt, that has Masta Red's official logo on it.

(Masta Red reaches over on the table and grabs a black t-shirt and passes it to the baliff who passes it over to the judge. He admires this shirt and begins to talk.)

"Honorable" Will Cheatum: Well this isn't Rob Van Dam's logo, so this case is dismissed. (The gavel slams down.) Will, next time you try to get some money off of someone make sure you have the right evidence. Court adjourn.

(Dra\/en goes over to Masta Red and they shake has and Paul E. begins to agrue with Will. Will walks away from Paul E. and shakes Dra\/en's hand.)

Will Suem: You are a pretty good lawyer, but it is just beginners luck.

Dra\/en: Yeah and your teeth are very yellow.

(Will begins to walk away asking people what the color of his teeth are as walks out of the courtroom. Dra\/en and Masta Red continue behind him and beat the court of media and get out of the courtroom they go outside and get into Dra\/en's car and speed off.)

Dra\/en: Told ya I would get ya off, the hook now all that is left is to put Marky and Jeffery on the hook so we can get our beef with thim over with for good.

Masta Red I hear ya, let's head to the Ice Palace, I heard that the Tampa Bay Lightning were playing tonight, while you are driving there I am going to catch a quick nap, nodge me when we get there.

Dra\/en: Yeah.

(Masta Red leans the chair back and falls asleep and Dra\/en begins to talk.)

Dra\/en: You know it is a crying shame that we are forced to take on the like of two, neither one of you are what we would call top notch material more like, the garbage that we throw out every Monday and Tuesday. I am going out to impress all of you, there is a matter of respect that I must gain and what my napping partner here has achieved all ready in the aWa. So to redeem myself I will take out all my anger out on Mark Smith and Jeff Macrovich, since they are the next faces I will see in the aWa at the Ice Palace in Tampa Bay this Sunday. I am sure that they are going to throw everything that they have at us, but it will do them no good at all, there poor efforts will be overshined, by the wrestling technique of me and The Masta, we will show them what real tag team wrestling is as we will make a statement in the tag team area of the aWa. The only people I see that is a little threat to us is, Britney Spears and Christine Aguliera, Fallen Angel and Divine for you handicapped people out there in the world. But they are a mere threat that will go no attention from us until later on in the month. Mark and Jeff, you guys may have been friends from a good while, but me and The Masta have been through the thick and thin of it all, we have fought and we have won. But Sunday, we will perform like the finely tuned machine that we are. We will show everyone what the future Tag Team Champions of the aWa will look like, and that is The Dream Team, Masta Red and Dra\/en.

(Dra\/en continues to drive as Masta Red begins to snore. He sees the Ice Palace in the distance and begins to speed up. They pull into the parking lot of the Ice Palace which is packed with cars. Dra\/en drives into the car garage and finds a parking spot that is reserved for someone else. Dra\/en pushes Masta Red and he wakes up.)

Masta Red (Yawns.) Yeah, we here. Let's go in.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en get out of the car and get into the elevator and goes to the first floor. As soon as the door is opened they are mobbed my reporters trying to get a word from them about the case.)

Masta Red DAMN, don't you guys ever quit?

(All the reporters say "No!" together and Masta Red cowers behind his lawyer, Dra\/en.)

Dra\/en: Okay people, I will take 3 or 4 questions and answer on behalf of Masta Red. You get the first one.

Reporter 1: Yeah, what are your thoughts on the case?

Dra\/en: The case was a complete was of and hour. It was a stupid case that was designed to get mine and Masta Red's mind off the ass kicking that we are going to get this Sunday here at the Ice Palace. You now, with the hat.

Reporter 5: Since you say this case was a complete joke. What do you plan on doing to Mark Smith and Jeff Macrovich as a revenge measure?

Dra\/en: What I just said we were going to do, didn't you listen. We are going to come to the ring and beat the hell outta this two wannabe wrestlers they don't have what it takes to be big time in this federation and we are going to prove it, as we take them on and beat them so we can show everyone that we are a force to be reckoned with in the Tag Team ranks of the aWa. You with the big hooters.

Reporter 3: Jeff Marcovich seems to be very upset with you and Masta Red. What do you think about the words of encouragement that he just gave you and Masta Red?

Dra\/en: Is this guy a fat ass or just plainly retared. He went from Chuck E. Cheeses's to McDonalds. What was the point there, I mean he just had pizza now he is going out to get some more food, even Masta Red doesn't eat that much. Second off, he claims to be all big and bad after he beat up some fat ass cause he was jealous that his gut almost sticks out as far as his does. Then he goes to play in the balls something that he didn't mention and threaten the little kids in C.E.C's. It is a shame that some people a too damn stupid to realize that C.E.C. isn't where and adult can be a kid, but where a kid can be a kid, this guy had better come with some better material before we mess around and kill him. One more question, you with the plaid shorts.

Reporter 7: This goes to Masta Red and please answer. What do you think about "Extreme" Jeff Markovich's words?

Masta Red Like Dra\/en said, this guy is a joke that is going to be taking lightly and ignored. He say that I have intensity and all of these other qualities that I been know that I had and he is going to praise me to death, yet he thinks by some miracle of the lord above is that he is going to beat me? I mean he should be a "Social Enemies", cause his social abilities are about as bad as those of a 1 year old child. He claims to be all good and is going to impress everyone out here, yet he is going to get embrassed even before he showed his ugly face. And yes, I have it out for you, you caused me severe headaches for about 4 days and know I am going to cause you something that you will never wish happen to you in the first place and that is a ass kicking outta of this world, son you ain't ready.

Dra\/en: No more questions.

(They begin to walk off and go into the Ice Palace to watch the game between Tampa Bay and some bottom feeder in the NHL rankings.)

Masta Red Yeah Dra\/, are pretty big fan of hockey, but I will assure you that Marky and Jeffery won't be fond of wrestling after we break them something off proper this Sunday.

Dra\/en: Yeah I am a pretty big hockey fan and I am sure that Jeffery an Marky won't be too happy after they get the 3D and feel the Masta Plex, it will be the second time for Marky, hehe.

Masta Red So tell me about the game they call hockey. Why are all these white guys hitting the 2 outta 3 little black players in the league in the head with the sticks huh? Answer me that.

(Dra\/en begins to laugh and tries to explain the sport of hockey to Masta Red as a fight breaks out on the ice. Masta Red stands up to make sure no one get hits upside the head with a stick, then sits back down and listend to Dra\/en as the scene fades.)

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