
(A scene opens with fireworks erupting around the "BattleDome" sign. The camera spins around the arena and sees a sell-out crowd, screaming to the top of their lungs. The Battle Dome begins to play as Steve Albert comes over the pa as the cameras swings back over to him.)

Steve Albert: This is Steve Albert here for BattleDome! I am here with my co-host in Scott Ferrall.

Scott Ferrall: Hey everyone out there.

Steve Albert: Yeah today is our special celebrity edition of BattleDome that is brand new this week at BattleDome. We have two regular competitors and we have a special guest in the aWa Superstar, Masta Red.

(The crowd begins to get very loud and starting chanting, "Masta Red, Masta Red".)

Steve Albert: That's right folks.

Scott Ferrall: Yeah, Masta Red is here and he is coming to the Battle Dome to compete with the like of Cuda and T-Money especially, or that is atleast what I have heard.

Steve Albert: Okay folks onto our first event, Ariel Kickboxing!

(The camera goes over the grid that is raised off the ground and begins to rock back and forth.)

Steve Albert: I am sure that everyone know how this event works so we will get right into the action. Our first warrior will be Mike O'dell.

Scott Ferrall: This guy is undefeated in aerial kickboxing and I doubt if anyone will be able to beat him in this event EVER!

(Fireworks erupt as Mike O'dell comes down to the ring with the those lovely Dahm triplets bringing him down to the aerial kickboxing grid.)

Steve Albert: Don't count your chickens to early. Our first competitor is Alfred Johnson, hailing from Detriot, Michigan. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds.

Scott Ferrall: O'dell makes this kid look like a child, being 6 foot 5 and weighing over 250 pounds.

(The get strapped in and the grid raises up and the whistle starts and O'dell quickly rushes across the grid and kicks Alfred in the face and he falls to the ground.)

Scott Ferrall: That was pretty easy for O'dell.

Steve Albert: Well the next competitor is Gary Pickens, he should be better at 6 foot 2, 190 pounds. He is hanging on the grid and there goes the whistle.

(O'dell goes to the front and kicks Gary a couple of times. He gives O'dell a kick right in the face and O'dell hooks his arm up on the grid and begins to kick wildly. Gary looses one hand then O'dell kicks his other hand off and he goes down to the mat.)

Scott Ferrall: He gave O'dell all he wanted and a little more.

Steve Albert: Well yes he did and our last competitor is Masta Red from the aWa. Scott Ferrall get a word with him before he gets on the grid.

(Scott Ferrall runs away from the announcer's table and begins towards Masta Red.)

Scott Ferrall: Masta Red, a minute of your time please.

Masta Red Yeah what up?

Scott Ferrall: How have you been treated here in the BattledDome arena?

Masta Red They have treated me fairly well I appreciate it. I am going to go ahead and beat up on O'dell I'll talk to you later.

(Masta Red hangs on the grid and O'dell gets on the grid looking rather amused. The whistle goes off and Masta Red just hangs there. O'dell rushes towards Masta Red and Masta Red gives O'dell a quick kick in the abs. O'dell is gasping for air as he hooks his arm around the grid. Masta Red gets closer and continues to strike O'dell in the head and in the side. Finally O'dell falls to the mat gasping for air. Masta Red comes down rather excited.)

Masta Red YEAH!

Steve Albert: Masta Red has did it! He is the first one ever to be Mike O'dell in the aerial kickboxing event and that gives him 50 points and the lead. Up next is the Battle Wheel.

(Cuda comes up and gets on top of the wheel. Then T-Money comes out with his posse and is challenging Masta Red to come on. They climb up on the battle wheel and wait for Alfred to come up there. On his way to the thing he looks very frighten as T-Money flexs a litle.)

Scott Ferrall: Hey we go Steve!

(Alfred runs up the wheel and tries to sneak up on T-Money but he grabs him and throws him all the way back down to the floor. He gets up and gets shoestring take down and bring T-Money to the floor.)

Steve Albert: 20 seconds left.

(He runs up back up at Cuda and gets to the top. Cuda grabs his undies and gives him his patented wedgie and slings him back to the bottom as time runs out.)

Scott Ferrall: He didn't stand a chance.

Steve Albert: That is 25 points for Alfred, next up is Gary. After this break.


(The scene opens back up with Gary Pickens ready to run up the wheel.)

Steve Albert: We are back and there goes Gary.

(Gary runs up the wheel and quickly takes T-Money off the wheel.)

Scott Ferrall: WOW!

Steve Albert: He still has 50 seconds to get Cuda.

(He goes up the wheel again and reaches up at Cuda grabs his arm and slings him to the ground. He gets right back up and creeps up the wheel. He grabs Cuda's legs and Cuda flips him over, but Gary grabs his tights and gives Cuda a wedgie and they both go tumbling to the bottom.)

Scott Ferrall: WOW, he beat Cuda!

Steve Albert: With only 5 seconds to spare. That is 50 big points for Gary Pickens, he is tied with Masta Red. And here he comes. Talking noise to T-Money.

(Masta Red comes up and the whistle blows and he runs up and grabs T-Money and grabs his knee and just throws T-Money to the ground.)

Scott Ferrall: I have never seen anyone do that to T-Money before.

(He is still on the wheel and goes after Cuda, he quicky locks up with him and slides around him, he gives him a Masta Plex all the way down to the floor as he is still at the top of the wheel. With his fist raised up in the air. The fans erupt in cheers.)

Steve Albert: Cuda and T-Money are pissed. Masta Red just came over and took over the wheel. That is 50 points for Masta Red and he goes into the lead once again. Coming up soon an special interview from Masta Red to Divine. Next on BattleDome as DOA takes on Bubba King in BODY SLAM! Right after somes messages from out sponsors.


(The scene fades back on to Steve Albert and Scott Ferrall.)

Steve Albert: Welcome back to BattleDome, this is a special request from Bubba King to take on DOA, it was appointed by The Chairperson for this to happen. They are strapped in and here we go.

(They are raised up on the disc then they are swung violently againist each other. They slam together and you here Bubba King squeal loudly.)


(The discs are raised again and they slam together and DOA falls off and is pissed as Bubba King starts to dance a jig as DOA storms off.)

Scott Ferrall: I told yall that Bubba King had potential.

Steve Albert: Yes he does. Since Masta Red is our guest here at Battle Dome we let him so a special interview today. We will have double feature going on as the competitors will compete againist Commander in Interceptor.

(The show is put in split screen and it shows Masta Red sitting in the locker room with a towel on his shoulder talking as Alfred goes up againist Commander in Interceptor.)

Masta Red Yes again it is me and I have something to say to Team KMD and this Sunday Night at Coma Tour, I feel rather upset in how I have to take on the likes of you two poor competitors, what are your names again, well El Dorita and La Burrito or whatever your names are, I could really care less would thry are cause I have paying my dues to society and in me paying my dues I will take you two jobbers out for good and send you on your merry way back to jobber world with the rest of the roster here. I don't know why I am even wasting my time on the likes of you two, I shouldn't even let my mind slip into it as if you guys are really going to give me some kinda match that is going to impress the critics around here in the aWa, I am going to shine no matter what. You two are just a road block for me to conquer on my way to the top.

(The scene shows Alfred go down on the mat hard after only 4 seconds in Interceptor. Then Gary Pickens comes up and gets ready.)

Masta Red Well onto other stuff, Divine, I want you soon, not in the faggot way that you would think that I want you, I just want a match to see if you are really all that they claim you are. In my eyes you are just a lard ass sissy, and that you will never have the dedication to go to the top of the aWa, cause you are too busy with all of your little sexual relations that you are trying to deal with, so when you are ready, I am always ready, you sign the match how you want it, I don't care what kinda of match it is, I will take you on for all of the marbles. Do you accept, I sure hope so.

(Gary gets 125 points before the commander could take him down and he is going to a showdown againist Masta Red in the Battledome circle. As Masta Red prepares to get lifted up.)

Masta Red Now as for the aWa Tag Team Titles, go Dra\/en in getting ready to come back in action in the next couple of days, so prepared to see The Dream Team back in action once again to take on the best tag team that is left in the aWa, which in my eyes ain't no one but us, since Pleasure and Pain, sizzled out like butter on a hot skillet. If there is any tag team that is ready to take us on again, just holla at a brother and we will get everything ready for action and we will take you out and claim that all important top spot for the Tag Team Titles in the aWa. There is no doubt in my mind that we can not claim those titles for The Dream Team.

(Masta Red get 25 points then lets Commander take him down so he will have to make Gary Pickens come off the ring.)

Masta Red Well that is it for now, Team KMD, you are a fluke that will no even make me sweat come Sunday. Your pitiful efforts will be twarted very easily and I will no even have to worry about what you bring to this match. Handicap? You two will be the ones that are handicapped after I get done with you two. Divine, I want some you are not getting the challenge that you need to prove to me that you are any good at all, so I am issuing a challenge directly to you, any match that you want. Don't try to get me into any little fag match like I know you will, but I am giving you the CHANCE to take on the best in the aWa to date. You boys ain't ready.

(The screen goes back to regular.)

Steve Albert: Well it is aWa great Masta Red vs. Jacksonville, Florida's Gary Pickens after the BREAK!


(The scene fades back and sees the Battledome warriors on the cage and fireworks erupting off the cage as Masta Red and Gary Pickens are already in the ring.)

Steve Albert: We are back and almost ready for action.

Scott Ferrall: Masta Red is going to cream him.

(The whistle blows and Masta Red quickly grabs Gary and picks him up in the air. Masta Red puts him on his shoulder and drops him down on his back very hard on the platform.)

Scott Ferrall: D*MN! I bet that hurt!

Steve Albert: You are not suppose to curse this is a family show.

(Masta Red picks up Gary's broken body and throws him off the platform onto the floor. The ref quickly raises his hand and Masta Red begins to pump his fist in the air and the crowd begins to cheer very loud. Masta Red drops off the platform and goes over as Steve Albert has the Chairperson's spokeswoman Bobbie Haven comes to Masta Red.)

Bobbie Haven: On behalf of the Chairperson, I present you with this ring and $10,000 dollars, congradulations!

(Masta Red takes the ring out of the box and puts it on his finger and gives the lovely Bobbie Haven a kiss.)

Steve Albert: Well I am Steve Albert signing off for Battle Dome. I am Steve Albert.

Scott Ferrall: And I am Scott Ferrall saying so long until next time.

(The scene fades a goes to the scene that has a the time on it and it says "10:00". Masta Red is standing behind the chair which is turned away froom him in almost pitch black darkness.)

Man in chair: You know you are here for the money we are going to get. We are going to fix every event to make sure you win so more and more people will come, you understand right.

Masta Red Yeah, no problem.

Man in chair: Good, well good later on in the show. I hope for the best.

Masta Red Yeah like I need it. I would like to shake your hand.

(Masta Red turns the chair around and jumps back at the sight of who The Chairman is as the scene fades.)

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