[I got the International Title now I am going after more,"Gold and Glory"!]


[A scene opens with Masta Red sitting down in the Von Braun Civic Center watching the Tennessee Valley Vipers take on some other team. Masta Red tells the camera to look around and it shows that he place it completely packed with people. Masta Red is sitting next to someman, the man looks up and it is Dra\/en and old friend from years back. Masta Red looks at the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Yeah, boys, this is the Tennessee Valley Vipers second game, this boys are the shznit around here, I hope they actually win this game.

Dra\/en: Yeah me too, they seem to look fairly well since the last tape that we saw last week from the game.

Masta Red Oh yeah! I a almost forgot something.

(Masta Red reaches into a bag by his feet and pulls out a shining gold belt that has "International Title" on it. Masta Red puts it in his lap and continues to talk.)

Masta Red Looky here I got my first title in my return to the sport of wrestling that is a real honor considering I have been here only about 3 weeks. There seems to be some haters out here in this federation trying to say I didn't deserve this shot or something, hell I am sure that you didn't even deserve to be mentioning my name, so once you actually get up the nerve to challenge me for my title, I will take you on in my match, my stipulations and I know the perfect place, so you keep on running off at the mouth and I will fat your lip and shut you up real good, ya heard.

Dra\/en: Yeah, I say congrats to ya Masta Red, but there is one thing that we will have to deal with and that is the MCW Tag Title Tourny. I mean we are going up againist Papi Chulo, the former MCW Global Champion and 8-Ball on helluva wrestler that deserves some title shot of some sort. So we really need to prepare for them Masta.

Masta Red That is true, but hold on the game is about to start.

("Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock blares over the speakers and fireworks erupt off the field into the air as the Vipers come out onto the field and begin to get everyone in the areana up on their feet. Masta Red and Dra\/en stand up clapping as the team runs around the field. They go to the bench and the other team comes up getting tremendous boos from the fans in the arena. Masta Red and Dra\/en sit down and they begin to talk.)

Dra\/en: Hey, I hope this game is good.

Masta Red Me too.

(A man comes to the middle of the field and begins to talk.)

Man: Welcome to the first home game for the Tennessee Vally Vipers.

(The crowd cheers.)

Man: Yeah this game is going to be very exciting. We have alot of guest here today, our Mayor Loretta Spencer and a very special person in the man that owns a huge house in Huntsville, Masta Red, the MCW Internationl Champion.

(The crowd gives Masta Red a tremendous pop and he stands up holding the International Title high over his head.)

Man: That's right lets get this game on the way.

(The man runs off the field and both teams come on the field. The Vipers kick the ball off and it hits high off the net and right about the same time the man catches the ball he gets leveled on the 1 yard line. The camera goes back over to Masta Red and Dra\/en.)

Dra\/en: Since I am the newest member here in MCW, I plan to make a statement here with probably one of the best wrestlers here in the MCW, Masta Red, I have seen both of these people in Papi and 8-Ball get into the ring and battle with the best of them, but I really never have seen what was so special about either one of them. Papi, is really a great competitor, I mean he was the MCW Global Champion. That was to count for something right? Well maybe it doesn't but that isn't the matter here, you see he might be good in the singles ranks but does he have what it takes to be me and The Masta together in a tag team match? umm.. no, so I guess that is why he choose 8-Ball and man he he must thought actually is the a notch quality wrestler that will match up with him perfectly and that you two will just run over all the opposition in the Tag Team Tourny right? Well it is time to prove you two pansies wrong cause you will not and I can assure you, will not get past me and Masta Red.

Masta Red That's right, just like the man said, I look over and see Papi, the former MCW Global Champion and 8-Ball one helluba of wrestler that should be considered one of the better wrestlers here in the wrestling business againist possibly the best damn duo in the business right now in me and Dra\/en, yet Papi thinks that you two are actually going to run over us. The best two wrestlers that have ever came into this business together, you are sadly mistaken there son. There is about as good of chance of you and 8-Ball getting laid once in awhile. So don't expect this to be a cakewalk cause it won't be one son not in a long shot. I am a man of dignitiy and respect here in the MCW I have already staked my claim and I am sure that you 2 have also staked your clain, but to tell you the truth, you two are just an past fade that has died out like the macrena. There isn't a place left here for the you two aging wonders except the low to middle mid carder status, that is sure to come your way after we just blast you two completely out of the water and out of this federation.

(The crowd cheers as the Vipers score their first touchdown of the game and they start to do the wave and fireworks erupt from the fieldgoal post as the fieldgoal is good.)

Masta Red Hey they are going to run away with this game in a couple of minutes if the other team doesn't stand a chance in hell at beating the Vipers. This is what it will surely look like look this Sunday as me and Dra\/ will go on to destroy Papi and 8-Ball in the ring a total DEBACLE is what it will be when you cross us in the ring together.

Dra\/en: I can't wait to get into my first MCW event and claim my first win in the tag team ranks so we can get what we surley deserve the MCW Gold and Glory Tag Team Championship Belts.

Masta Red By the way Dra\/, where in the hell have you been?

Dra\/en: Man I have been on the shelf with multiple injuries to worry about, I severely sprained the ankle and alot of other stuff happened to me, but I am back at 105% and I am surely ready for those two morons.

Masta Red What made you come to the MCW, I know it wasn't because of me again was it? Come on Dra\/.

Dra\/en: Only a little of you this time, I saw the potential backed in this fed, I mean if you can win the International Title, any wrestler could win one.

Masta Red But I am not an ordinary wrestler here my son.

Dra\/en: I understand that, but once I saw you in the International Title match it inspired me to come to the MCW in search for GOLD! (whispers to self.) Yeah right.

Masta Red What was that?

Dra\/en: Nothing.

Masta Red Damn, they are running away with this game they just scored another touchdown and only 8 minutes have passed and the score is 49 to 0, let's get outta here.

Dra\/en: Sure, Papi and Chulo, we are ready for the both of you, we were just sitting back waiting for you to give us something to feed off of, but looks to me, that you didn't give us that much to feed off of at all.

Masta Red You boys ain't ready yet!

(Masta Red and Dra\/en get up and walks up the stairs out of the arena in to the halls as the scene fades.)

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