
(A scence opens with about 4 people sitting outside of the MCW Office Building smoking some cigrattes and exchanging some ideas with each other.)

Man 1: Hey, I know what we need to do. Have a match with barb wire, tables, chairs and a scaffold all together. How about that?

Woman 1: I think you have smoked too many cigarettes, you might need to sit down.

(The group begins to laugh at the man as he throws his cigarette down and walks back in the building.)

Man 2: (Distant voice.) HEY THAT WAS MY CIGARETTE!

Man 1: Those assholes never agree with my ideas, I hate, I will get praised my Prez Dexter one of these days you just wait, I know I can do it. I am the better member on the staff here, I am higher on the totem pole they will all see.

(The man turns the corner and runs right into a man wearing and all red suit with a red furry Kangol hat. He falls to the floor and is very heated.)

Man 1: Hey buddy, watch were you are going.

Man in red: Excuse me?

(The man looks up and sees a man abouot 6'5, 275 looking down at him. He quickly backs up some and stands up. He dusts himself off and looks at the man very peculiar like.)

Man in red: Do I know you? I don't think I do I am kinda new here.

Man 1: Ummm... You might not, but I know who you are. You are Masta Red from the aWa right?

Masta Red Yeah, how did ya guess? Let me guess, my eyes is had to be the eyes. Well it doesn't matter right now I am looking for Troy Watkins. He is suppose to do my interview.

Troy Watkins: I AM TROY. It is a honor to be able to do your first interview here in the MCW.

Masta Red Yeah, thanks. Let's go somewhere, cause I don't like standing here for no reason.

Troy Watkins: Yeah sure.

(Troy and Masta Red begin to walk around the corner and hit the button for the elevator and wait to it comes down. Troy has his head up and chest out showing everyone that he is with Masta Red. The elevator comes down and they get in it and hit the button for the penthouse.)

Troy Watkins: We have a special place that I do my interviews with people who I think are going to be the best here in the MCW.

Masta Red Yeah.

(A ding is heard and the doors opens to a very long hallway. There are pictures of people like, Hayabusa, Xtreme, Sharpe Fantasmo, and Papi Chulo on the walls. They walk up to the large large marble door and Troy pushes it open to reveal a very large room with marble floors, pillars all around the place, and a very large chandlier on the ceiling. There are two chairs and a table ahead of them. Troy goes over and sits in one of the chairs and Masta Red follows. They sit down and Troy begins to talk.)

Troy Watkins: Okay, here we go. First off I would like to say welcome to the MCW.

Masta Red Thank you and I am happy to be here.

Troy Watkins: First off, why did you decide to come to MCW?

Masta Red Well to tell you the truth, I was asked nicely by a certain man to come here so, I couldn't resist the offer. He asked to get me and he got me.

Troy Watkins: Does this mean you are no longer in aWa?

Masta Red NO, aWa is home for me right now, MCW is my home away from home.

(Troy scribbles something on a pad.)

Troy Watkins: Okay, who do you know here in MCW?

Masta Red Well, just about everyone I know from previse places. But a group of people stand out the most and that is the Ca$h Money Brother$ a stable inwhich I belong to. But most of the other people I know and I am sure they will push me to the limit.

Troy Watkins: Okay, speaking of CMB$, did they play a part on the reason why you came to MCW?

Masta Red Yes a very big part of it, these are my brothers and it is nice to be back with my family.

Troy Watkins: Masta Red, I know with this, you will be a major factor here in MCW, is there anyone that seems to be a person that you would like to take on in your first match in the MCW?

Masta Red Well right now, the only person would probably be "Tha Icon" 8-Ball.


Masta Red It is plan and simple here Troy, I am here to make a lasting impression not to be a little fizzle like people like, "The Foundation" and Myst. I am here to show you all, that Masta Red ain't no joke and he is going to start off with one of the best out there and stay at the top where I belong.

Troy Watkins: Is here any old heat between you two?

Masta Red Not really, there was a time, when he had a friend that was going to get me, but politics, caused the match never to happen so I can't do anything about that. But now, I get my chance at him to see if he really is the shznit that he claims to be, I don't see him being all that good, but that is my opinion.

Troy Watkins: Okay, first is 8-Ball, then who is next?

Masta Red That is for you to decide Troy, who do you want me to face next?

Troy Watkins: umm... How about dark Side, he looks like a worthy competitor.

Masta Red Sure, dark Side is a man that I wanted to take on before he dissappeared in the abyss of politics like I did. So sure I would take on dark Side anyday of the week and twice on Sunday. But to me he isn't really all that worthy of my time and effort.

Troy Watkins: Okay, what about CMB$?

Masta Red What about them? They are not going anywhere anytime soon, definitely with me here now.

Troy Watkins: Do you plan on becoming the dominiant stable here in MCW?

Masta Red What are you talking about? We are the dominiant stable here already with out me even being in this fed.

Troy Watkins: But what about, Team Virulence, or Egos Inc.? They are formidable opponents.

Masta Red They are not a factor here or will they ever be a factor. We have too much talent in our ranks to let a couple of wrestlers just march all over us. You have to be crazy to think that.

Troy Watkins: So is there anything you would like to say?

Masta Red Yeah, I am here in the MCW and me and the CMB$ are going to turn this fed for a couple of flips, I will show me remorse for petty wrestlers here in this federation. All will be beaten, none will be spared. Masta Red is going to start running shznit around here.

(Masta Red stands up and shakes Troy Watkins hand. Troy walks off and Masta Red looks at the pad and it says, "Eliminate aWa". Masta Red's face frowns up and he goes rushin after Troy as the scene fades.)

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