[Put me up against everyone and they all will fall!]

[A scene opens with Masta Red walking down a street with a piece of paper in his hands. He begins to dodge people as he is trying to read the directions off the paper. He stops on a corner of a street to make sure that he is in the right place. He begins to scratch his head since he does not see any of the landmarks that are marked on the sheet of paper. He goes over to a bench and sits down. He looks up at the camera and begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Damn Mark told me to meet him next to an empty bench with a McDonalds across the street. I am at an empty bench but there is a Burger King across the street. Maybe that is what he said instead.

[Masta Red continues to ponder about where the hell Mark should be at right now. Suddenly a man wearing a torn brown cat and a plastic bag on his head comes by Masta Red and sits down. Masta Red looks over at him and nods his head to speak kinda. The old man slides closer to Masta Red and begins to talk.]

Old Man: Hey there sonny boy.

Masta Red: Uh... How ya doing?

Old Man: Shh, shh. Not so loud.

Masta Red: Okay.

Old Man: I see you are a well-fit athlete.

Masta Red: I try to be.

Old Man: I know I have seen you face before. On the tube, you were wrestling some guy.

Masta Red: Was I really.

Old Man: Yeah that was pretty amazing how you were beatin him up until that one guy came down with the chair.

Masta Red: You must be talking about Joe Richards.

Old Man: Yeah that was his name. That guy is an ass.

Masta Red: Yeah he is.

Old Man: Don't you have a match against him coming up?

Masta Red: Damn what are you some kinda stalker?

Old Man: No I read a lot. I saw a magazine that covered your federation. It said you had two matches and a lot of other wrestlers are going to be in it.

Masta Red: Yeah, just about the whole fugin roster.

Old Man: I am sure that you will come out on top there.

Masta Red: Thanks for the confidence booster buddy. Look I really don't have the time to be chatting with you. I am looking for someone.

Old Man: Who are ya looking for? Maybe I can help ya.

Masta Red: Mark Smith, a good friend on mine.

[The old man's eyes get buck and he begins to back away from Masta Red.]

Masta Red: What is the problem?

Old Man: I have to go.

[The old man takes off in a mad dash going about as fast as a long legged cat. Masta Red gets up and grabs him. He shoves the old man into a trashcan. Trash flies all over the man. Masta Red walks up to him and steps on his head.]

Masta Red: Now you are going to tell me what happen to Mark buddy.

Old Man: I don't know what you are talking about.

[Masta Red begins to step on the man's head harder sending it deeper into the trash that he is lying in.]

Old Man: [GAG!]

Masta Red: What was that? You sound like you are breaking up.

Old Man: [GAG!]

[Masta Red grabs the man by the plastic bag over his head and throws him down the alley a little more. He begins to scoot backwards until he runs into a wall.]

Old Man: I am sorry. [Coughs up some trash.] I.. I.. didn't mean to do it.

Masta Red: Do what you little shznit?

Old Man: Over there.

[The old man points directly left of him and Masta Red sees Mark Smith laying face down in a puddle. Masta Red quickly rushes over to Mark and gets him out of the water. Masta Red checks for a pulse and he has one. Masta Red looks like he is ready to do CPR. But he stops.]

Masta Red: I am not about to kiss this dude.

[Masta Red whips out a cell phone and calls an ambulance. He hangs up the phone and goes back to the old man who is trying to crawl away. Masta Red kicks him in the ass and he scraps his face on the concrete. Masta Red kicks him over on his back.]

Masta Red: Now why did you do that? HUH!

Old Man: I am sorry. This guy bought me some good ass liquor for doing that to him.I think it was some Thunderbird, peach flavored.

Masta Red: Who was he?

Old Man: Joe Richards.

Masta Red: That little biatch.

[The old man tries to crawl away again but Masta Red grabs him and dragon suplex him onto a trash can lid.]

Masta Red: Oh you are going to be knocked out until the ambulance gets here.

[25 minutes later.]

[The ambulance arrives, picks up Mark Smith , puts him on the stretcher, and begins to put him in the ambulance. Masta Red jumps into the ambulance with Mark Smith and the ambulance begins to speed off.]

Masta Red: Man what the hell took yall so long?

Medic 1: We have a lot of calls man.

Masta Red: Calls my ass. Yall just didn't want to come here to the bad side of town did ya?

Medic 2: Really, we did have a lot of calls. We are sorry.

Masta Red: Yeah right.

Medic 1: Hey ain't you that Masta Red guy from IW?

Masta Red: Yeah that is me.

Medic 1: Hey you are good as hell dude.

Masta Red: Thanks, I try.

Medic 2: No really. Tommy Tremonti shouldn't even be able to come close to beating you. That guy sucks royally.

Masta Red: I could have told ya that man.

Medic 1: If he sucks so bad, why did you have some much trouble with him?

Masta Red: I underestimated that little hoe. However, we won't get off that easy again. I have a match with him Thursday for the International Title. It will be me, him, Joe Richards, and Christian. He will never be able to come close like that again to me again in his jobber career. I can promise you that.

Medic 2: That Christian guy kinda looks like a rocker.

Masta Red: Yeah I would think he would look like one. He isn't much to worry about though. He may have beaten Sin Fuego, but he ain't all that good. He just got real lucky. That won't happen coming up at Shockwave.

Medic 1: Ain't it man. He what about Richards. That guy is impressive. He nearly bent that chair over your head dude.

Masta Red: Look you need to tend to my friend here before he dies of internal bleeding or something. You alright there Marky?

Mark Smith: Ughh.

Masta Red: Good.

[Five minutes later.]

[The ambulance arrives at the hospital an the medics quickly wheel Mark Smith out of the ambulance and into the hospital. Masta Red follows until he gets to the receptionist's desk. There is a beautiful woman sitting there with his blouse only button in on place in the middle.]

Masta Red: Mark have fun. Hello mam. What is your name?

Receptionist: Receptionist. Can't you read?

Masta Red: Oh, a hot mommy huh. Well Ms. [Reads name tag.] Daniell. I am Masta Red and I would like for you to talk to me a little if you don't mind.

Daniell: Look I really don't have the time. Masta Red, or whatever your name is. I have work to do, wait until my break. Then I will talk to you then.

Masta Red: Well when is your break?

Daniell: Tomorrow.

[Daniell rolls her eyes at Masta Red as Masta Red just continues to stare down her shirt licking his lips. He backs away from the desk and takes a seat.]

Masta Red: I will be watching you.

[Daniell just smacks her lips and continues to mess around on her computer.]

Masta Red: Well not only do I have to worry about a host of biatch in Richards, Christian, Tremonti in a title match that I really won't mind winning, since I am better than all of them. But I have a brawl to worry about. All kinda people are in this one. But one name that really stands out to me is Johnny Blaze. I would like to be the first to welcome you into IW Johnny. I know we are on good terms at the moment, but when it comes down to winning match and bustin' heads, don't expect to look at me for that much friendship and that much of an alliance cause I am tryin to win just like you are. Blaze welcome aboard, but don't be stupid here.

[Masta Red looks up to see Daniell taking a glance at him. She quickly turns her head as Masta Red looks up.]

Masta Red: We also have other no names, like Mr. Main Event himself Juven Legumbre. He may have been in all three main events here in IW, but this guy's talent smell worst than Deadmarsh's stanky ass. We have Ozzy Osborne, another piece of trash that really isn't worth recognizing. The there is Deadmarsh. All I have to say is you are pathetic. Last and not least is my friend Sin Fuego. One moment this guy hates me, then he wants to make love to me, then he wants to rip my head off again. Well once, you make up your mind Sin, holla at me while I am choking you with my left boot during the brawl. That will be the only time that you will be able to talk to me with me really listening to you. Sin, I really look forward to seeing what you have in the ring. But I don't think your talent is worth being shown on the Golf Channel.

[Suddenly a doctor comes from behind some swinging doors shaking his head. Masta Red looks to be worried. The doctor looks up and shakes his head. Masta Red falls to his knees and begins to cry out.]

Masta Red: WHYYYYYY! WHHHHHYYYYYY! You should have taken me instead! WHY! [Blows nose on doctor's pants.] WHY!!!!!

Doctor: Excuse me sir, but I have to talk to these people over here.

Masta Red: Huh?

Voice: Great acting Masta Red, you really made me feel special.

[Masta Red spins around and sees Mark Smith looking at him.]

Masta Red: Mark! I thought you were dead.

Mark Smith: Yeah I did too. But you saved me.

Masta Red: How long were you in that puddle?

Mark Smith: Oh about six seconds that guy robbed me fairly quickly.

Masta Red: Are you alright?

Mark Smith: Yeah, I am perfect. Got a runny nose but other than that, I am fine.

Masta Red: Good. Now what did you what to tell me that was so important?

Mark Smith: I can't remember. That blackjack to the head really hurt.

Masta Red: Don't worry about it.

Mark Smith: Man I am ready to go. I am fixing to call Matt and tell him to pick us up alright.

Masta Red: Yeah. I will be over here. You know over here, you know what I am saying.

Mark Smith: Yeah, I hear ya.

[Mark Smith walks away from Masta Red rubbing his head as he is searching for a phone. Masta Red looks over at the camera and begins to talk.]

Masta Red: Richards, Christian, Sin, Deadmarsh, hell the whole fugin IW. Why don't yall just throw Matt and Mark into the mix too. It doesn't matter, I will come out the victor. None of you have the physical abilities to defeat. You may tie me but you will never beat me. The IN title is mine and I will be the LAST MAN STANDING! Now I am about to talk to this girl over here.

[Masta Red walks over to Daniell and she begins to smile. She begins to push her chest out towards Masta Red as he rubs on her face and chest as the scene fades.]

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