
(A scene opens with Masta Red walking down the sidewalk in downtown Atlanta. Every person that sees him stops him and shakes his hands and congradulates him. He just shakes his head and continue to walk. He sees a group of men in black jump suits with "MCW" on the front of it. Masta Red stops and begins to run in the other direction. They begin to follow. Masta Red goes down a alley and see a large fence in the way. He quickly scales the fence and the men just sit there looking at him. He begins to laugh and begins to walk in the other direction when he sees Dexter sitting there with a club. A "SMACK" is heard and it is lights out.)

(45 minutes later.)

(Prez Dex is sitting in his chair smoking on a big fat Cuban cigar. He blows some smoke into Masta Red's face and Masta begin to flinch. Prez Dexter takes a big hit and blows a lot of smoke it to Masta Red face and Masta Red jumps up and looks around to see a large room with a 65 inch t.v. in the room, redwood floor, and Prez Dex sitting in his leather chair behind a large desk, laughing.)

Prez Dex: Masta Red good to see that you could make it, I am pleased to see that you are still here in the MCW and haven't stuck your finger in your ass and took off outta of this federation.

(Masta Red looks over a Prez Dex and grabs him, Dexter comes from behind Masta Red and hits him in the ribs and Masta Red quickly lays Dexter out with a punch straight to the face as Prez Dex grabs a tazer and tazes Masta Red back into the chair. Masta Red slams into the chair as Prez Dex, unwrinkles his Armani suit and puts the tazer on the desk.)

Prez Dex: Like I was saying, I wasn't suprised to see you came out gun blazing for your match with Brian Johnson, that boy, just doesn't seem to want to be the athelete that he can be, so it is nice to see someone that is going to take everything into his own hands and that man happens to be you, (takes a puff of the cigar.) I see a bright future for you here in MCW and now you have to make everything on your own from now on, Masta, I have gave your you chance to impress me and you have, now you have to get into this fed with out my assistance.

(Masta Red pops his neck and tries to regain his compusure as he looks over at Dexter on the floor. He looks up at Prez Dex and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Now, I am sure you think that you have done me some kinda of favor or something, but to tell you the truth, I am doing a favor for you. I came here for you to make the MCW an elite federation not to be harassed by your little goons around here like Dexter. Now, I am getting tired of these assholes, fording around with me. So either you get them off my ass or I am going to bust your ass.

(Prez Dex takes another puff off the cigar and blows a O into air and he starts to chuckle.)

Prez Dex: Masta, I am doing this for your own well being, if you don't want my assistance that is not my problem. I am protecting your from people that are trying to knock you out, lets take a look at this tape shall we.

(Prez Dex opens a drawer, then grabs a videotape and goes over to the t.v. and puts the tape into the VCR. Then walks back over to his chair and grabs the remote.)

Prez Dex: Watch and learn.

(Prez Dex hits play on the remote and the t.v. fades into Masta Red walking down the sidewalk like he was before he came here.)

Prez Dex: You see that man right there?

(Masta Red looks over a the t.v. and sees a man with a bat with the words "Masta Red" on it coming up behind him. Then the MCW guys come out from behind the building and the man ducks behind a car as Masta Red takes off running.)


(Prez Dex turns off the t.v.)

Prez Dex: Now if I was you, I would keep thank my lucky stars for what I am doing for you, you are my perfect ascet in my book and if I lose you that will not be good. So I am doing this as means of protection, so go with the plans or it will not be good for you. Have a nice day.

(Masta Red gets up and shakes his head cause he is very confused on why someone would want to take him out. He walks out of the door as sees that he is in the middle of the forest again. He begins to walk down that same dirt path as he goes towards the street. The gate ahead of him opens before he gets to it and he goes to the road as the gate slams shut. Masta Red begins to walk down the side of the road trying to get someone to pick him up but they are going to fast to see him. He begins to talk as he continues walking.)

Masta Red Well it is a was a hard fought battle yet, I came out the victor like I knew I would againist Brian Johnson, it looks to me that his mind is occupied in other things such as why did fat ass Heavy P, cause him to lose his match, but that isn't the problem that is on my mind right now, you see Brian was the number 4 contender for the Global Title, so that has already shot me to the top of this federation almost. Now I will continue on my path of destruction on Turmoil this Wednesday when I become the International Champion of the MCW, now there is some characters here in this match that I see as "zeros" and there is a good wrestler in there other than me, so let's get to that man shall we.

(Masta Red continues to try and get a rid yet every car just keeps passing him by very quickly.)

Masta Red And that happens to be a friend of mine, Sharpe Fantasmo, now Sharpe I am very aware that you are a pretty damn good wrestler, but I just want to make you aware of one thing and that is that I am going out for blood this Wednesday. You will just be a little factor in the up and coming match for the International Title, I am kinda looking forward to seeing you come to the ring and face me, to see if you are almost as good as me, I am pretty sure you pretty are, but I have the drive and the experience to make me come out on top, I have already bet the Brian Johnson, the man that is 3rd for the Global Title and now I am going to beat you and 2 other pansies asses come Wednesday and claim the International Title for myself as I will be the first and ONLY International champion in this federation. Sharpe you are a great wrestler, with good talents and skills, but there is no chance for you here. I doubt if you will even last 5 minutes and in 4 I will already be done beating the hell outta the rest of these pansies in the match. No love lost right?

(A car pulls up behind Masta Red and slows down and begins to coast right beside him. Masta Red looks over and sticks his thumb in the window. The driver laughs and tells Masta Red to get in. Masta Red slides in.)

Man: Where ya going to?

Masta Red Salt Lake City, Utah, or somewhere close to that. Just kidding man, I am going back to Atlanta.

Man: Good me to. Let's get there in a hurry.

Masta Red Yeah, okay onto other people and that other person is a former champion here in MCW, WaR CrYmE. Now I am sure that you plan to redeem yourself for losing your United Grandslam Title to Tommy Tukuma by beating us in this Four way right? I am sorry that is a incorrect answer, you didn't get pass the first question. You lost to Tommy, very bad and if I was you more than my pride would be hurting, also my ass cause he kicked it pretty bad, it was hilarious when I was watching that back there on the monitor. I am sure that you are furious and can't believe ya lost and you are going to take out all of you anger, pain, and any other thing you can conjure up to take it out on us, but you come to me, with your little temptor tantrum, I will make sure that you punishment will be on that you will not forget soon. I don't know much about you, nor do I care to know more about you cause you are just another face that is going to get smashed when you step into the ring with THE MASTA!!!!!!

Man: Why ya talking to that camera son? You loony of something?

Masta Red No sir. I am a professional wrestler and this is my interview that I am sending out for my match coming up this Wednesday.

Man: So this is going out on t.v.? Cool, I want to say I love my Mom! I LOVE YOU!

(Masta Red laughs a little then puts the camera back on him as the man continues to speed around the curves of the road as they contine to go to the ATL.)

Masta Red Last and definitely least is Shawn Aimsley a new comer almost like me in the MCW, actually he is newer than me so, he isn't like me in any aspects at all. One this guy is a little queer that by some miracle got into a federation where I am. And that is a miracle by itself, second he name has just actually came out of my mouth cause he is going to be in the ring facing me, are you kinding, me this guy isn't worth me pissing on his forehead. I hope he comes with his bodybag in had cause I am sending his ass back to his mamma in Trailerville, Alabama, in that bodybag he came with. I can already smell the breastmilk on this boy's breath, he thinks that he is going to play in a man's game, he thinks that he has a 1 in a million chance at ever beating The MASTA? Well you don't son and I am going to take you out first then deal with the rest of the wrestlers here in this match and claim the International Title for myself and hold my first title here in the MCW. So once Shawn Aimsley whips the milk off his mustache and climbs into the ring, he will be taught a lesson that no little peice of shznit can ever compare to me.

(A sign on the side of the street says "Atlanta City Limit". Masta Red reaches into his pocket so he can pay the man but his wallet falls in the back seat and he reaches in the back to grab his wallet, but he sees a large wood bat on there with the words "Masta Red" on it. Masta Red looks over at the man and looks rather scared.)

Masta Red Umm.. You can stop the car right here man.

Man: We have just got into Atlanta, we need to "hit" the main streets.

Masta Red Naw, that isn't necessary, so pull over and I will walk from here.

Man: NO!

(Masta Red looks over a the man and laughs as Masta Red steps on the man's foot and turns the car over to the shoulder. The man get out of the car rather heated and opens the back door and grabs the bat as Masta Red climbs out.)

Masta Red Now slow down man.

(The man swings the bat and barely misses knocking Masta Red's head off his shoulders. Masta Red gives the man and swift punch in the gut and he folds over and throws the bat at Masta Red. Masta Red catches it and hits the man in the back of the kneecap. He reachers into his pocket and grabs the man's key and get back in the car and speeds off.)

Masta Red There is no hope for you guys tomorrow, I can't wait until, the smoke clears, the dust settles and I will be the only one in the ring getting his hand raised and named the NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION OF MCW, you can bet on that one boys.

(The scene fades as Masta Red continues to speed down the road going to Atlanta.)

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