[A New Beginning!]

This is story of a man who has gone through many trials and tribulations. He has conquered many obstacles, such as retirement, a murder charge, suing, and being assaulted by a bunch of homos. Retirement has kept him out of the sport for more than six long months. Yet he has decided to come to Global Wrestling Association to try to get his life back on track.

The story picks up after Masta Red was acquitted by Bill Clinton of a murder charge that he didn't commit. He is still suffering from the effects of his murder trail and his jail time. But now his life must go on.

[A scene opens with the cameraman walking down this hall that has a yellow line leading to a closed door. The camera stops at the door and the door swings open. There is a minister leaning against the wall smoking a Black N Mild, a police officer eating some Krispy Kreme donuts and a man wearing a black hood over his head. They are all staring out some man that is strapped down in a chair with a hat on his head connected to the machine. The chair is some kinda of contraption. It looks like and electric chair but the chair has batteries on the side for with the words "Extra Power" on them. The man wearing the black hood looks over to the man sitting in the chair. He begins to talk.]

Hooded Man:
I guess we aren't going to wait too much longer now. It is time for your ass to fry Masta Red! HAHA!

Masta Red: Wait a minute I am going to get a pardon from the President I know he can't leave me out. He just can't.

Hooded Man: Well it is almost midnight and that means fried Red-hots.

Masta Red: Hold up man. This ain't right. Bill would have never even meet Lewinsky if wasn't for me. I got him that head he owes me.

Hooded Man: Sure he does.

Masta Red: Father help me, I need your assistance.

Minister: Shut up, can't you see I am getting high as a kite. All I am here for is to read The Lord's Prayer then I am going to go get blowed!

Masta Red: What kinda minister are you?

Minister: A high one right now. HO HOOOOOO!

Masta Red: Shit man. This ain't right. He has to pardon me, HE HAS TOO!

Police Officer: You must not have realize that George W. Bush is the new President of the United States.

Masta Red: WHAT? I thought that recount stuff was still going on. I don't feel to good right now.

Hooded Man: Don't worry you will be feeling real good pretty soon.

Masta Red: CRAP it is eleven fifty-nine. I am going to DIE! BILL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AT?

Hooded Man: Whoops I hit the switch!

[The switch slams down and Masta Red begins to clinch his teeth but nothing seems to be happening.]

Masta Red: YES! I knew my boy Bill wouldn't let me down. That head was too good not to repay me for it.

[The hooded man looks over the chair. He looks very puzzled and begins to turn the switch on and off. He checks one of the batteries and sees that a switch isn't on.]

Hooded Man: Naw, I just didn't hit the on switch.

[The hoodedman kicks one of the batteries and Masta Red begins to get shocked.]


[Suddenly Masta Red jumps up out of his bed and begins breathing heavily. A woman next to him wakes up and begins to rub his bald head.]

Woman: Are you okay.

Masta Red: I had that Lewinsky dream again.

Woman: Why are you dreaming about getting head. Didn't I do you good enough tonight.

Masta Red: Naw, I mean yeah. I mean. FUCK!

[Masta Red jumps out of the bed wearing his red and black Masta Red pajamas. He puts on a pair of Birkenstocks and walks towards the door.]

Masta Red: I am fixing to take a walk. I will be right back.

Woman: But it is three o'clock in the morning.

Masta Red: I'll be alright.

[Masta Red opens the door and stumbles down the stairs from the Ramada Inn. He makes his way to the streets shaking his head trying to wake up completely. He comes up to a liquor store and hears alot of commotion. He sees some man laughing loudly and shouting obscenities, while taking drinks from a bottle of Maddog 20/20, the grape flavor. Masta Red just continues to walk.]

Yeah, baby come on out of that door and come to daddy! I am hung like Antartican Elephant. HA-HA, I knew that masturbation would mess me up sooner later.

[The door swings open and two rather ugly, barely dressed women come through the door. One of them is wearing a fish net shirt and leather skirt with a large hole in rear. The other woman is wearing a dirty Chicago Bulls three peat shirt and cut off shorts. The man sees them and unbuckles his belt and lets his pants fall down to his ankles revealing his GWA underwear. Masta Red just ignores him and walks on up to the door.]

What in the hell are you doing bald head?

Masta Red: I am trying to make my way into this store to get a drink.

Look asshole. I am a trained killer. I could kill you with my that little toe that is on my left foot.

Masta Red: Yeah sure, why don't you take your two pieces of prime real estate and get out of my face.

Blake Bradley:
Shit boy, don't you know who I am. I am Blake Bradley, that guy that talks during the wrestling event thingys for the GWA. I make more money than you ever has seen in a Fort Fox.

Masta Red: I think that is Fort Knox, you drunk bum. I really don't care if you are Superman or some commentator for a wrestling federation. You are nothing to me.

[Blake begins to walk forward but falls over his pants and spills his bottle of Maddog 20/20 on the his pants. The whores quickly picks him up and begins to dust him off. He gets up and looks at Masta Red and pulls up his pants. He feels a slight wetness and looks down to see that his pants are completely wet.]

Blake Bradley:
Now look wait you made me do. I done peed on myself.

Masta Red: Actually, you spilled that liquor on them.

Blake Bradley:
Hey fuck you man! Why don't you come on down to GWA on Monday night and I will kick your sorry behind.

Masta Red: I am sure you will try but I have bigger fish to fry than you ass Monday.

Blake Bradley:
Oh I know you are afraid. Big man in his Teletubby pajamas doesn't want to fight.

Masta Red: Oh, don't worry I will be there, I GURANTEE IT! But I am not coming there to fight your drunk ass. I am a future wrestler coming to make a statement in GWA.

Blake Bradley:
Boy dem guys in GWA would kill your ass.

Masta Red: I know alot of them so I really don't think I have anything to worry about. You just have to worry bout me right now son.

[Masta Red rolls up his sleeves and walks towards Bradley. He quickly hides behind the women and picks up his empty bottle of Maddog 20/20. Masta Red just smirks and walks into the liquor store.]

Blake Bradley:
Hey girls lets get outta here before that crazy guy gets back.

[Blake and the whores quickly run off as Masta Red comes out the door with a case of Budweisers. He laughs as Blake trips up and falls flat on his face causing the whores to topple on him as the scene fades.]
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