[*SNIFF, SNIFF* I smell rematch!]


(A scene opens with a shoot of a man about to jump off the top of a building. A door is kicked open behind him and smoke pours out of the door as Masta Red and Dra\/en come. Masta Red is holding his International and Tag Team Title while Dra\/en is holding his tag team title. They look at the man trying not to get him to jump off the building.)

Masta Red Dude! Don't jump off the building the fire was put out there is no use to jump off the building.

Dra\/en: Yeah it was only a little spark on the top floor and we put it out.

Man: (Crying.) I don't believe you! I can't take this anymore! IT WAS A SIGN FOR ME TO TAKE MY OWN LIFE!

Masta Red Look man do not jump. Think about the kids man, the kids.

Man: (Crying.) I ain't got any kids man. I hate my life.

Dra\/en: Good job Masta. Look man, think about this, you are a very important person and NOOOOO........

(The man jumps off the side of the building and hits the flag pole only about 3 feet under him. He holds onto the flagpole for dear life screaming his head off.)

Man: HELP! I don't want to die! HELP ME PLEASE!!!

Masta Red Dra\/, give me your belt, we have to pull him up.

Dra\/en: My tag team belt? Are your crazy? (Holds the championship belt close to him.)

Masta Red NO! Not that belt the belt on your pants.

Dra\/en: OH!


(Dra\/en takes off his belt and hands it to Masta Red. Masta Red takes off his belt and ties the belts together and it reaches down to the man.)

Masta Red Help me pull him up.

(The man grabs a hold on the belt and Masta Red and Dra\/en begin to pull him up back on the building. They give a mighty yank and pull the man right back up on the building. The man looks almost shell-shocked as the police kick the door open and cuff the man.)

Policeman: Good job fellas. He is a raging lunatic. This is his fifth attempt this week. I mean you two are some pretty good negotiator, I would if you two would like to become police officers.

Masta Red Naw..

Dra\/en: YES! Maybe for the day!

Masta Red HUH?

Dra\/en: We will do it.

(The policeman gets a twinkle in his eyes and they go back into the building and begin to walk down the stairs. They walk all the way out of the building and the policeman throws the man in the squad car.)

Policeman: So you want to be officer's today right. Hold on a sec.

(The policeman opens the front door and opens the glove department and pulls out two metal badges and gives them to Masta Red and Dra\/en.)

Policeman: Okay these badges make you deputys for the day. I am assigning you two to street partrol. I am going to book this guy, I will catch you two later on in the day. Bye.

(The policeman drives off and Dra\/en is holding the badge like it is a peice of gold. Masta Red looks over at Dra\/en as he seems to go in a trance.)

Masta Red Dra\/en, Dra\/en, wake your loony ass up, why did you want to do this crap?

Dra\/en: huh? Oh, this is my lifetime dream, Red, to become a police officer.

Masta Red Man we have better things to worry about, cause 8-Ball got out of the pen and he is coming after us with his little pansy partner in Papi Chulo. Man we beat his ass yesterday man, I mean he is a former Global Champion, no wonder he lost it to JT $weet. Well since we have this pansy badges, I guess we might as well start patrolling the streets.

(The "CHiPs Theme" begins to play out of a Radio shack up the street alittle. Dra\/en pulls out some silver tinted glass and begins to walk the streets with his head up in the air. Masta Red runs into the Radio Shack and unplugs the t.v. and looks up at the camera and begins to talk.)

Masta Red Well since we have this little punk ass wannabe brotha running around here running off at the mouth about how tough he is, how he is undefeated, he should be the MCW Global Champion and how Papi got screwed and me and Dra\/en took the easy way out? Man are you sick in the head. Let me fill you in on something here 8-Ball, "Tha Icon", you my son ain't nothing in my eyes, but another brother tryin' to be like the Masta, you claim that I want to be like you and all of this stuff, you see these son? (holds his tag team title up to the camera.) This is what you want son, but you know what? You ain't going to get it, cause you are not even worth my time or my effort of giving you and your little stupid partner over there a rematch, but I am sure that the MCW Championship Committee will grant your request cause you are a marked man, out for murder in all 50 of our states, so I am sure that you will get what you want, but when you get into the ring me and Dra\/en are going to do you the same way that we did Papi Chulo, only this time the both of your will be getting the ass kicking that you deserve. 8-Ball talk all the noise ya want, it will not matter, you can cry for this and that, but I don't think you deserve a shot at the Anarchy Title. And you think that you are going to beat me and Dra\/en, The Dream Team, for the tag titles, man you better stay off that weed, cause your brain cells are dying quicker than you think. Dra\/, where in the hell did you go.

(Masta Red begins to look around for Dra\/en and sees him having two girl up againist the wall with their hands up in the air and their legs spreaded apart. Masta Red quickly runs over to Dra\/en to see what in the hell he is doing.)

Masta Red WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Go on ladies.

Dra\/en: WHAT?

(The girls leave with a rather digusted look on there face.)

Masta Red What are you doing?

Dra\/en: They didn't respect my authority.

Masta Red Man shut up and come on we have stuff to do, like stop the real criminals and not harass innocent people.

Dra\/en: Well since we are the newly crowned Gold and Glory Champions of MCW, we already have pathetic peices of shznit after us. 8-Ball and poor, poor Papi Chulo want a rematch cause he felt that he got screwed, ohhh so sad. Well you will get your little rematch and when you get it, the results will be the same, with The Dream Team being the MCW Gold and Glory Tag Team Champions. 8-Ball, the titles are right here in my and Red's hands if you want them, just bring your ass to the ring with Chulo and once again we will reign supreme over you two for the second time, then we will go onto bigger and better things here in MCW, me going after the title of my choice and watching Masta Red rack up the wins here with the two titles that he has. Things will change for the better as the Dream Team will start off destroying each and everyone of the opponents here in the MCW, there will be no remorse, for these pitiful wrestlers here.

Masta Red Damn, straight Dra\/. But there are other things that need to be address such as Prez Dexter himself.

(Suddenly a man with a wooden baseball bat comes crashed through a window out of a store on the side of Masta Red and Dra\/en, the guy charges right at Masta Red and swings the bat, Masta Red ducks and he smashes the car behind Masta Red windshield. Then Dra\/en quickly grabs the man and slams him to the concrete. He pulls out some handcuffs and places them on the man and sits him up on the side of the wall.)

Masta Red Dra\/en, where did you get those handcuffs?

Dra\/en: umm, I'll tell you later. Okay, punk why are your trying to attack Masta Red?


Dra\/en: F*CK ME? ummm. No. Okay, easier question, who sent you.

Dude: The last man on the earth that you suspect.


Dude: Man, how did you know?

Masta Red Prez Dex, you are a marked man right now in my eyes, I am sure that you want to try to slow me down now, by causing me my one and only lost here in MCW, in the screwjob heard around the world. Now I have cut everything down to you are the one, trying to get me, well son, if ya want some, come get some. But you should be worried about your bad ass health Dexter, cause you ain't ready for this right here. I know you are going to try and get the International Title and the Gold and Glory Titles out of my grasp, but I don't think it will be happening anytime soon partner. You may want your little empire to grow, but that will not start by you going after me, trying to limit my time to shine. I got half of the titles here in MCW and you are going to be the one praising me very soon, VERY SOON!

Dude: I mean who are you two? Turner and Hooch? haha, I am going to get you guys in court for impersonating police officers.

Dra\/en: SHUT UP! For I kick ya in the mouth.

Dude: Ohh scary. Hey Masta, Dexter got something for you, I can't wait until he comes for you?

Masta Red Who is he?

Dude: DEEZZ NUTS!! HAHA, you jackass you think I would tell you who he was, you are a very dumb person.

Masta Red Okay, we need to get that policeman back over here, before I kill this idiot over here.

Dra\/en: Yeah right away.

(Dra\/en reaches into his pocket and pulls out a two way radio. Masta Red looks over at him, like what the hell is going on.)


Dra\/en: Don't worry about it.

Masta Red Okay I am outta here. 8-Ball, Papi Chulo, and any other tag teams out there, who ever wants some, the Dream Team is waiting on ya, any day of the week, twice on Sunday, we are game for kicking your ass. 8-Ball and Chulo, I hope you get your rematch, but that will not matter one bit cause you two will NEVER stand a chance againist, THE DREAM TEAM!

(The scene fades as Dra\/en is calling to the police office on his two-way radio.)

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