[Masta Red makes his debut in IW FELT!]

[A scene opens with the camera directly on the face of Mark Smith he seems to be talking to someone that is directly in front of him. Behind Mark is a beautiful shot the Statue of Liberty and the ocean. Mark Smith smiles a little and starts laughing as the man talks back to Mark Smith. Mark Smith looks up at the camera and begins to talk.]

Mark Smith: This Thursday night we saw a man come into IW and take matters into his own hands. Taking out a once close friend in Draven and I heard you were watching closely a bitter enemy in Joe Richards. I am sure that all of you know whom I am talking about. This man was once apart of a federation that was possibly one of the better federations in the world. Now he has come to Impact Wrestling to make an immediate statement. This man my friends goes by the INFAMOUS name of Masta Red.

[The camera begins to swing away from Mark Smith's face and slowly rotates in a semi-circle. It shows Masta Red sitting there smiling into the camera. The lights twinkle off a platinum Rolex that he is wearing. He licks his lips, moves up in his chair, and tells the cameraman to move the camera back a little. He begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Yall saw what I am capable of doing here in IW and I am no man that needs an introduction in IW. There are many people that already now who I am. Christian Gabriel, Draven, Joe Richards, and "Extreme" Jeff Markovich. They have all witnessed what I can do in the ring. Christian and Richards haven't been blessed to see the new me in the ring against either one of them. Eventually they will see what expansions I have done to myself. Now Mark Smith brought me here not to be friends with anyone. So I don't want any of your biatches looking at me for friendship, cause you will get none.

Mark Smith: But what about Draven and Christian?

Masta Red: What about them?

Mark Smith: Yall have been friends for over six years. Draven and Christian came into the sport together almost all together. You are just going to bump them to the curb.

Masta Red: Draven is a little biatch that stabbed me in the back awhile back and I didn't forget about that Draven. As for Christian, he is a joke man. Nothing to care about at all. He thinks he is some kinda big shznit. But I have taking bigger shznits then he will ever be and I have taken some big shznits.

Mark Smith: You have to be kidding me!

Masta Red: I kid you not Mark. I came here to kick ass and start taking names. Get those ones in the win column while the competition racks up on the losses.

Mark Smith: There is some tough competition here Masta Red. You...

Masta Red: There is no one that I am worried about in this federation Mark. You must understand that. I have been to the top of the mountain. While they were struggling to make it to the top. Mark you seen it. Draven has seen it. I brought that punk biatch from the gutter in two federations. He needs to realize that he needs me and I sure as hell don't need him.

Mark Smith: What about Christian? Are you two not close anymore?

Masta Red: I have no feelings for him anymore Mark. Like I said, he thinks he is some kinda big shznit. Yeah right.

[A knock comes at the door leading into Mark's office. Mark yells for them to come in. And the door swings open and it is CEO Matt Thompson. He comes in rubbing his hands together with a rather large grin on his face and he walks over to Masta Red.]

Matt Thompson: Masta Red, boy am I pleased to meet you. I am sure that you are going to be a tremendous catch in IW.

Masta Red: Yeah I am going to try to be that Matt.

Matt Thompson: I can see the potential just glowing from your body.

Masta Red: Is that so?

Matt Thompson: Gold in IW is in your future.

Masta Red: I can almost smell it.

Matt Thompson: Well I can. And to make sure that you are going to stay with us for awhile. Here is your contract.

Mark Smith: I thought you said that you were going to go over the contract with me before you gave it to him.

Matt Thompson: Hush boy I am cooking with gas here.

[Mark just looks over at Matt looking rather angry. Masta Red sees Mark's impression and nods his head.]

Masta Red: I think Mark needs to look at this contract before I sign it.

Matt Thompson: Why?

Masta Red: Cause Mark is the man that made me son and I know he won't screw me over in the contract. Therefore, I would like him to read it first. If ya got a problem with that, then I will talk to you later about me signing the contract. Ya heard me.

Matt Thompson: Well I will get back with you later. [Throws contract to Mark.] Read over it and make any chances you need to make.

Mark Smith: Alright.

Masta Red: Holla at ya Matt.

[Matt mutters something under his breath as he walks away and slams the door behind him. Mark exhales and begins to laugh a little.]

Mark Smith: I can't believe you just shut Matt up that quick. Even I can't do that.

Masta Red: He knows the potential. He had better watch who is f*ckin' with.

Mark Smith: Oh yeah. What about Joe Richards? This was a man that you never faced before in 4WL and you really wanted a piece of him.?

Masta Red: Joe Richards is a conceited little biatch that needed to be shown the light and the light was that chair upside the head. Joe Richards hasn't got introduced to me enough yet. And I will make sure I make his acquaintance very soon. VERY, VERY SOON.

Mark Smith: Seems like a challenge to Joe Richards.

Masta Red: Everything will fall together soon enough Mark. Just wait, it will fall all together.

Mark Smith: Okay SïÑfúëGÖ has told you that he doesn't need your help and he hopes that you are not looking for his what do you have to say about that?

Masta Red: Who is this SïÑfúëGÖ guy? Could you possibly tell me that? I did that for one reason cause you asked me to do that Smithy. This asshole actually thinks I am looking for some kinda partnership with him. He is a very dumb ass biatch. This Sin character is a waste of my time. If he even gets past Christian Gabriel which is a very big IF, then I will deal with him. Sin, you think I care about you? You think I helped you cause I like you? You need to read up on the legends of this sport son. Look in the M's for Masta Red cause I will be there. I can already hear the fear in your voice, you are of what I am capable of doing. You don't know what I am going to bring to the ring when I face Tommy Twinkletoes, Tommy Tremonty to all you dumb biatches out there, I will show you all you need to see. Come on down to the ring and pull up a chair, grab a beer, bring a couple of friends so yall can play some spades and make sure you bring a notepad to write down all the details that you need. Sin, I didn't come here for the IC Title. The IC Title is just a door prize to me, while you may base your career on obtaining it. IF you beat Christian, your run at whatever gold you though you were going to get will be over. I can promise you that one.

Mark Smith: Well I guess you just sent out a strong remark to what SïÑfúëGÖ said.

Masta Red: He is a biatch Mark and biatches get slayed.

Mark Smith: Well another man, I would think you would call a bitch would be Anthony Deadmarsh. What about him?

Masta Red: This is a joke right? This guy shouldn't even be breathing the same air I am. This guy sucks more cock then Jenna Jameson. I have nothing to say about this guy other than he plainly SUCKS!

Mark Smith: I hear ya there Masta Red.

Masta Red: Well I have to go to a charity auction. They are auctioning my red and gray gradient Fubu jersey that I wore while I was World Champ in aWa. I am outta here Mark. I promise that I will be the one that will be the front runner here in IW. You do not need to look any further then me.

Mark Smith: Got ya.

[Masta Red nods his head and he gets up. He pulls up his pants and walks out the door almost running over Matt as he is trying to listen what Masta Red and Mark was saying.]

Masta Red: What the f*ck are you doing?

Matt Thompson: Who me?

Masta Red: Yeah, you are the only one I am lookin' at.

Matt Thompson: Umm.. I.. uhhh.. I uhhh.. dropped my uhh... pen. Yeah my pen.

Masta Red: Yeah I bet you did.

[The scene fades as Masta Red looks over at Matt with an intimidating look. Matt seems to be cowering in the corner as Masta Red walks out of the front doors.]

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