[Are you mad? To bad!]


(A scene opens with about 40 women in robes standing outside of "The Elk's" a gentlemen's club in downtown Atlanta. They are all screaming at a man that is letting people in the club and sending some girls away. A girl in a learge pink robe runs to the front and knocks some of the girls outta of the way. The girl is on the large side so the man at just looks at here.)

Man: What are you doing here?

Girl: I am here for the thong contest.

(The girl begins to dance.)

Man: Is that so? I think you need to take your big boned ass back to the end of the line cause this is the for the best woman in Atlanta, not for the worst.

(The girl looks like she is about to cry so she runs the other way and begins to cry on the curb in the front of the club. Suddenly a red Lincoln Navigator pulls up with "Whoa" by Black Rob playing loudly. She looks up and see Masta Red climbing out of the car and looking directly at her. She wipes some of the tears off her face and begins to get up.)

Masta Red What's the matter with you?

Girl: Aren't you Masta Red, you suppose to be judging the thong contest today right?

Masta Red Yeah, so what?

Girl: I want to enter the contest but the man at the entrance won't let me enter.

Masta Red Look here this is a very respected club and they will boo you right outta of the place, so he is just looking out for the best of your well being. So if I was you, I would go on home and let the real sexy girls show off that ass, ya heard.

(The girl walks away and gets into her car crying as Masta Red fights through the crowd and goes to the entrance. Masta Red looks around and sees a long strip in the middle of the floor and table lined up all around the place that many men are sitting at. Masta Red is called by some woman and he goes over to her.)

Keisha: Hey Masta Red my name is Keisha and I will be helping you throughout the night so you can judge this contest. I will present the check and you can place the ribbons on the girls.

Masta Red Yeah that is tight.

(Keisha begins to walk to the table as Masta Red begins to watch her behind jump side to side. Thinking to himself "Damn, she should be in the contest." Masta Red goes over and sits down behind a table and waits until 9:00 comes.)

Masta Red Well since I have like 30 minutes until this thing starts, I guess I will address our little faggot of the wrestling world Divine. He is still running off at the mouth with no quality words to say to me, he is just running off at the mouth like the faggots do. Well I tell ya what Divine, I am sure that you are very aggravated with me, but I could careless to tell you the truth. You have resorted to doing some very terrible things like raping my father? I don't even know who my father is and you killed him, the better for him, cause he didn't do a thing for me in the first place son. If you have any brain up there in my empty head of yours you would have realized that I am a much more talented wrestler than you and come Sunday in St. Louis I am coming to run your ass outta of the aWa. There won't be any chance for you to come here and take me out. You don't even have a chance at beating me Divine, there is no talent there, just alot of mouth that isn't going to help your one single solitary bit when I slap you upside the head with my right boot. You may be able to use your homosexual lifestyle to get over with all of the people that you rape and frighten but on thing for sure is that you are scared as hell of me, you really don't want the Masta in the ring come Sunday, you are to afraid of what I am going to do to your fat ass. I might bring a liposuction machine to the ring and suck all that fat out of your ass and shove it down Tito's mouth. You don't really want to come to the ring thinking you are going to win cause you are not at all.

(Keisha comes back to Masta Red and tells him that it is about to start. A man in a blue pin stripe suit comes out and begins to talk.)

Man in suit: Alright folks, it is time for that Thong Contest and remember the winner of this contest will get $1,000 so we choose only the best females in Atlanta to come to the contest so they can show us what their mommas gave them. Let's get ready for the contest, but first here is our special guest judge, aWa Superstar Masta Red.

(Masta Red stands up and the people in the club begin to give him a standing ovation.)

Man in suit: Okay, LET ME SEE THOSE THONGS!

("Sho Nuff" by Tela begins to play as the one woman at a time comes out and struts around the strip and showing Masta Red almost everything they got. About 14 girls comes out wearing smaller and smaller thongs every time on of them comes out.)

Man in suit: Okay, here is the last and final contestant of the Thong Contest.

(The final girl comes out wearing a robe. She get to the end of the strip and drops the robe and reveals only 2 leaves tied together by some string as she begins to strut around the strip. The men in the crowd begin to hoot and holler as they see what the girl has one.)

Man in suit: I know who I got for my winner. But this is up to the judge.

(Masta Red fills in a peice of paper and gives it to Keisha who gives it to the man in the suit. "The Thong Song" by Sisqo begins to play as the man open the envelope.)

Man in suit: The winner of the contest is....

(Suddenly that very large girl comes running down the strip shaking her very large ass and the men in the crowd begin to laugh. Masta Red just shakes her head as the girl looks shocked and she runs back to the back crying.)

Man in suit: Well we know who didn't win. Okay the winner is.. Contest.. 15!

(The men begin to whistle as the girl comes down the aisle on more time showing off her homemade thong. Masta Red gets the tassle and places it around the girl and slaps her on the rear. Keisha gets up on the stage and gives her the check.)

Keisha: On behalf of "The Elk's Gentleman Club" we present you with this check for $1,000 dollars, congradulations.

(The girl holds the check up in the air and begins to celebrate.)

Man in suit: We will have an after party here in "The Elk's" in about 45 minutes.

(Masta Red goes up to the strip and shakes the girl's hand and goes back over to his table and sits down.)

Masta Red You know something Divine, I doubt that you have ever in your life seen an ass like that looked that good in your life have you? I didn't think so, you F'N fag. I don't know what makes you good at all cause only thing I have ever seen you do it roll around on the mat and shake your fat rolls at your opponents and that is enought to scare the toughest man out of the ring, but the thing that really gets me is that you are a damn queer, doing a sport for that is designed for real MEN. Why you are some sick maggot farmer trying to get off by looking at the other men in their tights. You sicken me everything I see you ugly face on the t.v. screen and lately I have been seeing that ugly face alot of times now-a-days. I am sure that you are worried about me, so you will try your best to train a little more before Sunday so you can try to stay in the match as I just tire your lard ass out of the match. The best part of this is that it is Falls Count Anywhere that even gives me more of an advantage while I am dragging your queer ass all around the arena you will begin to sweat and begin to gasp for air cause you can't withstand the pressure of walking around on your two legs cause they can't support all of that weight. Divine, I have been waiting for this in a long time and this is my time to shine here in the aWa, you can go ahead and do what you are doing right now but it will not matter to me one single bit, cause I am a wrestler that is going to come out of top during our match, while you are two busy worring about who the next person is that you are going to give some sexually transmitted disease, I will be planted your ass on the back off your neck for the 1,2,3. Divine, you ain't ready.

(Masta Red gets up and goes over to talk to Keisha to get her to dance with him. "Big Pimpin'" by Jay-Z comes on over the speakers and they begin to dance as the scene fades.)

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