[Done with last week's trash onto the new pieces of trash!]


(A scene opesn with the camera zooming out on a sign that say "KTIT, Where we play the breast, I mean the best music in town." The camera goes over to a couple of people standing outside of the building trying to get in by banging on the front door and screaming very loudly. A security guard is at the front door just watching over them to make sure nothing gets out of hand. The camera goes up to a couple of people and ask them what is going on here.)

Camerman: Could you tell me what is happening around here?

(A very large man with muscles almost popping out of his shirt walks up and begins to talk.)

Big Man: Yeah, Masta Red the newest star in the aWa is suppose to be coming by in a few minutes to promote the aWa Coma Tour event. I came here cause I my neice wanted to see Masta Red in real life to see if he is really the kind of guy he seems to be.

(A little girl about 3 feet tall walks up behind the big man and begins to talk.)

Camerman: Do you have something to say little girl.

Little Girl: Yes, I think Masta Red is the best and I am sure that he will go on to win the aWa World Title when it is put up for grabs.

Camerman: What a nice thing to say.

(The cameraman begins to walk off and says something under his breath.)

Camerman: Damn losers.

(The big man quickly spins the cameraman around a lays him out with a swift punch into the abdomen. The cameraman falls to his knees and cringes in pain as he falls face first into the concrete. He begins to gasp for air as the big man walks away from broken up man.)

(10 minutes later.)

(The cameraman finally begins to regain his compusure as the people continue to beat on the door trying to get into KTIT. Suddenly a red and black Viper GTS Coupe pulls up with "Whoa" by Black Rob playing out of it. Masta Red climbs out alone and the fans begin to rush towards him, but he jumps on the car and runs into the door. The security guard opens the door and quickly slams it back as Masta Red gets in. The fans begin to get irriate and they continue to bang on the door.)

Masta Red Thanks man, I appreciate what ya done for me.

Security Guard: No prob man.

Masta Red Where is the booth where I am suppose to be?

Security Guard: Down the hall to the left, you can't miss it cause it is made completely out of glass.

Masta Red Thanks.

(Masta Red begins to look at the security guard because his uniform looks a little funny he ingnores in and walks down the halls and sees many people waving and saying hello to him and he continues on his way to the back of the office. He turns left and sees Dj Majesty back there looking rather upset. Masta Red stands right behind him so he doesn't see him.)

Dj Majesty: Yeah folks, the aWa great, Masta Red is coming to KTIT, to give me an interview that should make a lasting impression around the world. And guess what he will be taking your questions once he gets here, so get on those line and call us at 555-KTIT, that is 555-KTIT. Here is that new jam from Three Six Mafia, "Who Run It!"

(The dj begins to play the song as Masta Red knocks on the door. He turns around and throws the headphones down and opens the door. He shakes Masta Red's hand and pulls a chair up for him to sit in.)

Dj Majesty: Hey it is great to have you here. I can't believe you came, I know you have a busy schedule and you took time out of you schedule to come here just for little ole me.

Masta Red No problem, man. I mean we grew up together. So let's get this thing on the road, shall we.

(The dj grabs the mic and centers it between him and Masta Red. "Who Run It!" begins to fade and he comes over loud on the radio.)

Dj Majesty: Guess what folks we have Masta Red here coming off anothter great win over Mark Smith and Jeff Markovich with the assistance of your tag team partner in Dra\/en, this past Sunday. So Masta how are you feeling right now?

Masta Red I am feeling pretty good, I feel this Sunday was all that we needed to get rid of Mark Smith and Jeff Markovich for good. I will go on to bigger and better things in the aWa.

Dj Majesty: I believe you can, but where is you partner Dra\/en? I am shocked with his absence.

Masta Red Well while we were going back to the hotel room he slipped in a holl and severely sprained his ankle he will be back in action very soon, I hope, so I will take this as my chance to go ahead and excell in the singles ranks of the aWa.

Dj Majesty: I know you can take off and beat all that get into the ring againist you. So what are you pounding in that candy red Lincoln Navigator I heard you had.

Masta Red Nothing right now, it is in the shop for repairs. I hit a light post and it needs power steering fluid so it will be a while before it is fully function right now. But I am listening to everything, from DMX, Three 6 Mafia, to Cash Money Records.

Dj Majesty: Really, well since you said something about Cash Money we will play that cut from Lil Wayne called, "F*ck Tha World". Dj Majesty here with Masta Red, keeps those phones ringing.

(Dj Majesty begins to play the sound and begins to talk to Masta Red.)

Dj Majesty: So what's up who is next on the the list that you plan on taking out?

Masta Red Divine.

Dj Majesty: What? That damn queer! Why him?

Masta Red He has been going around calling me Mastabata Red and having all these little sexual fantasies about me and that just ain't going to cut it. So what I plan on doing is knocking me right out of his little gay ass to show him, that I will not fall prey to his little faggot games that he plays.

Dj Majesty: But what about his partner Fallen Angel?

Masta Red I am not too worried about him, he is too busy fighting demons in his sleep to be worried about the ass kicking I would give him. So why he is off dreaming in Never, NeverLand, I will be breaking my foot off in Divine's fat ass.

Dj Majesty: Okay, this is almost the end of the song.

(Dj Majesty begins to talk as the song begins to fade.)

Dj Majesty: Yo, yo, this is Dj Majesty up in here with my boy Masta Red from the aWa Wrestling Federation.

Masta Red What up?

Dj Majesty: Okay we are going to take some question right here on the hot line we got in here. Caller you are on the air.

Caller 1: OH MY GOD! I can't believe Masta Red is here in Huntsville, I love you Masta Red.

Dj Majesty: Whoa there what is you name?

Caller 1: My name is Martina and I love Masta Red. He is so fine.

Masta Red Thank you.

Dj Majesty: You got any questions for him?

Caller 1: Yeah, when are you going to win the aWa World Title? I know you can win it.

Masta Red As soon as the aWa staff decides on what they want done in the aWa. That is when I will start my World Title reign in the aWa. I am just sitting back waiting on my chance.

Dj Majesty: That's right. We are looking at the future aWa World Champion right here, we hope, in Masta Red. Thank you, Martina.

Caller 1: No thank you. I love you Masta Red!

Masta Red I love you too. Thanks.

Dj Majesty: Okay one more call then we go to a request from The Masta. Caller you are on the air.

Caller 2: Hey yo, whut up? This is your boy Daryl calling from the pen.

Masta Red "Big Head" Drayl, from the neighborhood.

Caller 2: Yeah man, what up. I might be in jail but I still support ya. Hey I got a question for ya. WHEN YA GOING TO BAIL ME OUT? Just joking man. What are you doing about those tag team titles? I mean The Dream Team, should already have them.

Masta Red It is like this, whenever we got our shot to get the titles, we will jump all over the opportunity to claim them for The Dream Team, it might be awhile those cause Dra\/en is on the shelf right now, but soon enough.

Caller 2: Hey that is tight as hell. I wish ya the best and just to prove my support I watch aWa Coma Tour every Sunday. Lata man.

Dj Majesty: That was your boy from the pen. What about that?

Masta Red Hey it don't matter where they are at, everyone supports The Masta.

Dj Majesty: These phones are ringing off the hook, we will try to get as many calls as we can but here comes a request from The Masta.

Masta Red Yeah I want to hear, Destiny's Child, "Say My Name" cause I would say all of ya names as many times as you want.

(Dj Majesty begins to play the track.)

Masta Red So what you been up to man. You ain't still on tha grind are ya.

Dj Majesty: Naw man I quit that sh*t a long time ago. I almost got busted so I had to stop that sh*t, but that is how I get KTIT, so I am putting that money to a good use.

Masta Red Preach on. You married yet?

Dj Majesty: Naw, man. But I got a baby boy. He is like 2. My little tiger.

Masta Red I bet he is a little tiger.

(The song begins to fade out and Dj Majesty comes back on.)

Dj Majesty: We back yall, Dj Majesty here with Masta Red.

Masta Red KTIT is like WHOA!

Dj Majesty: hehe, yes we are. We are still taking your calls. Caller holla at us.

Caller 3: Hey yall, what's going on.

Masta Red Not much.

Caller 3: Well I called to ask who do you plan on taking on next since you are going into the singles rank a little more now.

Masta Red Yeah me and Dj Majesty were just talking about that. I am going after Divine, yes the queer, cause he is starting to piss me off royaly. He talks about all these sexual fanstasies he is having about me and how you uses his dildo and stuff on his lard ass. Well I am tired of that shznit, and I am going to personally shut him up for good. This guy is a complete waste of aWa's time and energy and I am going to show everyone why he is such as waste of roster spot. He stinks about as bad as Mark Smith wrestles and you know that is bad.

Caller 3: One more question. Who do you think is one of the most underrated wrestlers in aWa?

Masta Red Definitely Alex Adrenline, this guy has talent coming out of his asshole and I would like to extend my hand in friendship to this man. I want him to join the ranks of The Dream Team with me and Dra\/en. This guy needs someone to push him in the right direction and I am that man that is going to push him in the direction that he needs to go and that is to the top with me. But if he doesn't agree with me and doesn't like me one solitary bit, hell I would love to go toe-to-toe with him. He will give me a match and I guarantee that it will be a classic here in the aWa.

Caller 3: Thanks alot man, and I hope you beat Divine if ya take him on.

Masta Red Yeah.

Dj Majesty: Damn, he just took up most of the air time. We are still taking your calls, here is "Ain't No Mo Play in GA" by Pastor Troy.

(Dj Majesty begins to play the song.)

Dj Majesty: You really think that Alex Adrenaline guy is really that good?

Masta Red Oh yeah, but like I said he doesn't have to join up with The Dream Team, I am just extending my hand in friendship, I would take him on any day of the week, just to see if a old timer like myself can catch up with this very fast young wrestler.

Dj Majesty: Yeah you are getting pretty old, you have to be about..

Masta Red Hey shut up, my age is to no importance to these wrestlers here in this federation.

Dj Majesty: HAHA, you don't want anyone to know how old you are.

Masta Red Aww.. Shut up!

(The song ends and Dj Majesty comes back on.)

Dj Majesty: Yeah, Masta Red is still here to take your questions. So caller talk to us.

Caller 4: (In a faggotish voice.) Yeah this is Bradley and I am asking why he thinks he can beat the best man in the aWa in my favorite Divine? Hmm.. Tell me that big boy.

Dj Majesty: It looks like you got a "special" one here Masta.

Masta Red umm. Bradley, Divine is nothing more than a manipulator he isn't much of a competitor is he thinks his little rapes that he does gets him into the squared circle and makes him the winner. He is all a big joke, ha ha he he, there is no talent in that faggot ass of his all that he said he must have got it knocked out of him by his little midget friend Tito and I am sure that Fallen Angel has started knocking some sense outta him to if you get my drift.

Caller 4: No, I don't get you drift. You had better get off my man before I come up there and beat your ass right now.

Masta Red Yeah right, you bring your faggot ass over here and I will knock ya straight.

(The phones slams down and there is a dial tone.)

Dj Majesty: HAHA, Masta, you are fixing to get beat up by (In a sweet voice.) Bradley. HAHA.

Masta Red Shut up man.

Dj Majesty: Caller you are on the air.

Caller 5: Ummm.. yeah, I was just wondering, if you get laid alot.

Masta Red Yeah I do, why?

Caller 5: Really cause I feel like getting laid right now. Hey man you are tight as hell. Yeah lata.

Dj Majesty: What the hell was that?

Masta Red Don't ask me, you probably sold him whatever he is tripping on.

Dj Majesty: Hey it looks like Masta Red is outta time folks. But we will be able to watch him this Sunday as he takes on his next compeitor. Thanks for coming.

Masta Red No problem man, this is family here. Big up the Detriot, I love yall out there.

(Masta Red hugs Dj Majesty then walks out of the booth. He walks back down the hall and sees the security guard is stilling standing at the door.)

Masta Red Hey you going to help me outta here?

Security Guard: You ain't going no where big boy. My name is Bradley and I am coming to get you.

(Masta Red looks over and sees that the badge says "POD" on it. Masta Red quickly runs the security guard through and door and glass goes flying everywhere. Masta Red fights through he crowd and jumps into the Viper GTS Coupe and speeds off as the camera fades.)

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