[Man not you two guys again. Don't you understand? We can't be beat!]


(A scene opens with a man in a Gorilla suit and another man in a chicken suit are standing on the corner in downtown Atlanta. They are handing out flyers to come to the next MCW card. All of the people they stop look at them and laugh alittle as the Gorilla has a Masta Red t-shirt on and the chicken has a Dra\/en t-shirt on. They begin to talk.)

Gorilla: COME TO MCW TURMOIL! IT IS THE BEST SHOW ON THE PLANET. (whispers) I can't believe I am doing this shznit.

Chicken: COME WATCH THE DREAM TEAM KILL PAPI CHULO FOR THE SECOND TIME AND EXTEND THEIR REIGN AS THE GOLD AND GLORY TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! (whispers) Shut up! You made me do it, I told you never to listen to Prez Dexter.

Gorilla: (whispers) But he said if I didn't do it, I would be fired and that can't happen I got children to feed.

Chicken: (whispers) Aren't you employed by aWa? I mean you are getting like $2 mill a year there.

Gorilla: Hell all of that goes to taxes, my mom, my little girl, and other family members. Then I have to pay my agent, and my personal bodyguards. Why do you think I wrestle in two federations you dumb ass.

Chicken: I am dumb huh?

(The chicken reaches over and punches the gorilla in the face sending the head spinning around backwards.)

Gorilla: CRAP! Why did you do that now I can't see. I bet people say this is how 8-Ball looks. Like a gorilla with his head on backwards.

Chicken: Man that is cruel, it really is.

Gorilla: Shut up. It's true hell. Man let's get out of here, I have places to go. Pass the rest of your flyers out and help me turn my head around.

(The chicken gives all of this flyers to some old man that he sees walking.)

Chicken: Hey pops pass these out for me.

(The old man looks over at the chicken as the chicken goes over to the gorilla and fixes it's head on straight.)

Gorilla: Tight. Let's go. What did you do with those flyers?

Chicken: Oh I gave them to some nice man I saw.

Gorilla: Cool. Let's get back to the costume place where we got these hot ass outfits.

(The chicken and the gorilla begin to walk down the street looking for the costume store.)

Chicken: You now what Masta. There are alway those little haters out there that just don't know what in the f*ck they are talking about.

Gorilla: Whoa Dra\/! I need to take you back to Canada to calm you down.

Chicken: Man what are you talking about? I am here in the dirty, dirty south, you gotta act hard down here.

Gorilla: Man shut up. I don't go around fussing and cussing all the time and I have been living here forever.

Chicken: Whatever my n*gga.


Chicken: N*gga, like my n*gga.

Gorilla: Man, you had better shut the hell up before I beat the hell outta you and that chicken suit.

Chicken: Fine, fine but you talk like that with all of you black friends.. Speaking of beating he hell out of someone, remember how we beat up Papi Chulo to get the Gold and Glory Titles?

Gorilla: Of course. It was one of the biggest accomplishments that we have had in a long time together. Ever since the old 4WL days.

Chicken: I know, but what in the hell made Papi Chulo think that he could beat us. I mean we nearly killed that little punk.

Gorilla: But we have to remember his gang banger partner, 8-Ball, wasn't there. I mean like it would have mattered.

Chicken: I know. But now the two of them have team'd up again and they are going to take us on for the titles that they say that rightfully deserve. I mean how do you two deserve anything but the ass kicking that those two dildo suckers deserve. I look at 8-Ball as a tough competitor, with a helluva lot championship drive in him. But I really don't think that he really wants to get into the ring with me and The Masta.

Gorilla: The chicken and The Masta, that has a nice ring to it.

Chicken: Shut up. Look here is the costume place. Let's return these suits.

(23 minutes later.)

(Masta Red and Dra\/en comes walking out of the store whiping the sweat off their foreheads.)

Dra\/en: Whew, it felt good to get out of that chicken suit, so I can show Papi and 8-Ball how I really feel by the look on my face.

Masta Red Yeah all they could tell was that stupid grin that chicken had. HAHA!

Dra\/en: I am about to slap you. Well to continue 8-Ball I think what it is, is that you can't operate without being in the shadow of Papi Chulo, I mean what are the probablilities that someone like you will ever, EVER, be on the level of the Masta and me with someone other no name tag team parnter. I look at you and see nothing at all, but a black man with a big mouth and no talent at all. But when I look at Masta Red.

(Masta Red looks up over at Dra\/en.)

Dra\/en: I see a black man that has done something with himself in MCW instead of making empty threats and stupid challgnes that the worst wrestler on the roster, example Brandon Kearse, wouldn't even accept. But you think now that you and Papi are going to beat the Dream Team, cause you were the former champions, cause you are "Tha Icon" and cause Papi has won the Global time once. Well, I will let you in on a secret here Ball, I don't see it happening son, you aren't worth climbing into the ring facing us, for OUR titles. You should be off facing MD 69 or something, cause they are more in your league that we are. I can't wait unitl Turmoil, when I get my hands around your ugly ass and smash you into the ring mat via 3D.

Masta Red DAMN, someone has lite a fire in your ass today. Well to continue on the ever going saga, Papi, I am sure that you are not up to par, today, after that ass kicking you took the other week by me and Dra\/, so you will no be someone that catches my eye, even though if you were are 110% it won't matter if you showed up or not. Papi, I ask myself one question every day, how in the hell did you ever become the Global Champion, what did you do suck up so much that Prez Dexter couldn't stop nutting? I mean I just don't see ANY kinda of talent in that pitiful physique of yours. Papi, you must have already hit your prime in MCW, I mean you have been here since the beginning and you are a just another wrestler now since you have lost your Global Title to J.T. $weet. You shouldn't even be allowed to look at me now, I have no respect for you, even though you are the former Global Champion and Gold and Glory Champion. You see I have just realized something that I have to be the FIRST person here in MCW with two championship belts. And you actually think that you have a chance in hell at beating me? You are a damn ass man Papi I tell you that. Now onto your tag team partner 8-Ball. Now unlike my friend the chicken here.

Dra\/en: SCREW YA MASTA! You damn oversized monkey!

Masta Red Just playing with ya. I do have some respect fo you 8-Ball, I mean you have laid out the blue prints for the african american atheletes like me. I mean I have tons of respect for ya and stuff. But what I don't like about you is that, you demand a Global Title shot, when you are not even about me in ranking I mean I am 2 and what are you? Not applicable? I think so. But I don't care about the Global Title right now, that is something that will come to me in due time. But you what I am worried about is my Gold and Glory Tag Team Title. Now you want to take from me and Dra\/en what he worked our asses off for. The titles the took us a whole 4 minutes to get. And you actually think that that is going to happen. Well it will be a huge slap when reality hits you son. Cause it ain't going to happen. 8-Ball, you are yester year news, I have other things to think about.

(Masta Red and Dra\/en look up the street and see Prez Dexter at a meter putting some money in it for parking. Masta Red runs up behind him and picks him up in the air and sets him up againist his BMW.)

Masta Red Dexter, nice to meet you, how are you doing today?

Prez Dex: I don't want any trouble fellas, I didn't mean to do that to you. I really didn't think you would do it.

Dra\/en: Yeah I bet you did, you slimy old geezer.

Masta Red I don't care about that. I am here to DEMAND better competition for the Gold and Glory Tag Team Titles. I mean I want the best ya got, West Hollywood Blondes, the BS Boyz, all of the tag team you can dig out of your ass. Bring em all on.

Prez Dex: I don't know fellas, you might not want any of the other tag teams in here. I am tiring to let you have that title for as long as you can.

Dra\/en: WHAT THE HELL? We will beat all of your little tag teams in here, bring them all on, setting up one after another. Run the guanlet, half of thest guys, shouldn't even be a tag team here. We are the only real tag team here in MCW.

Prez Dex: Okay I will put you up againist someone soon I promise. But Masta Red you haven't defended that International Title lately.

Masta Red So what? That is your fault. You are the one that put me up againist the no bodies of these federation. Get some real competition in here then I will defend it.

Prez Dex: Oh I got someone for you, you just wait and could you put me down.

(Masta Red drops Prez Dexter to the ground.)

Masta Red Look Dexter, we have made our demands. Give us some real tag team action and not this half ass tag teams like 8-Ball and Papi Chulo, that should be in the basement somewhere learning how to wrestle before they can compete with us, ya heard.

Prez Dex: Yes I hear you. Now leave me alone.

(Prez Dex runs in the a wig boutique and Masta Red and Dra\/en look over like what in the hell is going on with him. They continue to walk down the street as the camera fades.)

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