[Brian Johnson, we meet on the grounds for real this time!]


(A scene opens with an humpty ice cream van sitting on the curb. The camera zooms in on the van and sees a man with headphones and binoculars peeping out at a building across the street. The camera swings back across the street and sees Masta Red walking by and stops on the corner. He sits on the curb and starts to look around. He sees the van over there and tells them to come over cause he wants to buy some ice cream. The van quickly picks up speed and stops infront of him. Then the back of the van is kicked open and a group of men with the MCW logo on their chest rust out with billy clubs and cans of mace. They come over to Masta Red and grab him. The camera rushes over to the action.)

Man: You are coming with us Red.

Masta Red What the hell did I do? I didn't kill that dude!

Man: Be quiet, you have been a menace to the world of wrestling, get in the van.

(They throw Masta Red in the back of the van and the cameraman jumps in as they speed off down the street.)

Dexter: Hello Masta my name is Dexter and I am here to take you somewhere that you have never been before.

Masta Red The moon?

Dexter: No, not the moon. I am going to take you into a MCW experience.

Masta Red Umm.. Okay. Ain't you the President of this fed?

Dexter: No, I just have the same name he does. Would you quit worring about me, this is about you. We have brought you to MCW to serve a purpose and that is to excell and excell is something that you will do.

Masta Red That is nice to know, but what's up with all of this goons you got around here?

Dexter: We have heard you were a very excitable man and you done want to take any chances.

Masta Red Yeah.

(Masta Red jumps at on the men in the booth and he jumps back and Masta Red laughs.)

Dexter: Don't tease our forces, they will smash you every effort.

Masta Red These skinny little punks, all they have is billy clubs, you give me a billy club and I would take them all out.

Dexter: I am sure you would Masta. Well, to show you the MCW experience we have to blindfold you and take you to a secluded place deep in the forests of Atlanta. Then to a building in the middle of a desert.

Masta Red Umm, is this really necessary?

Dexter: Yes it is.

Masta Red But there is no deserts in Atlanta!

Dexter: There is now. Get him.

(The men jump ontop of Masta Red and blindfold him.)

Dexter: Good, now keep quiet you will not be harmed.

Masta Red When I get this blindfold off my face, I am going to start bussing heads, starting with Dexter over there.

(The van continues to speed and it makes a sharp turn and stuff goes smashing to the floor. As the van speeds Dexter says something to the driver and he makes another sharp turn and then suddenly the van stops and everyone gets out.)

Dexter: Okay you can take off the blindfold now.

(Masta Red throws the blindfold at one the men and threatens to slap him but he raises his billy club and Masta Red bows out.)

Masta Red Where is this?

Dexter: This is the MCW experience!

(Masta Red looks over with a cnofused look on this face to see nothing but a whole bunch of trees and one single road.)

Masta Red There isn't much here, partner.

Dexter: You will see.

(They push Masta Red along and Masta Red hauls off and knocks on the men right in the mouth and takes off in the woods. The men start to give chase.)

Dexter: STOP! Let him run.

(The camera follows Masta Red and he ducks under some trees and jumps over some bushes. He stops in an open field and sees avery large rock and sits down on it.)

Masta Red Whew, done with those asshole for the moment. Now since I am new in MCW and everyone is has already seen what I can do in the ring I am happy that our VP, Zo Hayes, has found me a match for the next card. It is againist, Brian Johnson, the Mr. Big Shot of the e-fed world. Now this is almost a rematch that I will have with him from NHBWF, a match that I should have won, yet the card was pushed back and he got a camera team together and gave me and 60 minuntes long interview about a whole bunch of shznit and he won, cause of that, such a shame, that I am a victim of consquences. Now Brian, I am sure you are going to come out and claim that you are the best and there will be none better than you, you will win the Global Title and all this other hodge podge, well to tell you the truth, I don't care about what you have done in this federation cause it will mount to nothing when you step into the ring againist The MASTA. I am going to show you what should have happened to you the first time that we met in the ring and I will put on the back burner since you are such a "Legend" of the sport, to me you are a great wrestler and I respect that, but you don't have what it takes to beat me, I am too much man and have too much knowledge to let a little reject such as yourself just run over me like you may be able to do everyone else around here in the MCW, well, you are going to run smack in my fist and it is going to read REALITY and that will show you that you are not what you claim you are more like a shadow of what you want to be in the ring. You have beat some people here in the MCW, but nothing can compare you for what I will bring to the ring againist you. That crowbar is the only thing that is going to show mercy to your pansy ass come Saturday. I am sure that you will be able to get a camera team assembled again and leave me one of your 120 minutes movies that you do every time, but I will have 5 minutes of film and our match will last least than that.

(Masta Red hears a noise in the bushes and pulls out a billy club that he stole from one of the men. Suddenly the VP Lorenzo Hayes, pops up from behind the bushes.)

Masta Red Man I am glad to see you. What are you doing here?

(Hayes just laughs then grabs Masta as those men come out of the bushes all over. Hayes takes off his mask to reveal another one of those men with the MCW logo on their chest. Dexter comes walking out of the bushes.)

Dexter: You can't run from us, we are everywhere.

Masta Red Ohh yeah?

(Masta Red ducks under the man's arms and give him a release german suplex onto the rock.)

Masta Red Okay that is the MASTA PLEX, who is next?

(Masta Red hits Dexter in the stomach as he approaches him and runs off again in the woods. He runs back to the road and runs back up the road to the van. But to see a barbwire fence blocking the way. Masta Red stomps his foot and runs back the other way still not seeing any of the men. It starts to get dark as Masta Red runs up onto a huge building with the letters, "MCW" on the top. He looks at the ground to see sand all under the building. Masta Red runs in and looks around and no one is there. He runs down the hall and enters a room and closes the door behind him. The flips on the light and sees a chair and a tv. He sits down in the chair to take a rest and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Like I was saying, Brian I am ready for you and you little catch phrases and your stupid little remarks that I know you will dream about. I know you now Brian, I know that you can beat and I am the one that is going to beat you. I tell you now I can't be beat and I will not let and little shznit like you tell me different, I have to every fed and put it on it's head and after I am done beating you, you will realize that I am here to make a statement in the MCW, I am marked for greatness, while you are in the early years of early retirement and after Saturday, you career will take a tremendous step in the direction of retirement as you will see THE MASTA reign supreme over you and the rest of the roster here in the MCW. Now, I need to get out of here.

(Masta Red sees a pitcher of water and pours some in a cup that he sees on the table. He looks at the cup to make sure that it is clean and pours the water into the cup and drink some. Then Masta falls to the floor as the door swings open and Dexter is standing there pissed.)

Dexter: GET HIM! Take him to meet the Prez.

(They pick up Masta Red and carry him to the end of the hall and open a door and drop him in a chair. They pour some water on him and he wakes up. He looks around as sees President Dexter sitting there.)

Prez Dex: Masta, nice to meet you in person since the first time we have talked over the phone to get you into the MCW.

Masta Red Yeah, you look here asshole. (Slips out of conscious for a second, then slips back.) I don't appreciate your little kidnapping scheme you got here.

Prez Dex: But Masta, you are an important part to putting the MCW on the top of the e-fed world. That is what you are trying to do with aWa and that is what you are going to do here.

Masta Red Is that so?

Prez Dex: Yes and coming up at the pay per view on April 1, at the MCI Center you will be able to prove yourself againist, Brian Johnson in a crowbar match.

Masta Red Yeah, I can't wait.

Prez Dex: You don't seem too happy.

(Masta Red stands up and slams his hand on the table.)

Masta Red You think I would be happy about having to run away from all of these little biatches around here!

Prez Dex: No, not really.

Masta Red Of course not, so you send me home right now, or I am going to kick some body's ass.

Prez Dex: It is done.

(A bright light fills the camera and all of a sudden Masta Red is back on the corner, but is lying on the groudn, looking around like what happened. He gets up off the ground and looks around. He sees the ice cream. Dexter is in the front seat laughing.)

Dexter: That is an MCW EXPERIENCE!

(The van does a quick u-turn and hits a telephone pole. They get out of the car very heated at the driver.)

Masta Red Now that is a DUMB EXPERIENCE!

(Masta Red turns around and begins to walk in the other direction of the crash as the scence fades.)

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